Consolidated Kansas

Nearly everything I have is reclaimed other than some structural wood and some portable dog kennels I use for pens. That is with the exception of my Mandarin pen that is all new material. Made me realize just how much money we have saved. It would be great to have access to materials like that. I really want to build a huge building and have everything housed centrally but it doesn't look like it will happen in this life time. My own home is far from finished, let alone chicken projects.
I had a deal going to trade birds for material from a guy that runs a construction company but he got too busy and never came and got the birds. I'm sure I'll hear from him again next spring, but I wont; be aas willing to bargain then. I held back and fed 30 birds for him over 4 months and that gets expensive when he never shows.
I'd be willing to work a deal with you! If you have a materials list of things you want/need, as we sort though our "stash" I can set things aside for you. We really aren't that far from Waverly. Garnett is probably half way between us (give or take). Come spring, we are going to be wanting to get started on a new flock (probably 12 chicks) since they can be in the old coop until the new is built.

I really want some polish!
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I didn't know where Prescott is. I wasn't aware it was near Garnett. That would be great. I've got several different kinds of polish. They're awesome birds for the most part. Some are very sweet but others are flighty.
I really injured myself last evening. I was trying to cook a roast on top of the stove. I had put a little oil in the pan to brown it and got a phone call. It was starting to scorch so I took a cooking fork and tried to move it. When I did it gave all at once and that hot oil splashed up on my hand. I have blisters on both sides of my hand and on some of my fingers along with several other burned spots. It really hurts. My old hands are so tough a little burn doesn't normally do much but this is major painful. I swear I am a total klutz!
A couple members of my family started blowing out both ends with the stomach flu Christmas night. It sure makes me nervous.I keep thinking
"Why did I hug them goodbye?" I am so careful to avoid people with the flu and I didn't even suspect any one had it Christmas day even though my SIL wasn't feeling good. I sure hope I don't catch it.
That is so cool that you build stuff from totally reclaimed material! I love doing that, or maybe it's partly that I hate buying and paying for new!

I posted this a while back, but this is a stacking pen I built recently out of all salvaged material. I have about $40 into the project, and that was for the latches, hinges and mostly for the paint.
Well, I'm home! I mean... we never left Wichita, but we were in town. Spent it with both sets of parents-- mine and his. Yesterday was our big celebration/gift opening with DH's family. I got my Brinsea incubator!!! eeek!!! So excited! Last night, i had a dream that my silkies started laying. LOL!! Obviously, I'm a little worked up about this gift.

Danz, I sure hope you don't get sick! Yikes, no good that everyone has the flu. I swear, you have the worst kind of luck, and I'm so sorry about your burn! Geesh. That is totally something I'd do, because I get distracted easily.

Dancing, I looked at your plans and they look great! I'd love to have that myself! I can't wait to see it when you get started and see it! I hope you post pictures along the way. There is a place on the internet that has free shipping and over 1,200ft of hardware cloth for $94 for 3 ft tall-- so you'd have to run a board in between to screw it down, but then it'd give you 6 feet of head room to work with and would be easy to walk into. (run it along the ground, then attach to board on top, then run the top layer to give you 6 feet height. This is a FABULOUS deal-- you can't find that locally. I'm planning on buying it this spring when I start my own run. It got late in the game for me and I felt forced into buying dog panels and set those up so I could have a fast and easy run immediately. But it's not what I want at all. Anyway, here is the link to the cheap wire:

, I'm still in LOVE with your pen! I swear when I am done with my projects, I'm building one of those!

Trish-- oh, I am SO happy for you that you get to spend a day with your grand daughter! That is wonderful and I hope you guys all have so much fun! I sure hope that her mother will realize this is so good for her.

We have more family from Houston driving in soon-- either today or tomorrow. They aren't sure. They'll be here when they get here.
My Dh are going to spend today cleaning house, putting all our mess of boxes and presents away from the big "drag in" --we just unloaded the van and dumped it all into the dining room and liviing room. We're also going to make a BIG sweep to take to Goodwill and get rid of a bunch of stuff to make room and clear out the house again. Then I'm going to make lots of breakfast burritos and freeze them individually so we can take them out for breakfast each day for the family that is coming up to stay. Then no one has to cook or really do much, and they LOVE these burritos. My MIL usually makes them, but she's so far behind and tired that I offered to make them. It's sort of a tradition, and they ask for them every year.
Well, I'll be back, but better run for now before DH sees me "playing" on the computer and reminds me of the piled high mess I'm sitting in. hehe!
Well we had a really good day with our granddaughter & her sister yesterday. I don't know what to call her since she's not our granddaughter. We buy gifts for her too because we have been told over the years that we couldn't leave her out, so she has kind of become our "adopted" granddaughter. She has lots of grandparents with all the divorces & marriages & all. You know how that all goes any more. At any rate, we had a fun day & we took the girls home about 9:30 last night. They were really happy with what we got them, a Wii game system & some games. We just found out they're going to be moving into a rental house for awhile until Amber's (Amber is my granddaughter's mother) dad gets moved to his mom's house. She just passed away about a week ago, she was 90 some years old & was living in the nursing home. I'm sure her dad & step mom will love having some peace for awhile after having the 3 of them & a Great Dane in the house. That dog is a big drooly mess that has never been taught any manners, he drives me nuts! He's huge & if he hits you with his tail it really hurts. My granddaughter said last night, kidding of course, but she said she's going to cut his tail off. At the level it's at it's really dangerous for things sitting around.

Danz, I'm sorry to hear about your burn, ouch, take care of that & I hope you don't get that stomach virus either, that's the pits. DH started getting a sore throat a couple days ago & coughing so now I'm getting it I think. I'm going to drink some echinacea tea later on & see if I can stave it off.

Dancing, you're so lucky to have all of that building material, I wish I had some kind of deal like that. I need to build a breeder coop next year & I have nothing to work with.

Hawkeye, it sounds like you're keeping busy with the holidays, have fun!
Wow what a generous grandma you are! Don't you love spoiling those kids?
DH and I just got through opening our presents to each other. I got my brinsea candler I wanted, a new water pic (mine quit) and a quilt.I have been sleeping with this old quilt which is now in shreds so he bought me one that is all cotton like this old homemade one. I was actually going to make one but haven't gotten it done yet. (It could be years!)
I did pretty good I think.
This hand burn is pretty extensive. It worries me a little cause I always have my hands in poo and stuff. I guess I'll have to be extra careful.
Whew- well, I have most of the toys and clothes put away! Now it's just time to clean the house and start organizing closets so I can Goodwill a bunch of clothes and stuff.

Trish, sounds like you had a great day with the girls! What fun! WOW-- a Wii, hu? We don't even have one of those! We've talked about it, but the games are expensive, and we don't really do gaming things. But I might change my mind if I could do the dancing and exercise stuff on them. Maybe one day. Not a fan of big dogs that have no manners, either. I hate being slobbered on. I don't mind a dog coming up for an ear scratch, but if they are going to put their nose in places they shouldn't be and drool on me... ick. Our neighbor has a really nice black lab. She comes up and wants to be pet, but she sits down in front of you so you can-- instead of assaulting you. LOL!

Danz, what about those surgical gloves? I keep the boxes of 100 count of vinyl gloves in my kitchen for various things I don't want in contact with my skin. In fact, when I clean out the chicken cages in the garage, I use them. I'm going to wash my hands anyway, but I worry about my hands being so dry and cracked in the winter and getting who knows what on them.
Maybe that might help?

Okay, back at it. I still have to take my oldest boy in to town for his allergy shots and pick up a few things at Walmart later on.
That burn sounds terrible! My mom did that once and burned the inside of her forearm. Please take it seriously. Talk to the doc and get some silverdine to put on it.

Prescott is north of Ft. Scott about 20 miles. East (and a bit south) of Garnett. About an hour south of KC right off of HWY 69.

As for the building materials. My hubby drives me totally BONKERS with it. We agreed he would have ONE place where he would sort and store the lumber and such he brings home but that stuff is EVERYWHERE!

Out of the "stash" my neighbor is building a bunk bed set for his two boys. All red cedar and so far it is looking really nice. In trade, he is taking care of my horses's hooves.

I'm taking the cedar shavings he is making (by surfacing down the boards) and mixing with a little parafin and stuffing it into toilet paper and paper towel tubes to make fire place starters. They work FANTASTIC! I just hate wasting things and tend to get creative.

Really, I want to have a huge spring clean up of all this lumber and what we don't specifically have a use for (my coop and another hay barn) I want to get it GONE. It won't be long before it all builds back up again.

For those that are wanting building materials, make a list of what you need/want and send it to me. That way as we are going through it all, we can set things aside. I'm more than willing to work trades! I should take some photos so you all can see how much it has taken over my property! It really has gotten out of hand.
Does anyone know anybody that has an incubator that they want to sell now or before spring? The bigger the better. LOL Everyone here knows chicken math.

I was able to pick up those 55 gallons drums with lids for $7.50.I thought that was a really good buy on those.

Dancing,I wish you was closer, I would certainly be interested in making a deal with you to help clean up your stash.I could use a truck load of lumber here.

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