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  1. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    welcome to byc! congrats! pita pinta are great breed.
  2. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    thank you. there is no chicken show here, so it is ok for me to keep them. I hope my younger roo can produce healthy chicks with my 2 hens. I can try the older roo with the pullets.
  3. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    unfortunately those pullets are at a friend of mine. he hatched them together with his chicks and still keeps them. I don't think feathers on the shanks would be visible on a pic. there are just a few of them and they are tiny.
  4. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    2 of the pita pinta eggs hatched and 2 pullets managed to stay alive! I guess they are my younger roos' babies. but the weird thing is they both have 2-3 tiny feathers on their shanks (front side). the only feathered feet breed I have is silkie and there is no way pita pinta hens mated them. I...
  5. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    not really. I'll try to get some eggs from germany as shipping from there is easier. we don't have many options for safe shipping from spain. I have also read that there is a SOP for pita pinta now. I don't like it. breeding for SOP ends up in too much inbreeding.
  6. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2 pita pinta chicks hatched by a friend. :fl that miracle happens and they live.
  7. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    they do lay well but it seems mine are too much inbred and/or share the same lethal gene. no live chicks or a few that hatch live up to 1 week.
  8. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    as I don't get pita pinta chicks from my flock I am thinking to mix them with naked neck. what colour should I get in order to keep pita pinta colouring?
  9. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    my pita pinta girls started to lay again. it's a shame I cann't hatch any. I need new blood but only 1 person has them here and they are the same blood.
  10. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

  11. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    infertile eggs (due today). there are other 3 eggs at my friend that will be candled these days.
  12. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    I found this: There are around 21 lethal gene mutations in birds. Most of these lethal genes lead to chicks’ death during the incubation period. However, congenital tremors and congenital loco cause the death of chicks within a week of hatching...
  13. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    unfortunately the chick died (at a week old). the unhatched eggs had chicks in them just didn't make it. I have 2 eggs due to hatch around monday. not sure if they will hatch as a bourbon red turkey managed to enter the coop where my broody is and broke silkie eggs (with chicks). 2 pita pinta...
  14. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    my little broody is fine. my friend's broody hatched 1 pita pinta. another one is moving in the egg but not likely that it will hatch. it is day 23. now :fl that the little one lives.
  15. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    I am a city girl who fell in love with animals and country life. I learn things the hard I way. I didn't know that mites can live in soil. I treated my broody against parasites but obviously she couldn't stand mite biting any more. although any mite that bit her died there were too many others...
  16. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    I'll wait until spring. I am off grid so no artificial lights here. let's hope that those eggs at my friend's broody will hatch.
  17. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    I live in greece, south europe. we have about 10 hours of daylight. eggs are from my little flock (2 pairs). it seems that 5/6 eggs at my friend are developing. :fl
  18. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    unfortunately eggs were infertile. I put 2 latest eggs under the last broody. I still don't know what happens under my friend's broody. he is going to candle them these days. are pita pinta's eggs fertile in winter? some french breeds don't have fertile eggs in winter (marans, bresse, etc.) and...
  19. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    I have 6 more eggs and a silkie hen started to act like broody. :fl
  20. chickengr

    The Pita Pinta Asturiana

    I set 4 + 6 pita pinta eggs under 2 broodies. :fl eggs are from the older girl and the young roo mated her more often than the older one. I hope chicks hatch and survive.
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