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  1. ImNotYogi

    Back to Eden Gardening and Hugelkulture and other non-conventional garden methods

    Gonna have to make time to peruse this thread. A coworker recently showed me YT videos from a guy named James Prigioni who does a Back to Eden style of gardening. I haven't gardened at all since I was a kid but will start one soon so I'm still in the planning stages. Seems like there's so much...
  2. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Poop this afternoon looks much like the one from this morning/last night. A lot of urates. I let her outside with the rest and her energy seems better. Devoured some mealworms and came running when the rooster called. And was preening feathers. Her abdomen is still squishy.
  3. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Raleigh is the closest at nearly 2 hours away. Avian medicine is a specialty so that just adds to the cost. Not to mention many people dont bring birds in to begin with unless they spent thousands on parrots or something exotic. People already think vets price gouge as it is. I think I'd be...
  4. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    I already cleared out the pad. The closest avian vets are 1-2 hours away. I dont have the means or the time off to take her. And I hate that since I make sure my other animals see the vet and now Im dealing with a rescue dog. Chickens get the short end of the stick in that regard. Her abdomen is...
  5. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    I'll hold out hope as long as shes still eating, drinking, and relatively active. I kept her inside last night and shes still in the bathroom. Will let her out when I get home. Shes still alert. I hope the soaks help her. They seem to a little as far as poop goes. She doesn't seem to have issue...
  6. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Im not entirely sure when her last egg was laid. A few weeks ago? With the cold weather and her age, I didnt think anything of it. Shes just not a consistent layer. Dont think she ever really was. This morning theres more normalish looking poop so I'll take that as a good sign. I'll do what I...
  7. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    She looks the same as she always has.
  8. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Thats the best I can do tonight. Its dark out and I have nowhere inside I can safely take a photo. It was shortly after a soak.
  9. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    A few minutes after you asked for photos
  10. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Here are two. Her wings look lower now. Maybe I didnt realize it before.
  11. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    I guess its a possibility. I have no idea how her overall organ function is. I'll keep her inside and keep an eye on her and do what I can
  12. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    This is her poop from a minute ago
  13. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Okay, was able to catch her and abdomen did feel very fluidy. I hope I was feeling in the right place, right under the ribcage. She's in the bathroom now in a crate. Now I don't think the reddish poop was from her. As I was trying to catch her I saw her poop a little. It was light green with...
  14. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    I'm bringing her inside soon. I need to set everything up for her. Treat for cocci first then worms or can I do both at same time? That seems like it'd be too much
  15. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    Here's a photo of what her poop looks like. It's not her's though but its close
  16. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    I don't have a photo of her poop but I will post one I found that looks like it. I've read that cecal poops are normal if it happens occasionally so that's why I didn't think much of it (or to take a photo) until I saw her acting strangely. I did use Corid and just picked up some more...
  17. ImNotYogi

    Possible egg bound? Cocci?

    The other day I noticed some reddish poop in the run and thought it may just be normal intestinal lining being shed. Today my wyandotte is acting off. Still drinking and eating but not as much and seems low energy-efficient. She keeps sitting but is not walking funny (walks slow but no wobble)...
  18. ImNotYogi

    Sellers remorse..

    This is one thing that has kept me from selling or giving away any animal to a stranger. I have two roosters and ended up creating another coop and run for one to keep them from fighting. I couldn't get rid of him knowing there was a high chance of him being butchered. Especially when I have the...
  19. ImNotYogi

    Started pullets from McMurray

    ...Logically I know theres not a huge difference with distance and airmail but there is that nagging thought "well thats an extra 1000 miles where *something* can go wrong!" Id worry until they arrived no matter where they came from lol. But I did have a scare tonight. One of the EEs flew over...
  20. ImNotYogi

    Started pullets from McMurray

    They arrived about an hour ago. All alive and seem to be fine.
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