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  1. 0

    Need help with abandoned lamb

    Thank you so much for your reply. Very helpful information. I have another question (which is probably stupid) but will he keep his spots as he gets older? Again, I really appreciate your help!
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    Need help with abandoned lamb does that mean it's polled? I always dehorn my goats at a week old but they are much smaller than him (I raise Nigerian dwarfs). Do I have to dock his tail or is it unnecessary? Any other advice would be appreciated too! (*It cut it's ear on a fence, so that's why it's bandaged) Thanks!
  3. 0

    Absess on goat kid hoove?!

    Hello! I have a young and very tiny Nigerian dwarf female that has an abscess on her hoof. It looks like it pushed part of the hoof off. I'm not sure what to do or what would have caused this... Any ideas? Thanks
  4. 0

    Spraddle legged and malformed ducklings

    Thanks. Do you think the first one has spraddle legs? It's legs do not go out to the side but it still can't really walk... It can take a few steps then it falls and pushes itseld around. I put them on a different kind of bedding but that didn't help
  5. 0

    Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!

    Thanks. I got most of it off but now other problems are arising and I started another thread. I think it has splayed legs, it is very small, and it has deformed eyes (one is huge and the other is barely open). If you could read through that thread and give any advice I would appreciate it
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    Spraddle legged and malformed ducklings

    Hello This has been a difficult hatch. I've started several other threads seaking help/advice but new problems keep arising. I had one of my four moscovy ducks hatch last night (day 36) . Two of the other 3 had pipped on day 34. Today, I discovered that one of them was shrink wrapped and was...
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    Shrink wrapped ducklings dead/dying!!! Help!

    I posted in a different thread about one of my ducklings being shrink wrapped. Thankfully I got it out in time and was able to get most of the membrane off. One duck is fine. Anouther was most of the was done hatching but had stopped making noise and I just found that it has died. There is a...
  8. 0

    Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!

    I think one of the other hatching chicks may be dead. It has also been hatching since Thursday but it's not moving anymore and didn't react when I touched it.... It's head isn't at the opening. Should I open the egg to see if it's shrink wrapped too?
  9. 0

    Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!

    So I gpt him out of the egg but the membrane is stuck onto his back and is hard. The skin around it is also hard. It looks bloody, like it's welded to his skin. How do I get it off?
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    Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!

    I took off some of the shell but part of the membrane is extremely hard and stuck to him. What should I do
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    Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!

    Thursday morning. I can see a heart beat so I know that it's alive
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    Hatching duckling shrink wrapped?!

    Hello One of my ducklings hatched a few hours ago and anouther two are close. One of the eggs is partly opened and I can see that the membrane is not attached to the shell. Is the duckling shrink wrapped? If so can I help it? It has been trying to hatch for several days Thanks
  13. 0

    Duckling Imprinting Help Needed

    I considered it but the eggs are already in lockdown and the duck is nesting kind of far from my house (it would take me probably 5-6 minutes to get the eggs to her) and I figured that it would be too risky. Thanks anyways
  14. 0

    My Duck was attacked..

    That is a lot deeper than the first picture looked.... Puting her down might be the most humane. If you don't know how, there's lots of helpful threads on here that tell how to do it fast and humane
  15. 0

    My Duck was attacked..

    I've had chickens survive similar injuries. It's probably very painful, so I ground up some asprin and put it in their water(don't eat any of the eggs for a while). You need to clean the wound and cut any feathers that are in the way. Use tweesers to remove anything from the area. Do you have...
  16. 0

    Duckling Imprinting Help Needed

    Hello! I have 2 moscovy ducks (male and female) and about 30 days ago I put 4 of her eggs in the incubator, and all of them are viable! Only 5 days left till hatch and I'm very excited. I went out to the coop today and moscovy female just went broody on a clutch of eggs she hid in the corner...
  17. 0

    Looking for Broiler chicks

    Oh okay. Thanks. This is my first time with broilers so I didn't realize that. Do you know if freedom runners are the same way? If so I guess I'll have to go the hatchery route. Thanks for the info
  18. 0

    Looking for Broiler chicks

    Hello! I live in California in the SF bay area and am looking for a place to buy broiler chicks (preferably Cornish cross). The only aces I can find are California hatery and places like it, but I'd rather buy from someone local. Anyone know of a humane place to get broiler chicks? Thanks!
  19. 0

    Sick chick?

    I think it's more likely that they aren't used to eating that kind of food(grass/bugs)... Chicks can be very sensitive. I would just keep them inside and give them electrolytes/probiotics in their water. As long as they are up/eating and drinking then I wouldn't worry too much. Good luck!
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    Whats wrong with my RI red feathers?

    I also live in california and a few years ago I had a RIR from the feed store that molted ALL of it's feathers then none of the ones on the back grew in for 2 years... I'll have to find a picture of her... It was bazzar. Sometimes weird things happen
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