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  1. HillCountryMomma

    Tractor Supply Tracking chicks

    I posted this in the raising chicks section without realizing there was a section just for legal issues! I'll copy and paste my original message below. To add another update, I just got an email from a lady saying at TS in another Texas town is doing the same thing and the workers there couldn't...
  2. HillCountryMomma

    Tractor Supply federal tracking!?

    Boy did I get a nasty surprise at TS last night. Went in to grab a bag of layer pellets. I don't usually buy feed from them, but I just realized the layer pellets my local feed store carries contain a petroleum based preservative. So that led me to TS. Anyway, they are having their 'Chick...
  3. HillCountryMomma

    fair price for BSL pullets?

    I have a friend wanting to buy some of my home hatched/raised BSL pullets. They are almost 13 weeks old and have been raised very natually. No meicated feeds, in a tractor and now started free ranging. Very nice healthy girls. I'm not looking for top dollar prices, just what's fair for us...
  4. HillCountryMomma

    how do I catch this stupid coon!?!

    I guess the biggest problem is that the coon isn't stupid. Too darn smart actually. I've had the traps out for several nights now and still haven't caught the big coon that's been killing my hens (haven't lost any more hens either though, they've all agreed to settle into the coop and stay...
  5. HillCountryMomma

    I am SUCH a sucker!!!

    I haven't posted on this section of the board much but I just have to share my latest trials and tribulations. Posted a little while back about having issues with a raccoon killing my birds. Still having issues with the 'coons! I borrowed 2 live traps from a neighbor after trying to track the...
  6. HillCountryMomma

    My accounting to date

    This topic seems to come up on a regular basis so I thought I'd post an accouting of my costs to date. The Rangers themselves were $1.14 each shipped. I ordered 50, but lost 7 (6 within the first 24 hours, 1 several weeks later that I culled due to some sort of neurological issue). I got no...
  7. HillCountryMomma

    Favorite knives for killing/butchering

    My husband and I have really been debating what kind of knife would be 'the best' for the killing cut (we've decided that slitting the throat is our prefered method of killing) and then butchering. We've gotten the job done, but feel that there's room for improvment when it comes to the tools...
  8. HillCountryMomma

    Butchered Rangers - pictures

    My husband and I butchered 8 of our 43 Freedom Rangers today at 10.5 weeks old. I noticed that the biggest birds really hadn't gained much if any size in the last week so I figured it was time. I'm going to give the remaining birds another week to see if they'll fill out a little more. I has...
  9. HillCountryMomma

    free ranging = slower growth?

    I guess in some ways this may seem like a no-brainer. Seems that any bird that gets up, runs around and burns calories free ranging runs the risk of burning off energy instead of using it to pack on meat/fat. I let my Rangers out of their tractor this morning. Opened the door and they all flew...
  10. HillCountryMomma

    pictures of my Rangers looks like I'll be waiting till 10-12 weeks to butcher which does NOT make me happy. Overall I just haven't been impressed with the Rangers. *sigh* Maybe I should have started with cornishx then I'd appreciate them more. Dunno. I'm gonna try Ideals Red Broilers next before giving up on...
  11. HillCountryMomma

    live weights don't seem good

    ...of the day (which is most of the darn day). Any suggestions? I just don't see them being big enough to butcher in a week unless they pack on a *whole* lot of weight right at the end. I'd really wanted whole birds in the 5-6lb weight range. I'm worried that as things are currently going, I'm...
  12. HillCountryMomma

    Not happy with Little Giant ~ suggestions?

    Well, I'm not at all please with the Little Giant incubator I borrowed from a friend. That thing was a total pain in the butt and I had a heck of a time trying to regulate the temp within it. It was in a climate controlled (central A/C) room. The temps in the incubator would not stabilize. I...
  13. HillCountryMomma

    Live weight to dressed weight

    I know this has been answered before, and I tried to search but my darned slow dial up connection is making it difficult to do. Can someone give me a rough idea of the ratio of live weight to dressed weight for meat chickens? Freedom Rangers specifically if you know! Thanks- Liz
  14. HillCountryMomma

    When do you process your turkeys?

    When do y'all typically process your turkeys? I have 4 Rio Grande Wild Turkey poults. I know they'll grow slower than the commerical super-grow birds. I'm fine with that! Aside from the fact that I like heritage breeds, these little guys were free! A neighbor gave me hatching eggs, and one of...
  15. HillCountryMomma

    Rangers almost to week 8....

    Well, My FRs are almost to week 8 (this Wed). They sure have grown a lot in the last week!! They sure are eating a lot too. Looking at them this morning (and feeling, gotta pick 'em up and do the squeaze test on occasion ya know), they are not nearly big enough to butcher. I'm actually...
  16. HillCountryMomma

    free or sell them?

    ...true. Then I have Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, a hatchery RIR, Ameracauna and something I have yet to identify!!! Yes, I have *way* too many young roosters, and since I have eggs in the 'bator and newly hatched chicks I'm sure I'll have still MORE roosters on the way...
  17. HillCountryMomma

    dumb Freedom Rangers

    Hubby and I moved all the Rangers to the small pasture behind my garden on Sat. The Rangers are now free to range! Except the stupid birds are spending more time sitting in the tractor looking stupid than anything else. Grr!! A few will venture out, get lost in the weeds for a bit, then...
  18. HillCountryMomma

    Ameracauna hatching rates

    ...All the chicks will be EEs since Daddy is a RIR. The hens are Ameracaunas, lay beautiful blue eggs and have the ear ruffs & beards. *IF* I can get a decent hatch, and hopefully get some pullets, will they then be likely to lay green eggs at maturity? I'm going for color diversification...
  19. HillCountryMomma

    anything special for poults?

    Yea, I've heard turkey poults are so dumb they make a stump look bright. I have 7 Rio Grande Wild turkey eggs (and 6 EE) under a broody chicken hen that should start hatching this coming Sat. Then hen is in a safe spot (had another hen hatch out chicks there a couple weeks ago) so I'm just...
  20. HillCountryMomma

    FR - 6 weeks, right size?

    My Freedom Rangers turned 6 weeks old yesterday. They are round, stout birds, but not huge monster birds. I have a hard time imagining that in the next three weeks they'll balloon up to butchering size (I'd like 5-6 lb dressed weights)! I'm starting to think that maybe I'm feeding them wrong...
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