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  1. Louieandthecrew

    Day 29 And Still No Chicks...?

    My Buff Orpington hen has been brooding for twenty-nine days and we are still chick-less. We know that five of her seven eggs are fertile and very far along. She has not abandoned them and she has been turning them just like she should. However, there aren't any baby chicks running around our...
  2. Louieandthecrew

    Turkey Hen - Age? Think she'll lay?

    Hey friends, I don't get on here much but I have a quick question. I'm not sure of the age of my turkey hen we have and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or ways to tell. We're hoping for turkey eggs :) We found her in September 2011 (not too long ago, yes) and put her in our coop just...
  3. Louieandthecrew

    Help With New Turkey Hen ~ Please View As Soon As Possible, Thank You

    Hello my friends of, Some of you may remember me. I haven't been on here in a really long time but I always come here for my bird help! Trying to keep it short and sweet, I'll cut to the chase. Yesterday outside of our chicken coop we found that a turkey was running back and...
  4. Louieandthecrew

    What breed is this rooster? Is he a Maran?

    The title says it all: Any help? Thanks!
  5. Louieandthecrew

    Snakes - Waaaaaay Too Many Snakes

    ...If you read all of that, thank you very much. If you didn't but you just got the meaning of it, that's fine too, but I'd love some feedback. *Below, if you'd at least try to give me three ways to easily and quickly get rid of snakes, even if you think someone has already said that reason...
  6. Louieandthecrew

    I'm A BYC Friend :)

    I don't know who voted for me to be this, but thank you!! So, where are all of my BYC Friends? God Bless, Louieandthecrew
  7. Louieandthecrew

    Name Chosen and Pictures of the new BO Roo!

    Hello all, I am going to be getting a new one year old Buff Orpington rooster on Monday and I need some ideas for a name! I don't want a kind of name that makes me fall in love with the rooster, just a fun thing to call him because he will most likely end up in freezer camp once it's time for a...
  8. Louieandthecrew

    Buff Orpington Behavior Questions

    On Monday the 30th of May I am going to pick out a year old Buff Orpington rooster for my girlies! I am getting him for five dollars and the owner is a breeder that I personally know. Can't wait! What are some good things to look for in a Buff Orpington rooster? He'll be living in the coop...
  9. Louieandthecrew

    When Will She Begin To Lay?

    Hello, I have one Guinea hen, Guiness, that we found on the side of the road one day and decided to keep. We've learned a lot about her, but I'd like to know when she should start laying. I don't know her age, but she has layed one egg since we got her in January. I've heard they lay from May...
  10. Louieandthecrew

    Goodnight!... Good morning?

    What time is it? With so many different time zones, it's fun to wake up early in the morning and see that someone is saying goodnight on here to a friend. So, what time is it where you are? Right now it is 10pm here and I'm going to bed! So, what is it for you? Goodnight or Good morning...
  11. Louieandthecrew

    Will He Fertilize Their Eggs?

    Will my bantam two year old Red Brown Cochin rooster fertilize the eggs of my now three month old Buff Orpington hens once they are old enough? I would very much like to keep him, but we do not want them to be laying fertile eggs because we'll be selling their eggs to costomers that will not...
  12. Louieandthecrew

    Pre-Mature Mating, Or Something Else? What's Shoud I do?

    Hey everyone, One of my Buff Orpington girls has a bit of a torn up neck. I'll post a picture when I can, but I cannot at the moment. She is eight weeks old and it seems as though Louie (my 1yr. 9mo. old rooster) has been trying to pre-maturely mate with her. Any advice as to what I should...
  13. Louieandthecrew

    The New Buff Orpington Girls

    Hey all, Just wanted to show off one of my new Buff Orpington girls! All five of the girls look exactly alike, so here is one of them: They are seven weeks as of Sunday, born on Valentine's Day! Hope you liked them, Louie
  14. Louieandthecrew

    Help With "My Page"

    Hello, all, I'm having some problems with posting pictures on My Page and don't know if they showed up or not. I was wondering if you all could be of any assistance? Thank you, Louieandthecrew
  15. Louieandthecrew

    Guinea Help ASAP

    Hey all, We are having some Guinea problems. My Guinea is NOT fond of our new chicks but she loves the adult chickens. We'd really like to keep her, but we know that we'd rather keep our thirteen chicks that cost us over fifty dollars than our free Guinea that we found on the road, BUT we...
  16. Louieandthecrew


    The other day I walked into the coop and, as I closed the gate, my rooster spurred me. This, though, is not what my thread is about. The spur went in fairly deep and I put some alcohol in it and viola- it was (and is) fine. But, the real meaning of this thread is to give some of you people a...
  17. Louieandthecrew

    Chick With Infected Butt *Graphic Picture* ~More Help Post #16~

    Hello all, I just recently got my fifteen chicks, but I want to get RIGHT to the point, so: One of my chicks has an infected bum. Or so I beleive. I have a picture of it, but it's NOT a very good one. Here it is, and any help on how to help her (the chick) would be great: So, what do you...
  18. Louieandthecrew

    New Guinea - Hen (check), Breed/Color (undecided) - Anymore Help?

    The other day one of the workers saw a stray Guinea on the side of the road so he took it back here and put it in our chicken pen I have only one picture and it isn't the best, but here it is: Any ideas unto breed, color, or anything else I should know? Thanks! Louie. PS. More info is...
  19. Louieandthecrew

    Pheasants - We're Doin' It! *Pictures Please*

    We've decided that this April we're going to order a load of pheasants, raise them to full grown, then let 'em out of the pen to run free Never had pheasants before, but now's the time. We are getting about 30 (I think, don't know for sure yet) all Ring Neck Pheasents. A friend told me that...
  20. Louieandthecrew

    Neck Feathers - Where are they! Help please!

    Hello all, Many of you know that I have a little Brown Red Cochin rooster named Louie, because, of course, my username is dedicated to him! Well, recently he's been picked on. He may be the oldest (and most mature ) but he IS small. The bigger guys usuallt just pick on each other, and the...
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