Recent content by raspberrywaffle

  1. raspberrywaffle

    How to keep the ground clean?!

    I have a couple of ducks in my backyard. I live in the city. I have a small backyard. Their fenced in area (which used to be my vegetable garden) is just a layer of matted duck poop. Is their anything I can put down on the ground that would make it possible to clean once in a while? And if there...
  2. raspberrywaffle

    shivering ducks

    Does anyone ACTUALLY know what the shivering/buzzing means? Mine do it all the time and I would like to know if it's a happy or mad thing. I can't find any info about it anywhere! Can someone list sources if they find an answer? Thank you!
  3. raspberrywaffle

    My ducks don't like being outside!

    My two ducks are 6 weeks old. They have been living inside their entire lives, but I have taken them outside to play, swim, forage, etc... They are very familiar with outside. For the past week, they do NOT want to be outside without a human. They sit at the door and "quack" until I bring them...
  4. raspberrywaffle

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Hey everyone. I'm new to this website, but it seems like the place to be if you have ducks. ;) Can anyone tell me when I can buy diapers for my two Pekins? They are 6 weeks old and DEFINITELY need diapers.
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