Consolidated Kansas

When I was little we had Christmas on Christmas day. I opened presents from my parents that morning & then we had a big dinner with everyone & then opened more presents afterwards. My sister & brother are 16 & 18 years older than me, so I have nieces & nephews that aren't that much younger than me, we kind of grew up together. But then as the years went on & my parents both died fairly young things changed. I didn't see my brother for years because his wife didn't much like our family so my sister kind of picked up the ball & holidays were always at her house. We have a dysfunctional family like a lot of people do, so now I keep in touch with my brother now that his wife died & my sister & I don't speak due to a falling out a few years ago. This is going to be a strange Christmas for me this year though without my son or granddaughter, just DH & I & the animals. I'm thankful for the sunshine today, that makes it somewhat better. That's funny, I also have one of those ceramic Christmas trees that my mother had made. When I cleaned out the attic recently I found it, forgotten in a corner & I'm putting it up today. At least I will have that little tree if nothing else. I got teary reading all of your posts, yes holidays can be hard sometimes. People are so cruel at times & unthinking. My granddaughter won't even know we're thinking of her & yes her mother is hurting her because she won't even answer her phone so my son can talk to his daughter. He can't be with her this year, but at least he could talk to her on the phone.

Merry Christmas to you all & a very Happy New Year!
Hi Kansans! I have been lurking here for a while and just want to say " HI" My children live fairly close and we share holidays with the spouses family. Some years it is a struggle to find the time to get togather -this year it will be jan 2 before we can all make it work. So hubby and I will go to dd's for dinner tomarrow. Then on to his sisters for desert or leftovers .
I have started a christmas letter each year but it's a nice one. Hope you like it. We have a berm part on our house and our white german shepherd/pyrenees (molli) likes to watch over the place from her perch..


Up on the roof top Molli bounds!

Oh good grief what is that sound?

Rafters are shaking with every leap

Down comes the ceiling in one big heap.

Ho ho ho off she goes

Ho ho ho to and fro!!

Oh she’s chasing the wildlife all away,

By barking and barking everyday!!

The auctions on Friday and I want to go

Look at that cute one how big will it grow?

More goats, more fowl-are we out of our minds?

Don’t think it, don’t say it, remember be kind!

Miss silkie was setting on eggs she did hatch.

I’ve started the incubator for the next batch!

Baby goats in the bath tub, chicks in the kitchen,

There’s hay is places that’s causing some ichin.

Tracys been cutting- the woods in a stack!

Can you haul the feed bags to the back?

The rabbits are fed and its time for a rest

So we’ll wish you Merry Chistmas and all the BEST!!
Welcome Hatchin! Glad to see a new face here. Loved the little jingle. Sounds like you live a great life.
I actually sold some birds today. 10 Seramas, 2 pheasant, and a dove. However I ended up with a dove escaping and the guy accidentally let a pheasant escape. I am hoping both of them come back. I won't have much profit if I lose those birds for good. Stuff happens though.
That's just a few less mouths to feed.
Trish just remember that you have a lot of good friends here and we all appreciate you.
consider this a hug!

Frankly sometimes I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this little group to sound to.
I've learned from all of you and experienced everything from out and out crying to laughing out loud from all of your posts. I spend a lot of time sitting here smiling at my computer.
I'd like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. Thank you all for being here.
Welcome to justhatchin, the more the merrier!

Danz, thanks for the hug, I need that today! It's not been a very Christmasy day, if that's a word, been cleaning most of the day. That tends to be something I do when I'm not very happy, it keeps me busy & my mind occupied for the most part. I did get quite a bit done though. I got the little ceramic tree put up in the livingroom on top of my desk & put the little bulbs in there. Somewhere along the years the star for the top got lost, so I had to just use a regular bulb for it. I supposed I could find one somewhere if I looked, but for now it's OK. I sure hope your birds return that escaped today, that's a bummer. I so much appreciate you all that are here each day to cheer me, I get a lot of laughs reading the things everybody writes also.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
Oh my!
I laughed so hard out loud when I read this my DH had to come in to see what I was laughing about. I love this. What a coincidence. We had just come in from splitting firewood. I had also asked him to carry my feed sacks down to the coop this afternoon. We have great pyrenees for the wildlife deterrence, have had chickens in the house, baby goats in the bathtub, love auctions and wonder if we are out of our minds for all the animals we keep.

Merry Christmas to you, too!

Well, I just sat some more eggs in the incubator. See... I must be crazy. I got another rosecomb egg and I got my FIRST lavender ameraucana eggs. They are just their first eggs, but hey, they are going in the incubator anyway. I'm a little concerned that my auto turners are not working in the incubator. Seems like every time I go down there to check they are in the same position. I think I will go down later and set all the eggs in cartons and just tip them myself! Then I can plug these turners in where I can keep an eye on them to see if they are working or not.
I Just set more eggs too, Ivy. Had some turkey eggs shipped and I have a few duck and chicken eggs to pop in. The turkey eggs took a week to get here which was bad enough but over half of them were broken in the process. I just hope those that are left will be fertile nad still good. I've had people starting to ask me when I am going to start selling hatching eggs. I think everyone is ready for spring. I know I'm not doing a very good job of accounting for all my birds cause I don't like being out in the cold. I realized this evening I hadn't seen my beautiful silver duck winged pheonix in a couple days. I'll have to make a point to look for him tomorrow. I will be so angry if he is missing because I just let someone talk me into selling my backup cockerel.
I ran out of energy today. I didn't get any more presents wrapped and I didn't get the house cleaned. I had some baking to do and realized I was out of cocoa and had to run to town to get some before the store closed. Then I came home and made messes. I can't cook any more without spilling something. The day just shot by. I am really going to have to get in gear the next few days because one of my granddaughters will be here the 30th and she is only 2. I don't want this place to be filthy.
Danz, I waited until the last possible moment to run to the store, I'm glad I looked to see what time they were closing tonight or we would have been out of luck. It seemed like half the town was in the Wal lMart the last hour they were open. They started announcing 30 minutes ahead for everybody to hurry up & get their stuff. Hubby had gone ahead to the store so he could start getting things since I had just gotten out of the shower & it takes me a little longer to get myself together. When I got to the store he had a good start on getting some things, but hadn't gotten all my list yet & he looked kind of lost. He doesn't do the grocery shopping, I do, so he doesn't usually know where everything is. I only send him to the store if I need a couple of things & he usually has to call me even then. But we did manage to get what we went for & a few things we didn't & left the store just as they were getting ready to close it, so we should be good for a few days.

I just saw on our little trade site on FB that a girl I know has rabbits for sale & I love rabbits. I used to raise Netherland Dwarfs & she's got those & some Mini Rex. Oh, that is so not what I need to be doing, getting more animals, but I think I may get some. DH will probably kill me & it will mean I will have to find housing for them too, but I want some so bad. Am I crazy? Probably! Like the poem said, we're all a little nuts I think.
Oh this is what keeps us alive--

"I just saw on our little trade site on FB that a girl I know has rabbits for sale & I love rabbits. I used to raise Netherland Dwarfs & she's got those & some Mini Rex. Oh, that is so not what I need to be doing, getting more animals, but I think I may get some. DH will probably kill me & it will mean I will have to find housing for them too, but I want some so bad. Am I crazy? Probably! Like the poem said, we're all a little nuts I think."

So glad that you guys liked the poem. Now where is that fb site -a address to help me find it. ?

need to put my turkey on.

merry christmas.
Just hatchin', a lot of counties or towns have their own little swap and sell sight on FB. You might start my just entering the name of your county.
Trish, you should so get the rabbits! I keep adding all the time and DH gets more disgusted. But it is what makes me happy. We've worked our whole lives to make other people happy. It's time to do something for ourselves!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

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