Recent content by PineShavings

  1. PineShavings

    What to do?

    They won't necessarily kill the little ones. There will definitely will be some pecking to show who is boss. Maybe a fence to keep them separate, but will still allow them to see each other to get used to one another could help.
  2. PineShavings

    Egg Cartons

    Feed stores commonly have egg cartons. I think they're like 50 cents or so each.
  3. PineShavings

    hens haven't laid in months

    Yeah, what BarredBuff said + Could they be laying eggs in a "secret location" that you don't know about? In the morning when I go to feed my chickens I do a head count to make sure all of them are there. A couple weeks ago I saw that one was missing so I was looking around but couldn't find her...
  4. PineShavings

    New pics from my Thanksgiving hatch

    Wonderful, they look happy and healthy!
  5. PineShavings

    Tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day in 15 years! Will my chicks survive?

    Brrr.. 40 below zero and not counting wind chill. A good chance that they will freeze. I have adult birds that are fully feathered that have a hard time when it's in the teens so they just huddle underneath the shed where it's a little warmer. I would keep them in.
  6. PineShavings

    making a flock block treat for the first time.

    Looks tasty, I've been thinking about making one of these for awhile now. Would be interesting to make one with bugs like mealworms, grasshoppers in the summer etc.
  7. PineShavings

    Orpington Breeds?

    Yeah, Orphingtons are usually docile regardless of type. Buff just happens to be the most common kind. I too am looking for different kinds of orphingtons, right now just got the Buffs, Lavenders/Blue look really pretty.
  8. PineShavings

    poll: how do you like to increase your flock?

    I usually get my chicks buy ordering them online. Also, I try to make time to go to the flea market once a month, lots and lots of birds and livestock there to choose from!
  9. PineShavings

    Hen sleeping in egg box

    Speaking from experience, it could be from this hen is often bullied so it won't get enough food leading it to be "puny" in your words. Also, when I was making a new coop for about 10 of my chickens, I placed them in a temporary coop where they were constantly fighting for the best spot to roost...
  10. PineShavings

    Found our first egg today!!!

    Hard to say unless you crack it open and find a "small white circle" on the yolk, that means your egg is fertilized.
  11. PineShavings

    HELP! need companions for lone baby chick

    Usually, the hatcheries will refund or send replacement chicks. The ones I've ordered from are really good at that. You can do the mirror trick or go to a Feed store and see if they have any. Right now there's chicks being sold for 2-4$ at my feed store.
  12. PineShavings

    Possibly Fertile Eggs

    None whatsoever... But I remember one of my father's friends when I was little saying if you eat fertile eggs raw they're good for you, but I think he was a little crazy though;)
  13. PineShavings

    so what are these chicks? I'm guessing some type of dinosaur

    I have Black Sex Links that are 2-3 weeks old that look very very similar to those black ones, but they're combs are smaller so I'll agree with the others that they are Barred Rocks.
  14. PineShavings

    Are White Rock chicks prone to being pecked at?

    Thanks for the responses, right now I give them the Purina medicated feed which comes in the red bag with the baby chick on the front. Will give the red bulbs a shot since I need to go into town to get some more bags of feed anyways. The idea with the beef broth sounds interesting, might give...
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