Recent content by tarr32

  1. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Looks like boys to me
  2. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Thank you. Where do you find predator tape?
  3. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    My daughter found one of our three five week old ducklings dead on the creek bed tonight. Petunia. A hawk had just flown away. Her head was pecked clean. The hawks never bother our chickens and I hadn't thought we would have trouble with the bigger ducklings. Do you let your ducks free range...
  4. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    I am assuming the darkest headed duckling is a male but not sure of the other two. They look different and one is whiter than the other. The ducklings are from Holderread and are supposed to be show quality.
  5. tarr32

    How often and how much should I feed ducklings 6 weeks and over?

    I am wondering the same thing. How do people manage older ducklings and ducks. Do they get free food access like chickens? I would like to keep the food and water out of their nighttime house.
  6. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Yeah! I was worried I got rid of all the girls by mistake.
  7. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    One of our three WH ducklings (4 weeks old) is making a bit of a honking sound. Does that typically turn to a hen's quack or a drake's no quack? Thx
  8. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Our WH swimmjng in the creek for the first time. We picked two hens and a drake to keep but couldn't sell all the rest from holderread. Still have 3 extra. Hoping to find homes soon.
  9. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Our WH ducklings arrived from Holderread today. They surprised me and arrived a day early! Yeah. So cute!
  10. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequins Arrived

    GrayRider- Were you right about the initial bill color/sexing?
  11. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Thanks! We have chickens but it seems I need to learn the differences. My kids are so excited!
  12. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    I just ordered my WH ducklings. Can't wait!
  13. tarr32

    Chicken coop for ducks?

    I just ordered my ducks and hope to have a trio of Welsh Harlequins. I am handy enough to assemble a duck house but not enough to all. All the options online are for chicken coops. Can anyone recommend a reasonable option that would work well for ducks? We have a large coop for our...
  14. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    Great idea duckygurl. Thanks!
  15. tarr32

    Welsh Harlequin

    I just started researching ducks and WH seem like the perfect breed for our family. I was hoping to get some ducklings ASAP, but really only want a trio. Having to get rid of the rest of a minimum shipment might be traumatic for my kids. I can't seem to find a local source (within driving...
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