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  1. Reesling

    Need Help anny recipe, and you'll notice the difference! Gourmet chefs and culinary hobbyists do anything for duck eggs. They are just so much better! *Duck eggs don't well for cooking alone, as in frying and hard boiling, since they overcook very easily and may turn rubbery. If you'recareful...
  2. Reesling

    when do your chickens lay

    I see. :) If you get your birds to enjoy the frozen water bottles, move them into the coop at night and move them in the run during the day to encourage them to be in a certain space.
  3. Reesling

    What age are chicks ready to be outside full time?

    With 70° nights, they are definetely ready to go outside. :)
  4. Reesling

    What age are chicks ready to be outside full time?

    I agree with Percheron. If it is colder than 60°F at night, then you must wait until they have fully grown their new set of feather. Down feathers are useless for outdoor climates.
  5. Reesling

    Ideas needed!!! Hawk problem!

    No problem! And good luck! :)
  6. Reesling

    when do your chickens lay

    Freeze water bottles and put them in the run during the day to help them cool down, keep drinking water cold, and provide a whole lot of shade. It is preferred to lock up your birds at night to avoid predators from getting your birds, and if there are windows or any opening other than the door...
  7. Reesling

    Ideas needed!!! Hawk problem!

    I've once read that tying old CDs to the top of your fence and allowing them the move in the wind. When this happens, light is reflected off the mirrored side and often scares hawks and other birds of prey away. I do not know how effective this is, but its a cheap experiment and has a low labor...
  8. Reesling

    Broody Epidemic!

    One of my battery hens seemed to go broody these past few days, and she's a breed that's not supposed to go broody (Red Production). It's been cutting down egg production to nearly half, somehow. How is this affecting my other hens? Also, is the only way to stop broodiness to isolate them?
  9. Reesling

    HELP!!!!! MY CHICK IS DYING!!!!!

    Seperate her from the other chicks so they don't catch anything that it has. Provide food and water, obviously, and watch its appetite. It may not have white diarrhea now, but just be on the lookout.
  10. Reesling

    What gender are these chickens?? I hope there hens!!! Lol

    Agreed. I have four BR that are almost eight weeks old, and the one that is a roo looks just like him.
  11. Reesling

    Pigs Anyone?

    Hello, we are planning on getting pigs sometime this year. We have experience with other livestock, but I was told that they are much harder to raise. We really don't know what we're getting ourselves into. Could you maybe give me some pros and cons, expenses, and a good meat breed?
  12. Reesling

    Review by '' on item 'Production'

    Red productions easily steal second place (second only to Faverolles) on my top breeds list! They are amazing layers; serving up large dark brown eggs almost every day. I haven't missed an egg for nearly a month now. I simply love these birds! We had one of the coldest winters this year (-50 F...
  13. Reesling

    Comment by 'Reesling' in article 'The Nest Egg'

    What spoiled chickens! I'm jealous!
  14. Reesling

    HELP! Limping hen!

    You're very welcome. :) Keep us updated!
  15. Reesling

    Amber link

    I don't know, that's a good question! I'd personally think that they wouldn't, since the nutritional value needed from the chalazae would be far too much. It would be awesome to have twins, though!
  16. Reesling

    HELP!!!!! MY CHICK IS DYING!!!!!

    I had the same thing earlier this month. The illness is called pullorum disease. When a hen is infected from the disease and recovers, the eggs she lays aftwerwards are infected by the disease. Any chicks that is born from her will inherit the disease. It is a very bad ilness. When buying...
  17. Reesling

    HELP!!!!! MY CHICK IS DYING!!!!!

    Does your chick have: -White diorrea(just can't spell that) -Closed eyes -Limp position -Inability to stand -Very weak -No appetite
  18. Reesling

    HELP! Limping hen!

    It probably is a pulled muscle. As long as she can put some kind of weight on that foot, and she doesn't lose her appetite or seem sickly, then time is your best bet.
  19. Reesling

    HELP! Limping hen!

    Could she have possibly gotten her leg caught in something? It could also be from trying to grab her by the leg and pulling her. If their are any little kids that go by them, it could be that. Compare her foot with her normal one, and with other members of the flock. Also, try pressing down on...
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