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  1. chena16c

    Central Texas hatching eggs

    Hey friends! It's that time of year to teach my students about the wonderful thing we know as life, and life cycles. I am trying to find some folks who have fertilized eggs in/near Central Texas. I live in Austin. I have had chickens in the past and help run our current coop at the school so...
  2. chena16c

    Was egg bound and now not walking...

    So on Saturday, after much ruckas from the other hens. I found one of my 6/7 month of BLRW laying on the coop floor with her legs straight behind her with her bottom "pulsating" did the research and figured she was egg bound so I soaked her in warm water (didn't do anything) but her under a heat...
  3. chena16c

    Roo or hen?

    So I went back and forth on this guy when he was little. I'm leaning towards rooster, as "he's" very skittish and squawks more randomly then my hens. "He" is about 5 months old. I haven't had any crowing yet. Also, when I was letting them roost in the trees "he" went to the highest branches that...
  4. chena16c

    Predator in trees at night?

    I'm not sure I trust myself with a gun......but live traps I can set. This guy looks pretty big though, what size trap would he need? 'possums I can handle killing as they don't fight back too much (just really hard to kill with a shovel). I'm not wanting to pick a fight with a 'coon though...
  5. chena16c

    Predator in trees at night?

    But do owls leave a trail of feathers? The two bodies we've found basically have a trail around the yards, as if a sign of struggle.....about 3 different spots in both attacks in both yards. Then, in the end a big "pillow" of feathers. Though I guess if the owl killed it, ate it's fill, then the...
  6. chena16c

    Predator in trees at night?

    Well the night camera proved that I have both a 'possum AND a (good sized) raccoon. For some reason it won't upload the picture of the raccoon but here's the 'possum. Hope he's too big to fit through that wire gauge around the run 'cause I don't have the funds to purchase anything smaller right...
  7. chena16c

    Predator in trees at night?

    My run has a top on it (which is why one of the hens slept on it. I think she was too fat to get into the trees with the others). You'd just think they would have gone after the easier hen, who was always inside the open coop, by herself. I will be getting some traps, the camera was just a way...
  8. chena16c

    Predator in trees at night?

    Thanks guys. I am herding them into the coop at night (with the help of the sheepless border collie of mine), as well as clipped some wings. I guess one didn't get clipped short enough because just as I was going out to put them up tonight she jumped into the tree....had to hose her down and...
  9. chena16c

    Predator in trees at night?

    Okay, something has done away with 4 of my hens now. I have NO clue what it is. All I know is that it is attacking the hens that are roosting on top of my run at night or in the branches in the trees. The hens all thought they were smart to start roosting in the trees (some have been doing it...
  10. chena16c


    ...decided to flee.....then I since it only stayed under the chicken coop I turned the hose on it so it. It ran under the fence and into my neighbors backyard. *sigh* Guess I'll be off finding some smaller gauge wire tomorrow. Too bad I had to loose all my BLRW wyandotte chicks to figure it out
  11. chena16c


    ...think any animal of raccoon size would still push the whole door open in that case as it doesn't push in/out THAT much....unless it was young. *Sigh* the door is fairly new so I haven't had time to fix that part yet. Guess I'll go to Home Depot tomorrow. Run down: Chicks mysteriously...
  12. chena16c

    Can border collies live with silkies and silkie chicks?

    Quote: Mine doesn't bother them at all unless I've asked him to. He's much more interested in the squirrels that he thinks shouldn't be in the yard than chickens or birds. But I also know not all dogs are this way.
  13. chena16c

    Rooster chick?

    So I'm in need to know if this little bugger is a rooster. One by one my chicks have gone missing. Most were free ranging, 2 were new babies in the coop. So I had 2 left. One was about a month and a half and then this guy whom I got from someone who got it from someone else. Maybe a little over...
  14. chena16c

    Can border collies live with silkies and silkie chicks?

    This may be a little too late but I figured I'd put my 2 cents in anyone, being a border collie owner and whatnot. As with ANY dog, training from the start is always best for the most well behaved dog. Adopting and older dog is great and with some training problems that are currently around...
  15. chena16c

    Broody Hen Thread!

    oh, also....I'm can't right out remember the breed this one is, as there is a mix. It's a light/tan egg, The chick is black with slight yellow feathers (still drying) but it already has a ridged comb, any ideas on what kind of chick it is?! Black sex-linked maybe? I've never seen them born with...
  16. chena16c

    Broody Hen Thread!

    So this is my first time a broody hen. I put fertilized eggs under her and they started hatching today, only problem is my other cuckoo maran decided to go broody. they're both trying to sit on the nest, I found one pipped and crushed egg and had to help a second chick out of it's fully zipped...
  17. chena16c

    how many eggs can my broody hen hatch?

    Haha! My cuckoo maran just went broody too! Must be the weather we're having. I have 13 eggs under her....2 of them are her own unfertilized eggs...and she kick a "fertilized" one out of the nest today. The 13 fit but I wouldn't put anymore under her. I guess it depends on how big and "flat" she is.
  18. chena16c

    when will they lay?

    I only have a buff orpington out of your bunch but any of the chickens I've had don't usually hatch until 5-6 months, being closer to the 6 months.
  19. chena16c

    How to hatch eggs with a broody hen???

    Quote: I think one of the reasons I didn't realize she was broody is because she comes out with the other hens to eat and dust bathe. Since I have my spring garden up and running they are only allowed to free range when I get home (or there is no garden for me....fencing and all they figure...
  20. chena16c

    How to hatch eggs with a broody hen???

    So, I think I just figured out that my screeching cuckoo maran is broody. I don't know why I hadn't seen the signs until looking up "screaming chicken" and came across a lot of broody hen posts. I just thought I had a chicken who liked to lay in the shavings at night. I'm not sure how long she's...
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