Recent content by samantha1128

  1. samantha1128

    Coronation Sussex Thread!

    I have a beautiful coronation sussex roo. If I breed him with my blue fauvacaunas hens (which are both black), what colors would I get. Also would the chicks have issues hatching because the resulting cross is bigger then the hens? And I am assuming the eggs would be a green olive color ( the...
  2. samantha1128

    What are these rare breeds ? help please !!!

    She is single combed. What other chick would look like this from the rare breed collection?
  3. samantha1128

    What are these rare breeds ? help please !!!

    Ok. Another one! I am thinking Buff Chantecler?
  4. samantha1128

    What are these rare breeds ? help please !!!

    I am thinking buff brahma. Would that be right?
  5. samantha1128

    HELP - Yolk leaking out of chick!

    I think she will die. She hasn't eaten and I have been giving her water but she is just sleeping. Never seen this before. So sad because she is one I really wanted for my flock. ;(
  6. samantha1128

    What are these rare breeds ? help please !!!

    Ok! I need rare breed help! I got two of these chicks. Grey body, feathered legs and a chestnut colored head. What could these be? They are from rare breeds assortment at my pet chicken.
  7. samantha1128

    HELP - Yolk leaking out of chick!

    I just got baby chicks in yesterday. This morning I noticed one lethargic chick and sure enough it had pasty butt. So I cleaned her up but then noticed the yolk leaking out right underneath where she poops!!! I wiped it up and it was leaking out for a few minutes. I put neosporin on it and...
  8. samantha1128

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    Lovely! Ok. Good to know. Thank you
  9. samantha1128

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    I have a turkey that is just about the age to start laying. Just this week I noticed every time I walk up to her she sits down. I can pet her and she doesn't move. She has never done this before. She is still eating and looks fine. Could it be because she is getting close to laying and...
  10. samantha1128

    Looking for a Chicken Rescue in the Southwest

    I too am looking to re home some roosters. I am also in Gilbert!!!
  11. samantha1128

    Place in Arizona who take roosters?

    I have a lot of roosters that I would love to be rid of. There are a lot of wild chickens running around my neighborhood and many of them have decided they like my house. But I only have 12 hens and there are too many roosters which is causing them to lose a lot of their feathers, They are...
  12. samantha1128

    Help! My 5 month old Pullet is NQR.

    Anyone? She is letting me giver her water but not eating on her own. Her poop it tiny and white with a little green. She just keeps panting which is odd because she isn't over heated
  13. samantha1128

    Help! My 5 month old Pullet is NQR.

    I have a wheaten polish that is not acting right. She was acting disoriented today and I picked her up and she just doesn't look right. She normally would run from me. She isn't eating or drinking. When I got home from work today she was hiding in bushes panting with dirt on her beak. It...
  14. samantha1128

    Hen got bit by dog, will she bounce back?

    Good Idea! I will get her some mealworms. They shouldn't have parasites. I put DE in their sand bathing area! I picked her up and looked her over and I didn't see any movement. I just hope she isn't paralyzed on the right side. In hope whatever is causing the issue with heal up.
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