fair price for BSL pullets?


11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
I have a friend wanting to buy some of my home hatched/raised BSL pullets.

They are almost 13 weeks old and have been raised very natually. No meicated feeds, in a tractor and now started free ranging. Very nice healthy girls. I'm not looking for top dollar prices, just what's fair for us both.

Alot depends on where you live and how badly someone wants them and how badly you want to get rid of them. I just sold 10 BO, 14 weeks and 19 weeks. 2 of them were Jodi's Buffs and were beautiful. I got $8.50 apiece and did not even recover my cost of hatching them and feeding. We have a lot of chickens in MI and they go cheap. I figured I was cutting my lose by selling them that cheap. If I had waited for someone to come along who would pay what they were really worth, I would have a lot more $ in them with the cost of feed. At $15 apiece I may have broke even. Sooo, it all depends.
The Wilson County Fair is this week. Most of the pullets that are there for sale are selling for about $10, including a lot of BSLs.
Black sex-links.
Wow, I was getting ready to sell off a few chicks I've hatched out over the last couple weeks to about 2 months old and was only going to ask for $3 - $5 for them. Maybe I'll have to raise my price just a little bit but still offer a package deal if getting 4 or more chicks.


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