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  1. Everstuff


    Actually........ turkeys can swim. Swear to you. I saw it on my face book feed so of course I had to look it up on youtube.
  2. Everstuff


    My roommate works for Valley Co-Op and got me a heck of a deal on a still air incubator. $30 for a brand new Farm Innovators model. I'd left 12 marked eggs in the nest boxes hoping to entice a hen to set them, and been holding a weeks worth of eggs on the counter at a time hoping. Every day I...
  3. Everstuff


    I'm in Gooding. We're about 45 mins from Twin Falls. One of these days I'm gonna have to haul the hubby out to your place and talk birds. He wants to get into raising Polish Crested and work on getting some really good qaulity birds. I love looking at your face book and your site at the pics of...
  4. Everstuff

    Show off your momma or broody hens!!!

    She's an Austra White. As quoted from Dunlap Hatchery, "Austra Whites are a cross between a Black Australorp and a White leghorn. They are a breed that was developed by Dunlap hatchery in the early 1900's. They are an excellent layer of off white eggs. They are a heavier bird and a lot less...
  5. Everstuff


    I've gotten the hubby right on board with raising chickens in the spring. We had one little chick hatch out not too long ago, and he's smitten. I've got him interested in something other than your average hatchery birds. Those super blue egg layers sound fun. I'd like to get some of the blue and...
  6. Everstuff

    Austra white hen /White Rock roo

    What kind of chick am I going to end up with? We've not had any sort of success at letting the broodies hatch out their eggs. A few weeks ago when Speckles decided to go broody, I though what the heck, not like anything is going to come of it. Well, lo and behold, she hatched out a chick. It's...
  7. Everstuff

    Help my daughter win a scholarship please please please?

    I don't mean to be promoting any name brands, but Dr.Pepper is putting on a contest to win a scholarship. My daughter is currently enrolled as a diesel mechanic in Nevada. Less than .8% of mechanics are women and she loves wrenching on anything with an engine. If you could vote for her and maybe...
  8. Everstuff


    Not chicken related but I wanted to put this out there. Hailey/Ketchum area all the way up to Galina Peak is at risk right now with the Beaver Creek fire. Last I looked over 2000 people were being evacuated. There is a lot of horse people up there, a lot of people with cattle. I want to...
  9. Everstuff

    How many times did you find a chicken in your house?

    I haven't had one come all the way in yet, but the creepy meats are stalking me. I opened my front door to this the other morning. I had to block them with my foot to keep them out. I do have to keep the garage door shut because they were always in there.
  10. Everstuff

    1st & last time raising Cornish X

    Mine haven't been too bad so far. When I first brought them home they were in a 75 gal feed tub and I had just hay in the bottom. Nasty stinky mess over night. I was dumping it in the compost pile every morning. (We weren't completely prepared). I got a bag of shavings after 5 days and that...
  11. Everstuff

    Explaining Chicken Math

    Here's the post I just put up on my blog trying to explain my foray into chicken math... How does, I'd like to get about eight chicks to replace the older hens turn into, "Oh heck, how did I end up with twenty seven chickens?" It's chicken math. People who have raised chicks understand...
  12. Everstuff

    Overly Aggressive Rooster

    I just had to go through this. I got a beautiful Silver Laced roo from the neighbor. He was so darned mean though. It was kinda funny at first cause I wore my insulated carharts doing chores through the winter. Watching 6 pounds of roo go afer my 220 pound, 6'2" tall hubby was kinda funny too...
  13. Everstuff

    CX vs Freedom Rangers, my experience/observation so far.

    I just watched a video where they used a gallon milk jug as a cone. Square bottom to fit those wide shoulders, and an opening as big as they needed to cut it.
  14. Everstuff

    Love having a handy hubby. New brooder

    I loves him. He teases me all the time that I'm turning the Bad A** Biker into a farmer. Horses, cats, dogs, pigs last year, a calf, chickens, a meanie rooster, and now chicks. We grow a garden, heat the house with a wood stove with wood he cuts for me. Right little homestead he have going on here.
  15. Everstuff

    Love having a handy hubby. New brooder

    Last year hubby built a chicken condo for me so I could add chickens to the farm. This year it's a bigger brooder. We had them in a water trough, but it was rapidly becoming too small. Scott gets to bring home boxes and crates that the big motors they use in the plant come in. The bottom of my...
  16. Everstuff

    What is so "bad" about buying feed store chicks?

    My local D&B and the local Valley Co-ops will both allow you to order chicks from the hatchery in small numbers and they pay the shipping. As long as the hatchery does their half right, the boxes are labled for the customer, and they call when they come in. I just grabbed whatever was on hand...
  17. Everstuff

    Tiny turtle!

    Is that a teeny tiny snapping turtle?
  18. Everstuff

    WEWT!!! I got a broody!!! sorry long post. i like telling stories

    ...about how they just laid an egg. I was off yesterday, and threw open the curtains when I got up, to count. PleasePleasePlease... 1, 2, 3, 4. ****. Double ****. Four chickens and a rooster pacing and yelling to hurry up with the scratch already. Well Poo. So much for that idea. I was so...
  19. Everstuff

    EverStuff Ranch... pic heavy

    Thx for the . Does it count as addicted if I take my computer to work so I can look through all the amazing info here on this site?
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