
Black Sex Link chicken

Black sex-link (also called Black Stars) are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light brown
Breed Temperament
Docile, friendly
Breed Colors/Varieties
Black with Orange Penciling in the hackle
Breed Size
Large Fowl

Black sex-link (also called Black Stars) are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster and a Barred Rock hen. Both sexes hatch out black, but the males have a white dot on their heads. Pullets feather out black with some red in neck feathers. Males feather out with the Barred Rock pattern along with a few red feathers. Black Sex-Links are often referred to as Rock Reds or Black Stars. They are planned crosses, which are hardier and more productive than their parents' respective breeds. The Sex Link Hybrid is the result of crossing two purebred standard breeds. This hybrid makes for very vigorous chicks, rugged brown egg laying hens and good cockerel fryers. These are extremely high in demand from our Asian community. Black Sex Links lay brown eggs.

Latest reviews

very nice birds
Pros: chicken-oriented, forms bonds with other chickens
Cons: none really
my black sexlink is very food obsessed, she loves her crumble. She has a few BFFs in the flock, Vicky, who passed away, Flo, and Phyllis. She likes humans, but is more a chicken "person". She likes the older chickens more than the annoying young ones. She is not that picky about what she eats, which is good. She is not vocal at all.
Purchase Price
Around $4.00 from a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
Pros: Good layers of large brown eggs
Lovely plumage
Great foragers
Very people friendly
Cons: Egg production slows down after 2 or 3 years
Can become bullies to other chickens
I've kept black sex links for years and I really enjoy them. I have had them go broody from time to time, but they haven't been very good mamas. I wouldn't recommend letting them hatch chicks.
Pros: Very productive hybrid layers
Eat less feed than heirlooms
Beautiful feathers and easygoing temperament.
Cons: Haven’t found any.
I have had Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, and Red Sex Links and the only competition is Red Sex Link. Black Sex Links are better looking IMO. Raised 25 from chicks to pullets, and sold pullets to two other families. They are very happy with them and word spread around. Now people are asking me when I will have more BSL pullets. Maybe in another year or two! Get your coop ready because otherwise what are you gonna do?
Purchase Price
$6.50CDN each
Purchase Date
April 2022
love this


Yeah, I got all brown egg breeds save the Colombian Plymouth. If you like midsized birds then i firmly suggest Sex Links, they lay like mad but the trade off is they tend to eat a bit more than the others.
You certainly can hatch from BSL's, and sustain a flock. There is nothing wrong with breeding these hybrids, unless you want to breed more sex links, which is not possible. You'll have to raise all the chicks to 5 weeks to tell which ones are cockerels...like just about every other pure breed in existence.
Here's were sayings like "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "Beauty is as beauty does" apply.

I don't own this hybrid cross but if I needed better than excellent layers, I'd have a bunch of 'em and I would certainly enjoy watching them as they fed across the property with the others.
Ummmm...From my experience, such behavior is brought in birds who are over heated, over crowded or stressed in any of a dozen ways.

I'm not indicting you or the way you raise your birds but something as innocuous as feed that is too low in protein or perhaps has no MEAT in the diet can cause many if not most of the situations you are experiencing.

I learned the hard way, like many older breeders. Don't be afraid to take advice from those who have lived/suffered through your problems. Good luck and stay strong. There is light at the end f the tunnel.
It will pay of,
The hatchery threw in some free male chicks with my small order. I think some of them are black sex links. They are about 9 weeks old. They seem to be growing faster than other chickens I've had.
I have one black sex link and she is very friendly. She flies up on a perch for me to pet her.
I have one black sex link and she's very sweet to me and the other birds, I think if someone were to have these they should only have one at a time, they seem to be very friendly this way, unlike they are with a whole flock of them.
The ones I have are not friendly and are awful to the other birds in the mixed flock I have they peck everyone in the head, HARD. Where as the other birds in the flock give, somewhat gentle body peck. AND the peck and bite people.
It isn't from lack of handling because I got them as day old and handled them frequently.Checking for paste butt, and general health.
I guess you live and learn. If they were they only birds I had I would be completely turned off having chickens.
Buckhowdy... yes they do grow very quickly ... my hens should be laying in late August-early September 2015, their only redeeming charateristic is the lay quickly.
For the first 18 months, I'd expect an average of 6 eggs per week and they should be quite large after the initial pullet stage. Like most hens, they will do better if they get to free range (safely), given plenty of fresh clean water and provide proper food and with Granite Grit and Oyster Shell on the side.

Good Luck
Whoa!! Yes, they are going to free range! I live in a suburban area near Los Angeles and have 6 foot fences all around my backyard. We also don't have stray cat because my dogs mark their territory and I believe the cats can smell it so they don't come. I have a light in my backyard that activates when it senses something move.. and it has only gone off once in my four year living there because of a raccoon that never came back. Right now they are still young (six weeks) so they have been free ranging in the day then I take them back into their brooder at around 6-7PM. They complain if I don't let them out to the yard! Haha. What's also great is that the my room has a sliding glass door that connect to my backyard patio/backyard where I constantly check on them to make sure everything is okay! And when I'm at school (I'm a college student), my mom or 12 year old little sister checks up on them. I got the whole family invested in my chickies (;
I completely agree. Although I am absolutely in love with my three BSL's, when I take my baby chicks out to play in the grass and the girls are outside - they will deliberately come over and PECK the chicks tiny heads until they are screeching while I'm trying my best to pick up the baby chicks and shoo them away ):
Nice review! Your BSL sounds similar to one of my RSL...and surprisingly, your BA sounds like one of my BA's (grouchy, mean thing).
All breeds of chicken can be mean if they are handled wrong (roughly), abused (chased, hit, ,kicked), and/or bonded with other chickens or some other object or animal instead of their owner. I’m not saying you intentionally abused or handled your birds roughly. Often I underestimate the fragility of my chickens (in particular young ones) and handle them to roughly which makes them skittish and they start to run away every time I try to catch them which makes them more skittish...and in the end you end up with aggressive, wild chickens. Also chickens that were raised by a hen instead of a human tend to be very aggressive (in my experience) towards chickens and people and also much stronger and sometimes bigger than the pampered hand-raised chickens. The solution is lots of space and plenty of things to pick at besides other chickens (old vegetables and bread are the best for this).
I have a black sexlink hen named honey she the only black sex link i have she laid one normal egg , and one egg that was a membrane hanging out her vent what happened to the contents if there were any is unknown, but she hasnt laid since then and her abdomen is swollen we treated for egg binding and she went to lay and nothing came since she more swollen we supecting internal laying. She only 6 months old if that so as to were i am a fan of her additude( very sweet) her health problems make me say no to this breed.
I have a black sexlink hen named honey she the only black sex link i have she laid one normal egg , and one egg that was a membrane hanging out her vent what happened to the contents if there were any is unknown, but she hasnt laid since then and her abdomen is swollen we treated for egg binding and she went to lay and nothing came since she more swollen we supecting internal laying. She only 6 months old if that so as to were i am a fan of her additude( very sweet) her health problems make me say no to this breed.

Item information

Chicken Breeds
Added by
Reeses Peepers
Last update
4.16 star(s) 97 ratings

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