Pekin Duck Club!



These are my ducks. The bigger one is custard and the smaller one with grey patches is creme. I didn't think they would be able to fly off. :p

They're cute, I love their names!
It looks like a pekin to me and a very pretty one at that. When you pick it up does it make a loud quacking noise or it a low rasping noise? Quack is a girl and raspy is a boy.
I always refer to him as a boy, but lately he really doesnt quack at all and when he does its very low and raspy not as loud as when he was a baby.
It looks like a pekin to me and a very pretty one at that.  When you pick it up does it make a loud quacking noise or it a low rasping noise?  Quack is a girl and raspy is a boy.
It looks like a pekin to me and a very pretty one at that.  When you pick it up does it make a loud quacking noise or it a low rasping noise?  Quack is a girl and raspy is a boy.

I always refer to him as a boy, but lately he really doesnt quack at all and when he does its very low and raspy not as loud as when he was a baby.
I always refer to him as a boy, but lately he really doesnt quack at all and when he does its very low and raspy not as loud as when he was a baby.
By 3 months of age he/she should have a "drake" feather (the curled feather above the tail). Looks large for a Pekin, maybe a jumbo Pekin? I have one, she is quite a bit larger then my "regular" Pekin.

Good Luck!
Pekings fly under water i think thats what the wings are for i have a big pond when startled or just for the fun of it they go underwater and in nothing flat they are at the other side of pond or the side then all of a sudden they just pop up back again sometimes you can see them flapping thier wings underwater of course i have 10 and some are better than the others
Hey everyone. I'm new to this website, but it seems like the place to be if you have ducks. ;) Can anyone tell me when I can buy diapers for my two Pekins? They are 6 weeks old and DEFINITELY need diapers.
Hey everyone. I'm new to this website, but it seems like the place to be if you have ducks.
Can anyone tell me when I can buy diapers for my two Pekins? They are 6 weeks old and DEFINITELY need diapers.
Glad to see you! Yes, this is the place if you have ducks! Can't help with the diapers, mine are outside. Thank goodness! I don't know how you handle all the mess! Mine were terrible, poop and water everywhere! But I LOVE them!! But now they are teens and outside with the adults!! Yea!!

Good luck!

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