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  1. YarrowFarms

    What are these guys?

    ...programs close by (they're technically on the campus of one.) And the wildlife rescue is literally 2 minutes down the road, so if they get hurt the *hospital* is right there. And who knows, maybe they migrated with the Canadian geese who are thick as thieves down there right now. Anyway, I...
  2. YarrowFarms

    What are these guys?

    We were out and about in Western North Carolina and saw these guys at a duck pond. It's next to a wildlife rescue, and while they don't *allow* folks to dump off their unwanted farm birds there, the presence of pekins and khaki Campbells in the pond suggest that folks do. So, wondering about the...
  3. YarrowFarms

    Overnight Watering Solutions

    I use a chick feeder for their kibble and a medium sized dog bowl for their water. It works well, and the greedy little buggers certainly know when dinner time is. I can hear them hollering from their run if the sun goes down before I get out there, or if they're free ranging that day they'll...
  4. YarrowFarms

    Bruised meat?

    I posted about plucking my jerk rooster last night. After reading a bunch on here last night I decided to just keep it simple and skin him, and then slow cook the snot out of him and then can, mostly because he's somewhere between 12-16 months old. Once I got him skinned I realized he's pretty...
  5. YarrowFarms

    Moving a Rooster to Freezer Camp

    I'm not new to butchering chickens, I raise all my Roo's to eventually be dinner. I do a batch each spring and fall as they grow. This guy went after my three year old so he gets an early ticket. Anyhow, since I do it by myself and my kiddos are usually around I usually just skin them as that's...
  6. YarrowFarms

    Can a coop have too much space?

    We have an 8x8 shed turned coop too. We also started with 6 chickens. As of today I have +/- 40 chickens and 12 ducks. Good luck not filling your coop. Chicken math is hard to escape!
  7. YarrowFarms

    Best plants/trees/bushes for runs...

    Weeds here, but they provide great shade. Joe Pye Weed, cutleaf coneflower, multifora rose. They do eat the rose hips. I also have elderberry growing down in their run. They eat the berries in the fall. Other ideas I've seen is planting a fruit bearing tree or bush outside the run so fruit...
  8. YarrowFarms

    Silkies in main coop

    That's basically my plan for my silkies, living incubators as they see fit. I'll keep one silkie roo to protect them.
  9. YarrowFarms

    Silkies in main coop

    I like that set up. I don't have quite that much room, but I like that idea.
  10. YarrowFarms

    Silkies in main coop

    To answer all the questions and possibly clear up some things, my existing coop is basically a 8x8 shed I can walk into. We have roosting bars at 5' on two sides and about 2.5' on one. I think I can install a shorter roosting bar in one corner if they'd use it. But if they don't I don't want...
  11. YarrowFarms

    Silkies in main coop

    I'm sorry you couldn't keep him, I hate laws like that.
  12. YarrowFarms

    Silkies in main coop

    Does anyone have a separate silkie setup in their existing coop? I'm learning that the silkies I had years ago that roosted were a bit of an anomaly. I don't have room to build extra coops in my run space, and I can expand my run due to terrain. My coop is fairly large, and I could potentially...
  13. YarrowFarms

    Introducing younger ducklings to older ducklings

    ...the smaller end to sleep. In the morning I'll let the young'uns out into the run and give the older ducks their fill of feed. Then onto supervised *follow around the cooler big kids* and splashing in the pond time until the Littles go back into their coop with makeshift run so everyone can...
  14. YarrowFarms

    Quack sexing??

    So I have one who is quacking and one who is still cheeping, both six weeks old, both very vocal. The quacker would be a hen and the one who's still cheeping would be my Drake? (I'm guessing he's a Drake anyway because he's getting a green sheen to his black feathers.)
  15. YarrowFarms

    Quack sexing??

    I've seen this mentioned a couple times, but what in the world is quack sexing??? Is this a tried and true method, or is it more like *you're carrying low so it's a boy* old wives tale?
  16. YarrowFarms

    Ducky Injury!!!

    The bigger ducks are only 2 weeks older.(6 and 4 week olds) I was hoping they'd get along well enough after a couple days of a shared but separated coop and separated in a temporary run within the run. It could be little one could have gotten to close to the momma hen with her babies and she had...
  17. YarrowFarms

    Ducky Injury!!!

    Thanks. I've seen conflicting info on that. I'm going off sources that say that as long as it's at least 55 at night they're okay outside, but I'm always open to new info!
  18. YarrowFarms

    Ducky Injury!!!

    Thank you for that info! I didn't know that.
  19. YarrowFarms

    Ducky Injury!!!

    I tried a thin strip of vet tape and the poor thing freaked out, but it seems okay with a regular bandaid.
  20. YarrowFarms

    Ducky Injury!!!

    I don't have poultry strips, can thinly cut vet tape work?
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