My first thought was POOR CHICKEN! That didn't change. But this is just to cool not to share with you all. (some may have already seen it)
We just picked up some chicks, 1-4 days old. We didn't make it to the feed store before it closed (4 minutes late!). What can we feed them tonight until I can make it to the feed store in the morning?
My husband had an emergency out of town trip he left on this morning. He'll probably be gone a week?
He is the one that knows what out of all this lumber is available. I swear we could almost open a lumber yard.
Just send me a message with what you are looking for and what you have as far...
Hi folks. I'm back! I mentioned back about 300 or so pages that I would be having some lumber available. I posted an ad for trade in the 1-8 week old chicks section.
I'm ready to start building my flock and well, it's all in the ad. If you are needing lumber and have chicks you want to...
I would be very willing to do some trading. I would like to build a flock of chickens, good egg layers, that would include other than the standard pullets from TSC. What I like to call "fancy" chickens (pretty, different colors, EE's etc). I would like to be able to tell them apart. I really...
Just by taking the photo off here, I tried to run it through the software. Not so good. I would need the original emailed to me in full resolution. (what I was able to snag was only 96 x 96 dpi).
My email is [email protected] if you want to email it to me and I can run it and see how it does.
I have a program where I can take any photo or drawing and turn it into a cross stitch pattern. I'd be happy to do some for whoever. I just need a good clean photo and what size project you want to work on (how big and what count). This program does NOT put any outlines on it so if you want...
A very LARGE coop! double sided with storage/feed shed in the middle. The whole think will be divided into thirds. Each 1/3 will be 5-6 feet wide, 16 feet long. The two sides where the chickens will be will be 2 feet above the ground so they have shade underneath. The center section will be...
This weather has been INCREDIBLE! This time last year, DH's vacation days were being used up because of "snow days". Now I want him to use them for SUNNY days! I keep thinking of all the things we could be getting done around here (like getting started on the new coop!) but it's usually dark...
I completely understand the down sides to moving too. I didn't mean to make light of you situation, just to try to find some positives. They do exist but often can be hidden from view because of the negatives.
I have been on my farm for 6 years now and still have not found a doctor I like...
I love my 80 acres but I'll tell you...there are times I wish my hubby would get transferred so we could move. I've been military most of my life in one form or another (child, wife, soldier) and got pretty used to moving all the time. I like that I'm "settled" but....a new start, new sights...
Thanks for the input. I like my size too! The old coop has a "room addition" on it that we can use for the chicks when we "rotate" them. But I like the idea of being able to separate the one side even further to allow for the pullets until they can all be together.
My DH seems to think I spoil all our animals by providing way more than they need. Ok, I might be guilty of that but....
We have one coop now and I want to build another. This new one will be a divided coop with divided run so that we can run both hens and hens with a roo. (some of my...
Columbus isn't that far at all really. (no worse than KC for me).
Tell me, how well do these do with laying? I definately have room for them here but I'll have to talk to hubby to see if he wants any before spring. I fully admit, I'm chicken stupid as far as breeds and such. You say...
That burn sounds terrible! My mom did that once and burned the inside of her forearm. Please take it seriously. Talk to the doc and get some silverdine to put on it.
Prescott is north of Ft. Scott about 20 miles. East (and a bit south) of Garnett. About an hour south of KC right off of...
I'd be willing to work a deal with you! If you have a materials list of things you want/need, as we sort though our "stash" I can set things aside for you. We really aren't that far from Waverly. Garnett is probably half way between us (give or take). Come spring, we are going to be wanting...
danz, we are "dirt poor" but hubby works for a lumber yard and delivers to the major builders in KC. He talks them into letting him "clean up" their job sites and so gets an incredible amount of lumber for free. It takes a a bit to save up enough for any one project but I can't remember the...
Hi again everyone. Just popping back in. Life has been busy. Hubby and I have worked out the plans for the new coop. I told him if we are going to "do this" we need to do it RIGHT. Go big or go home (as they say).
We have our existing coop that is 8'x12' and has an "addition" on it that is...
I joined BYC quite some time back but don't post often. Life keeps me busy. (and all my other critters take up so much time)
Thanks for the welcome though!