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  1. Quesse

    Illegal chickens in the news in La Mesa, CA (near San Diego)

    Some of the replies on that story are amazing. "Chickens for pets? Why not just buy buckets of chicken poo and fling it all around. Add a large dose of dust and feathers." This is one example of the prejudice preventing chickens from being accepted into the pet category in suburban...
  2. Quesse

    Chicken squating when i stand over it

    Oh man, so that's what my hens are doing? I was worried it was some kind of fearful reaction. Don't know whether to be flattered or not.
  3. Quesse

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roosters for sale in San Diego

    I'm looking for a good home for these two fellows. They were hatched in early May and get along well together. They're very good natured and easy-going. Here are a couple images. I'm out in Escondido so local only. I'm not entirely sure on the pricing. (Haven't used this auction tool...
  4. Quesse

    Hysterical Rooster Behavior

    Wow... I was so not expecting that from this thread. I had to read the OP's post twice just to confirm what I was reading.
  5. Quesse

    This is what happens when your not a member of BYC

    Quote: Yeah, that name "chicken wire" is misleading. I'm brand new to backyard chickens and I'm really glad I found this website. It's been an incredible resource to me. I did check out other websites though and bought a book too for additional information. I've been wanting pet chickens...
  6. Quesse

    When to move babies out to coop.

    Quote: Same here. I can't really build an outdoor brooder that's predator proof and unobtrusive. I've just kept the babies in the garage until they were old enough to go out. It was summer too when I had the chicks so it wasn't too hard. Man, it's been pouring here in San Diego!
  7. Quesse

    When to move babies out to coop.

    Quote: Does that include the face too? I'm actually in San Diego too and I have a couple 5 week olds that I'd like to move into the coop. I have two Wyandottes that pretty much have all their feathers except for the top of their head and face. The only issue is that it's been rainy and...
  8. Quesse

    determining gender of baby chicks

    Quote: Go to the top of your webpage and select "Uploads" It will bring up a new page and the button "Browse" will be on it. Click that and a new window with a list of files from your computer will appear. Select from one of your computer's folders a picture that you want to upload...
  9. Quesse

    When can I put them outside

    If I'm out in San Diego where temperatures are pretty mild, when is the soonest I could put out my little chickies? I have this peculiar dilemma where the medium sized cage I was using for the 3- 5 week olds was "borrowed" and not returned. I feel horrible that my two little ones have very...
  10. Quesse

    Anyone know what this little one might be?

    Quote: Aww, an ugly duckling of Hamburgs, eh? I was intrigued by her long face. It's also somewhat bare of feathers for whatever reason.
  11. Quesse

    Anyone know what this little one might be?

    Ah, nice. Yeah, she's turned out to be very pretty. Thanks for the info!
  12. Quesse

    Anyone know what this little one might be?

    Glamour shots: Here she is next to her new flockmate: The person I purchased her from said that she came from a mixed batch of "good layer" chicks and wasn't certain which breed she might be.
  13. Quesse

    Any advice on how to make chicks friendly

    I'm pretty new to backyard chickens myself but I brought home some small meal worms one day from the pet store. Instant love. Well, "love". At least when I go to visit the older chickens, they come bursting out to see me. They're not exactly begging to be picked up or anything, but they seem...
  14. Quesse

    Feisty chick

    I brought home two Silver Laced Wyandotte females this weekend. I believe they're about 2 weeks old now. I went to pick them up so I could tidy their brooder a bit and one of them gave my hand a couple pecks! I'm certain they're still needing some human handling but I was wondering if...
  15. Quesse

    Wow You guys should watch this video (very cool)

    Awesome! I love how she rolled the egg over to the owner in the end.
  16. Quesse

    The bad thing about this BYC section: An Observation

    I've actually been just enjoying the journey thus far as a newbie chicken keeper. The eggs will arrive when they arrive. I do appreciate the patience and wisdom of the much more experienced forum posters though.
  17. Quesse

    Oh noes! Is my wyandotte a boy? (Updated with pics)

    Quote: Aww, it certainly is a sad day for me. These guys are awesome and I will miss them greatly. Thanks for the feedback.
  18. Quesse

    Oh noes! Is my wyandotte a boy? (Updated with pics)

    Okay, so here are some pictures of the two blue laced red wyandottes that I have. I was thinking male for both because they seem to be growing in some fancier feathers on their backs. But I'll let the much more experienced folks make that call. Thanks!
  19. Quesse

    Oh noes! Is my wyandotte a boy? (Updated with pics)

    Oh, that would be a sad day... I've already had to find a new home for one of the chicks I had that turned out to be a rooster. I would be down to 3 chickens!
  20. Quesse

    Oh noes! Is my wyandotte a boy? (Updated with pics)

    ...the back of the house early this morning which is quite disappointing for me. I've become very fond of my two wyandottes and I feel awful knowing that I will have to give one away if it turns out to be male. I'll have to get up early tomorrow and find out for myself then whether it's true...
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