Pullet suddenly pecking us

I wouldn't put up with that.
Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.

I wouldn't put up with that.
Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.
I have been using my finger to tap her hard enough that she doesn't like it. Shes been off and on hand fed. But the bruises she's leaving are awful. Well she did it the one day and I haven't let her get me again.

I will try your other suggestions!

Thank you 😊
I know 3 of mine went through that stage but 2 knew i was boss already apparently. Just a light tap set them all in their ways. And it was right before they layed eggs.
I know 3 of mine went through that stage but 2 knew i was boss already apparently. Just a light tap set them all in their ways. And it was right before they layed eggs.
Well at least that's a good sign 🤣 her sister is a little closer to laying and doesn't peck me like that .. so hopefully she will figure it out.
I wouldn't put up with that.
Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.
I LOVE THIS! I had a roo puff up at me and I puffed up bigger and he never tried again. My girls only peck my polished toe nails or a SCAB!!!! watch out on those.
I have 9 coming into lay right now, and I seem to have this issue with 4 of them. They come up kind of doing their warning "growl", like when they want another chicken to give up the food bowl or to get out of their space. They sometimes lightly run at and peck my feet, too! Picking them up, bopping heads gently, or submitting them seems to make them settle down. I'm not sure if it's posturing for dominance or sort of a weird way of attracting a rooster for "attention" but I've never had a grown hen continue this behavior. They do seem happier/calmer after a pick-up or squat, surprisingly, instead of just avoiding me afterwards.

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