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  1. TM Chickens

    Statistics question

    Thought this was rather nice.... Infinite loop paradox anyone? If you were to randomly pick an answer to this question, what are the chances of picking the right answer? A. 25% B. 50% C. 0% D. 25%
  2. TM Chickens

    RIP Dennis Ritchie

    I just found out today that Dennis Ritchie died five days ago at the age of 70. He was instrumental in the creation of both the Unix operating system and the C programming language. It would be a gross understatement to say that most of the technology we use today was born from the tools he...
  3. TM Chickens

    How do you use BYC? Quick quiz - please take!

    Hello everyone! I've got a few simple questions about how folks use the various features of BYC. If you could take a few minutes to answer this, it would be much appreciated. (There might even be a prize or two! ) When viewing the list of forums on the main page, how important is seeing...
  4. TM Chickens

    What's on your clipboard?

    I thought it might be fun to see what everyone has on their computer clipboards. Just paste whatever is on your clipboard here. Repeat twice-hourly until cured. Go!
  5. TM Chickens

    On the nature of a Lion and other such creatures

    ...of the new stuff. It's looking pretty awesome. (Take that, Microsoft!) However, as I was scanning the impressive list of new features... * Overlay scrollbars * App store * Mission Control * Simpler app launcher * Conversation threads in Mail 5 * iCloud file sync * Full-screen apps ... I...
  6. TM Chickens

    Bombs => Cupcakes

    Quote: Nice.
  7. TM Chickens

    AVC MMXI is

    LIVE!!! That's all.
  8. TM Chickens


  9. TM Chickens


  10. TM Chickens

    Pure Beeswax - Cheap!

    One pound of pure, filtered, unbleached beeswax. Smells heavenly! Perfect for making candles, lotion bars, adding to soap... If you want more than one pound, please pm me. Payment methods accepted are check, cash, or, if you are willing to pay the fees, PayPal.
  11. TM Chickens

    Bug with Buddy Lists

    I've noticed that on my buddy list, all the normal (non mod or GFM) users are shown as their title being 'New Egg' no matter how many posts they have. I'm having this problem in Windows Vista using Chrome 5.0.375.70 beta, and in Ubuntu 10.04 using Firefox 3.6.3
  12. TM Chickens


    I'm a GFM! Thanks to whoever did it!
  13. TM Chickens

    Anyone got a mac?

    I need someone who's got a apple computer to test something for me. Could you open up a terminal (see how here), type "python" minus the quotes in the window that comes up, and post whatever it prints? It should be something like : Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20) [GCC 3.3 20030304...
  14. TM Chickens

    BSA feature request

    I had just posted a listing in the BSA section and accidentally clicked the "Close Listing" link. The listing was insistently closed. It sure would be nice if there was a conformation page so people like me who accidentally click Close Listing would not have to post the entire thing over...
  15. TM Chickens

    Handmade Soap - Bargain Bag

    Auction is for one pound of high-quality, handmade soap. It smells great and creates wonderfully creamy lather. Each pound has 5 or 6 bars. Usually, this much soap would cost over $16 dollars. So why is it so cheap? When I make soap, there are a few ounces which won't fit in the mold. I...
  16. TM Chickens

    Handmade Soap - Bargain Bag

    Auction is for one pound of high-quality, handmade soap. It smells great and creates wonderfully creamy lather. Each pound has 5 or 6 bars. Usually, this much soap would cost over $16 dollars. So why is it so cheap? When I make soap, there are a few ounces which won't fit in the mold. I...
  17. TM Chickens

    Chasing Rabits

    One day an old German Shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old German Shepherd thinks, "Uh-oh! I'm in deep trouble now!" Noticing some bones on the...
  18. TM Chickens

    How rare are double-yolked eggs?

    I was reading an article in Countryside magazine in which the writer was claiming that he always bought an Egg Layer Special Mix or something like that from Murry McMurray hatchery and that they would lay double yolkers 80% of the time, and tipple-yolked eggs were common. Is this true? I think...
  19. TM Chickens

    To cold for chicks?

    Would it be to cold to hatch chicks with a broody hen right now? We are in central Alabama. Thanks!
  20. TM Chickens

    Pics in sig question

    I know that pics in signatures are not allowed. But on my profile under Display it has an option: "Show images in user signatures" Is this just left over from an earlier version?
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