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  1. C

    Lemon pyle brahma

    I am guessing this is a cockeral... I wish it wasn't as it was the only one that hatched but it is what it is I guess. 7 weeks old
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    Day 22 broody hen

    I have a fantastic broody who has been sitting on 9 eggs. One wasn't developing so that left 8. The others were doing great. It's day 22 and only 3 have hatched, and no other pips. Should I leave them and hope they will hatch today and tomorrow or call it done?
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    Did I kill my chicken?

    When I went to check on my chickens to make sure they all went to bed, I noticed one was missing. I eventually found her huddled under a hedge . I got her out and brought her inside to check on her and make sure she was OK. She was not. She had pale wattles and a purple comb and was standing all...
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    Egg bound hen

    My girl is I a really bad way. I can feel an egg but there seems to be tissue in the way of it coming out. Almost like it's trying to come out before it's made it's way through the canal all the way. Anything I can do? She's had a bath, I've tried to give her stuff by mouth but she refuses...
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    Super windy tonight

    So I thought my girls were good and the ventilation was perfect to vent but not cause a draft, but tonight on a super windy night I could see feathers blowing on my coop cam. The roost is below the vents so I don't know what else to do. There is space to move them down more, so I can try that...
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    Chicken ate plastic gem

    Whenever we open the backdoor Dottie waltzes right in in hopes to find some snacks. Shes the piggy of the bunch. She reminds me of a golden retriever who just consumes everything. She was pecking at a gem like the one pictured and I went to grab it from her and in golden retriever fashion gulped...
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    New layer glitch?

    I have a pullet that seems to be laying 2 eggs at a time, possibly from the roost. The first time it happened they looked like they were originally attached as they were both missing the entire tops of the eggs like they were stuck together and then separated when they hit the ground. This time...
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    Broody 22 week old pullet

    My 22 week old pullet has been laying since 19 weeks old and has slowly been showing increased signs of broodiness. Staying longer I'm the nest box puffing up and growling loudly when I go check on her and when I ultimately kick her out of the nest. She has still been laying everyday, so I...
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    New layer playing tricks on me

    I have a couple of olive eggers that are newly laying (about a month). Today I got a small egg with blood on it and was like oh yay we have a new layer! I looked on the camera to see who it was and it was one that was already laying.. it was a fraction of the size that she's been laying (not a...
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    Pullet doesn't seem to like nesting areas

    I have a 20 week old pullet she's laid 2 eggs so far. She seems to take forever to decide on a place to lay her eggs. She's currently going on at least 1 hour in just going from nest box to nest box, in the coop out of the coop, digging in the bottom of the coop, but she wont lay... there are...
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    Olive egger eggs changing colours

    So my olive egger laid her first egg a few days ago and it was a beautiful sage green colour. She laid her second one today and it's way more brown 😭 I watched her lay both on a camera so I know they are hers. I am guessing the copper Maran browns are winning in her genes. 😭 her sisters eggs are...
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    Will olive eggs get more green over time?

    I was reading that brown laying hens eggs gets lighter as they age as they tend to run out of the pigment which is applied to the egg that gives it the brown on a white egg (blue for olive egg). If this is true will my olive eggers eggs get more green over time? Her first two eggs were a...
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    Finally got our first egg!!!

    And by finally I mean I am just impatient and my olive egger is 19 weeks and laid her first egg 😂 I was told that she would be 7-9mo the before laying so this is a pleasant surprise! (Shes a ameraucana x BCM) I am so friggen excited!!!
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    Pullet building nests

    I have a pullet who seems to be very close to her first egg and she's had a day, 2 days ago where she furiously searched for a spot to lay and made a few places in the yard that looks like nests, with it all dug out and a hole in the middle. Still no egg and the past two days seems to be back to...
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    Pullet suddenly pecking us

    So I have this pullet, she's 19 weeks. She has stopped running away when we reach out our arms but will peck us really hard. I got a few good welts from her today. Hormones? Will this stop once her hormones stabilize?
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    What could this be

    I was thinking gape worm but based on my reading it seems like a very rare occurrence. So that leaves respiratory infection. Shes absolutely fine aside from the head shaking and gasping. She still eats drinks and dust bathes. We do have one other lady that seems to have the same symptoms, so...
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    Question about ventilation

    I built this myself so I am sure it's. It perfect but I'm working on it being the best it can be. The whole top is open, between the roof and the walls with hardware cloth. It seems to cool down fine at night (it was 71 in there) but the chickens still seem to pant like they are hot. They aren't...
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    Close to laying? Maybe?

    First time chicken tender here, anyone want to guess how close my OE is to laying her first egg? I just noticed how red her comb was over the last couple of days. She is 18 weeks.
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    Jersey giants?

    Are these jersey giants? (The two forefront black girls) Could they be something else? They are 10 weeks are very tall and have big feet and legs.
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    What breed

    I was hoping she was a cream legbar but I am guessing she's a EE of sorts? She was in a mixed bin of coloured layers from hoovers. Any ideas?
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