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  1. ravenfeathers

    How is peat moss for bedding? I don't see it used a lot.

    ...easy to store. with ~30 hens and a depth of 3-5 inches, i was "picking" the bedding once per week and freshening with new peat about four times per *year*. it clumps like scoopable cat litter, so i use a futurefork to sift the bedding, removing water spills and manure and leaving clean...
  2. ravenfeathers

    How is peat moss for bedding? I don't see it used a lot.

    i've been successfully using peat moss as my sole bedding substrate in my coop and brooder for four years and have had no problems with excess dust or hens with respiratory issues. it is non-binding if eaten, fantastic for ground-dwelling birds (and dust-bathes up a treat), and needs to be...
  3. Ravenfeatherss Page

    Ravenfeatherss Page

    a chicken story on may 18th, 2008 my long-time dream of having chickens became a reality, but not quite in the way i'd pictured it or planned on it. i'm a long-time ethical vegetarian and work hard in all that i do to live mindfully, encouraging and respecting life in all its forms. as an...
  4. ravenfeathers

    2nd year newbie with some silkie questions

    this is all great information. thank you all so, so much. this is exactly what i was looking for! now i just have to worry about roosters. my only roo experience is bob, our vaguely neurotic, sort of prissy RIR hatchery oops. knowing that RIR roos have a reputation, i spent a lot of time...
  5. ravenfeathers

    2nd year newbie with some silkie questions

    Quote: that's terrifying!
  6. ravenfeathers

    2nd year newbie with some silkie questions

    Quote: i've already got a half dozen ordered, so i'm already overrun before i even get started! i've heard that silkies don't roost and have been trying to plan their coop with that in mind. will they roost low if there's a low roost available or is it the floor or nothing? these guys are...
  7. ravenfeathers

    2nd year newbie with some silkie questions

    Quote: I wouldn't see the need for two seperate brooders, they should do fine. Just watch them to make sure the smaller birds dont get any injuries that could lead to further picking. If you end up with TOO many roosters it could be more than your willing to deal with. However I do know...
  8. ravenfeathers

    2nd year newbie with some silkie questions

    Quote: I'm perplexed as to why you'd ask someone who doesn't own silkies to give you information, but I'll try my best, as it appears no one has answered thus far. I'll start with the negatives of owning Silkies. They need to be protected from predators a little more than other birds...
  9. ravenfeathers

    DE and chicks

    perfectly safe, yes. (am assuming you have food grade DE)
  10. ravenfeathers

    My name is lisa, and i'm a klepto...(PICS ADDED)

    ahahaha, you are going to pay for those chicks, right? can you imagine someone shoplifting chicks? "sir, why are your trousers peeping?"
  11. ravenfeathers

    Meyer orders?

    i didn't order directly from meyer, but from meyer via the chicks made it in perfect time and in fantastic shape. i can't say enough good things about the shipping. it was high summer from OH to VT and a small order to boot and the kids came through like troopers in 24 hours...
  12. ravenfeathers

    Is she a he?!?! [Updated with PICS]

    Quote: no, he definitely wouldn't be older or he wouldn't have survived in transit. hatcheries can only ship day-old chicks. if they shipped a two week old chick, chances are good that the little feller would starve to death! your colouring would be the same between a BO chick and most chicks...
  13. ravenfeathers

    Mareks Vaccination good or bad for chicks

    this is my advice: it's only a quarter or so per chick, so just do it. i opted not to last year with my chicks because of a variety of what i thought were very sensible reasons. heck, they were sensible reasons, but if you're anything like the worrywart i am, you'll vaccinate because, let me...
  14. ravenfeathers

    Is she a he?!?! [Updated with PICS]

    i'm going to guess not only is it a roo, it's a broiler. or a mutant!
  15. ravenfeathers

    2nd year newbie with some silkie questions

    ...with fifteen hatchery chicks, all heavy breed layers (RIRs, BPRs, BOs, AOs, and PPRs) and all pullets (except for that one little sexing mistake *cough*). i decided over the winter that i could add a small number of hens for the size of my coop and not be over-crowded, so i just ordered six...
  16. ravenfeathers

    Potting Soil for Brooder

    i haven't used potting soil, but i've had tremendous luck with peat moss both in my brooder and in my coop. i highly recommend it to all. it's almost completely odor-free and really appeals to the chicks and the hens for digging and dust bathing. the only drawback is that it makes a fine...
  17. ravenfeathers

    Humane Society to stop shipping of Baby Chicks (Look out Hatcheries)

    the government should require that all live animals be shipped express, not priority, and strengthen the guidelines for handling by USPS personnel.
  18. ravenfeathers

    Barred Rocks going blind? Thoughts and questions

    i just thought i'd post an update on my odd problem here. two weeks later and both hens' eyes are clearing and it's obvious that they both have near full vision. they were also two of the first to start laying, but i'm sure that's pure coincidence. i'll probably never know what caused them to...
  19. ravenfeathers

    Barred Rocks going blind? Thoughts and questions

    Quote: Quote: I know you posted that their "diet was exceptional" but also said that it was "incredibly unlikely" that it was a vitamin deficiency unless "there's a serious problem" with the commercial feed. Is commerical feed their only diet? Do they get to freerange or do you add other...
  20. ravenfeathers

    Barred Rocks going blind? Thoughts and questions

    pips&peeps : I would look into ocular mareks or leukosis.'s's opacity of the lens or pupil is not associated with systemic...
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