Recent content by ShockValue

  1. ShockValue

    One eyed chicken - Nipple Waterers

    Over the last week I've been trying to teach her to use the nipples. So far we've had no luck at all. Still can't hit the broad side of a barn. Last night I noticed her sitting and giving an unhappy peep. She was a bit lethargic and didn't attempt to get away when picking her up. I then...
  2. ShockValue

    One eyed chicken - Nipple Waterers

    So I've been successfully using the horizontal nipple waterers for a couple of years now and really enjoy them. Recently we purchased 15 chicks from the feed store and it took a few days for me to notice that one came home with us with only 1 eye. She seems healthy otherwise.. A little...
  3. ShockValue

    Leg problems? Chick doesn't like to stand -

    Well I just spent quite a bit of time going over him and can find nothing outwardly wrong. I notice he's a bit bare in some spots, but there are lots of pin feathers coming in. I would be tempted to say he's just uncomfortable but I have 2 others at the same age/feathering and they are not...
  4. ShockValue

    Leg problems? Chick doesn't like to stand -

    Forgot to mention that they are free range. 1+ acre of varied terrain they run around. Could be boredom I support, or just hot. We got up to 80 the last couple of days, which is unseasonably warm for Seattle.
  5. ShockValue

    Leg problems? Chick doesn't like to stand -

    HI all - We hatched out 4 chicks for the first time 7 weeks ago. 1 BCM, 2 Wheaten Ameraucana and an OE. They all seem to be doing well (eating, drinking, running around, avoiding the older chickens, etc..) One of the AMs though, seems to sit whenever she's not moving. She'll hang...
  6. ShockValue

    Out of Chick Feed

    One day of adult food would do no harm. My chicks steal the adult crumbles all the time. If you're talking about the size of the food, then you can wet it down and make mash.
  7. ShockValue

    10 week old chicks - how tame is tame?

    Chicks do seem to get a bit more skittish in their 'teenage' phase. Mine settled down quite a bit when they started to lay. I currently have 3 'adult' birds.. 1 will always allow me to pick her up.. The other 2 is a 50/50 chance if they decide to skitter off or allow me to grab them :)
  8. ShockValue

    Out of Chick Feed

    Do you have other chickens? You can use some of their feed. Or.. Just give them some healthy stuff if they are old enough and have some grit available... Fruits / veggies / yogurt / oatmeal, etc.. I wouldn't worry too much about it :)
  9. ShockValue

    5-6 week old chicks - overnight in coop question

    After watching our first mama hen lead our baby chicks around the yard I've become a lot less worried about heat. They were outside at 3 days in 50ish degree weather. They would snuggle with mom to get warm, but were out in the cool air quite a while. Mom was "done" with them at 4 weeks at...
  10. ShockValue

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi all! Been a while since I've posted. I currently have a couple of chicks due to hatch Friday to put under a broody hen. I would love to add a few more to the group at the same time if I can find someone who will have some babies hatching about the same time. Currently looking for -...
  11. ShockValue

    Gender - 5 weeks. (Wheaten Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans, OE)

    I looked at the Am's combs tonight. They both have a single prominent row in the center flanked by a smaller less prominent row on each side.
  12. ShockValue

    Gender - 5 weeks. (Wheaten Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans, OE)

    Well this is disappointing. This is our first time hatching chicks and it would have been nice to be able to keep at least ONE of them. Of course I'll wait long enough to be certain, but sheesh! I'd be OK keeping one of the AMs if it's a boy, but only if he's well mannered and shows no...
  13. ShockValue

    Gender - 5 weeks. (Wheaten Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans, OE)

    Hi Everyone! Our broody mamma who hatched these eggs has officially kicked the new chicks to the curb (so to speak). I'm curious what genders we have here: Wheaten Ameraucana #1. Slightly smaller than #2, but otherwise too identical at this point to tell them apart. I believe this...
  14. ShockValue

    Chicks with mama on floor - how long until they roost?

    So just to see what happened I took away their nest box from the floor that they've been in since they hatched. I went down just after dark, and this is what I discovered: Maybe hard to see - but from left to right there is an OE, BCM under mom, and 2 AMs splitting the space between mom...
  15. ShockValue

    Chicks with mama on floor - how long until they roost?

    Interesting idea taking the box away... I might have to try when I have a bit of time to watch and see what happens.
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