Consolidated Kansas

I am so excited!!! My new rosecombs that I have had under lights started laying today. And then when I went out side to finish my chores, one of my rosecomb pullets had layed an egg!
She is in my keeper trio, I still have not had an calls for my other two trio's or any of my blue/red oe's, but maybe soon. I am going to have to have the space, and with new babies coming,
I am really cramped for space. I sure can't wait for spring to get here so I get my new barn
. Oh well guess it will be here before I know it.

dance you are just north of us.

danz sure hope your burn heals fast, they take forever to heal.

Hope every one is well and getting excited about spring coming!! I know I am.

Just remember every 40-50 degree day now means one less day below freezing now.
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OK so I'm jealous. I want a new barn too. Congrats on your layers. I picked up over 10 dozen LF eggs today plus a half bucket of Seramas and polish, and duck eggs. I love putting heat lamps in. It makes those girls work really hard.
checoukan, wish you was closer. I would like to see those rosecombs.I'm sure they look just as good as the others that came from you.Would love to have them here.

I can send you pictures of the trio's. I have 2 and really need to send them to new homes. Not all of my pullets have started laying yet. I noticed today that the combs are starting to get red, so it won't be long!
danz- my DH has to build me a new barn, cause he is planning on tearing my old barn down. It probably was build in the 1910-1930. If you know where to look, you can still see the axe marks on the logs that were used to support the roof!!! It is so cool, but mother nature has really been hard on the old girl and it leaning to the south, and we are afraid anouther good storm or two, she will go down.
Columbus isn't that far at all really. (no worse than KC for me).

Tell me, how well do these do with laying? I definately have room for them here but I'll have to talk to hubby to see if he wants any before spring. I fully admit, I'm chicken stupid as far as breeds and such. You say rosecomb, I say black chicken. Sorry but chickens are chickens are chickens...unless they are "Hippy Chickens" (aka. Polish) LOL...oh, I have a thing for guinea hens to. I think they are just adorable.
Hi Checoukan!
Glad to hear your new girls are going to work. I hope you have a good hatch. I candled my rosecomb eggs that I have in the 'bater. Out of 3, one appears to be growing and two look clear. They were her first eggs, so I have hopes that they may do better in the future.

Danz-So sorry to hear about your hand. Oh, it makes me cringe to think about it! Hey... How's Marshmallow? I had a surprise today. Not only did I find some eggs in my serama pen, I also discovered a whole clutch of eggs BEHIND the nest where I couldn't see it. I got kind of suspicious when I noticed this one black hen sitting back there, so I moved the nest, and not only were there about a dozen eggs there, but they were warm and she had been sitting on them! Looks like I may have some tiny babies in the works.
Danz, I need a candler like what you got for Christmas. When I tried to candle my eggs today I couldn't find my really strong flashlight, so I couldn't tell anything about the ameraucana or the marans eggs. Guess I will just have to build myself one.

Hawkeye-Any more news on the job and Boeing issues? My DH and I are now serious about moving. It will be someplace warmer than where we are now, that's for sure. I need some of your skills at cleaning up and cleaning out. We just have way too much stuff!

I'm about done for the night. My two sons have been here this week, and it has been so nice. I've enjoyed having them here so much, and they really are great help when I need something. The past two days we have spent the afternoon out in the woods cutting firewood. It has been so pleasant and enjoyable. I love being out in the woods, and watching my two sons just makes it that much better. The first night they were here we sat up almost all night just talking. It was great. I'm also happy and proud that the two boys get along so well. They really have become a lot closer as they have grown.

G'night everyone. (where's that yawning smiley?)
Marshmallow is totally blossoming. With over two weeks to go she is going to be enormous. If she has a smaller litter I will be surprised. I am getting excited. I just hope the weather doesn't get bad. It really worries me. I need to get DH to move the big dog house and pen so she won't be in the wind. I know he will be unhappy about that. She doesn't stay in there and prefers her igloo but with the pups she needs the room.
I have I think 7 Serama hens sitting right now. Some of them should be getting close to hatching some. I will have to take the babies because they won't survive out in that pen with all the other birds. I do wish I could leave the babies with the mamma hens. I think it is so awesome to watch them. I am still needing to cull out a lot of roosters. Maybe after the holidays are completely over I'll have time to get some things done.
I guess I am going to have to wrap my hand. I kept Bumping it all day yesterday and breaking it open. I keep leaving DNA all over everything because the blisters just keep leaking. It really doesn't look that bad. It just really hurts. I certainly don't want it getting infected.
There are a whole TON of different breeds, and I keep changing my opinion to more and more specific regarding different breeds...and I'm still trying to find guineas something other than alien-looking!!

How funny!

I'm so sorry- I'm glad you have Silvadene, as that will help it heal really fast. You can use gauze and vet wrap to keep it safe, but allow it to breathe at the same time.

Hope everyone is doing well. We're loving the mild temps here, and I'm waiting for the laying to resume.

Anyone know anything about the Bonner feed mll? I hear they have a pelletizer, and am eagerly considering making my own Ultrakibble-type supplement pellet to put in my feed, since the things I use in there are very mealy. It's a great mix, but the dry fine parts tend to sift out and I would love a way to bind them together better. I still prefer to use the Perry mill, but would like to have the supplements pelletized and then added to the grains at Perry, if possible.

I'm LOVING my nursery. I made a double-decker brooder with the smaller birds up top and a ramp down to the larger ground level. There is a warmer hood in each level for them, and they dart in and out like they would under a Momma when they get cold. They sleep under or on the warmer. I'm using old LG styro lids for now, but am working on wood versions, as they snack on the styro! I would love to have a couple of EcoGlow 50 models in there, but I'm repurposing for now. Also looking at the Sweeter-Heeter models.

The base is 26" high with 2"x2" construction, 8'x4', with leaves and branches for a jungle gym and litter. The top is 4'x4'x3' high, and has a little pop door to allow them to move out when they choose, with a ramp to down below. There are roosts and leaves up top, too. All of the base area is hardware cloth enclosed with a plywood, angled shed roof on half, the smaller brooder for the other half's roof. All of it is tightly enclosed with 6 mil clear plastic where it isn't solid wood, and it warms up nicely during the day, with rechargeable solar lights inside that charge in the light. They seem very happy!

I just need to add 2 40 chicks is about all it can handle, and I'm way past that, with more on the way!

Is it spring yet?? I'm so tired of this long break my birds are taking this year on the egg laying! I'm considering feeding them steak to get them started again! Sheesh!! Protein and red pepper, fine...but I'm going to have to make it JUST protein and red pepper if this keeps up!

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