Recent content by Wilebaum

  1. Wilebaum

    First chicks, what to get?

    Easter Eggers, generally have the combs for cold tolerance, colorful eggs for 4 year olds.
  2. Wilebaum

    Hen in box

    You can also move her to the roost in the dead of night. She won't get off of it in the darkness and she'll wake up there in the AM. I think this helps for broodies too.
  3. Wilebaum

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    Gotta love those names. Someone help this poor
  4. Wilebaum

    What breed is this pullet?

    Looks New Hampshire-ish to me.
  5. Wilebaum

    About Rhode Island Red chickens

    Hey Hey, let's see some pictures, we all like pictures of Rhode Island Red chickens & Ducks. I have one production RIR, she lays a massive brown egg about daily.
  6. Wilebaum

    Mean Rooster

    Not really. He's being himself.
  7. Wilebaum

    Chicken leg

    Is it the camera angle, or is that left leg quite swollen?
  8. Wilebaum

    Yolk? Hernia? Safe to cut?

    I'd keep it in the brooder, but not sure it will matter. Hope this resolves for you soon.
  9. Wilebaum

    Yolk? Hernia? Safe to cut?

    If he's gonna make it, he'll absorb it. All you can really do is provide food, water, warmth. Keep away from other chicks if they're messing with him. If he's acting pretty lively and eating/drinking, he should be OK.
  10. Wilebaum

    Yolk? Hernia? Safe to cut?

    Let it try to reabsorb on it's own. Any clipping, cutting will hurt it's chances.
  11. Wilebaum

    Gender & Color Id on odd little 14 week old Easter Egger

    Looks like a pullet, she's not laying eggs someplace hidden by chance?
  12. Wilebaum

    Neurotic toes

    Likely, just waiting until they self amputate will be OK. If you amputate you'd need to do it through healthy tissue and you might just create a greater chance of systemic infection. Certainly monitor above the site for redness/swelling in case you need to rethink or introduce an antibiotic...
  13. Wilebaum

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    But does he like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain? Any duck matchmakers out there?
  14. Wilebaum

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    Someone save this poor fellow from this invasive peacock.
  15. Wilebaum

    Too many Roosters

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