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  1. AChickenBoi

    Tips for washing a Silkie hen’s bottom?

    I don’t know if this fits on this thread, but there wasn’t a category specifically for feather care/ grooming. My Silkie hen is 4 years old, going on 5 by next May. She’s perfectly healthy, but can’t seem to reach her vent to groom her butt. It’s to the point that she gets irritated by the...
  2. AChickenBoi

    Food and water spills from chicken’s beak when she bends down to peck at the ground.

    My 3-4 year old hen, Rocky, has been having these issues for a long while. I thought it was a symptom of sour crop, so when I isolated her to reset her digestive system, she became more lively and a completely normal chicken. However, water, bits of food, and other stuff still spills from her...
  3. AChickenBoi

    3 year old hen is displaying ongoing symptoms | please help

    From the last few posts, I have seen odd symptoms in my sapphire gem hen, Rocky. This morning, she was reluctant to come out of the coop. It looked like she is constantly trying to swallow something, and when I set her down to eat, a yellow fluid would dribble out of her beak when she would...
  4. AChickenBoi

    What waste organs can chickens eat?

    I’m thinking of raising meat rabbits, but I wouldn’t want any part of the body going to waste if I can help it. I also have pet chickens that are not picky when it comes to meaty foods. Can I throw the organs we normally wouldn’t eat to the flock? Would raw be fine, or would it be better if I...
  5. AChickenBoi

    My 3-ish year old hen made gurgling noises when I put my ear next to her side.

    I remember hearing that gurgling in a chicken’s breathing means that something is wrong with the lungs, but I can’t be sure whether or not it is something serious. It doesn’t sound like gurgling coming from her breathing, and instead a noise similar to the gut digesting food. She is the only one...
  6. AChickenBoi

    Hen from before is displaying worrying symptoms. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.

    I thought I knew what was wrong with Rocky, and found a solution, but she doesn’t seem to be getting better. I suspect that she has sour crop, and just needs a lot more attention, but I’ve never seen these symptoms that she’s showing. -A brown/orangish fluid leaks out of her beak whenever she...
  7. AChickenBoi

    3 year old hen is acting sickly. Help!

    Rocky, my 3 year old blue rock hen, has shown very worrying signs recently. Her comb is floppy and pale on the edges, she is lethargic, her tail is down, and she is hiding. Before, I found her drinking mass amounts of water, looking very pale and ill. When I forced her to purge the contents of...
  8. AChickenBoi

    Will cats attack silkies or similar sized breeds?

    There’s been a boom in the cat population of my neighborhood. They’re becoming more abundant, which is either from the lack of spaying and neutering, or people letting their cats wander outside. This is potentially bad not only for my chickens, but also the cats in question, as they get hurt...
  9. AChickenBoi

    Help!! My chicken won’t put any weight on her leg!

    My 2 year old barred rock hen won’t put any weight on one of her legs. I first noticed just 30 minutes ago when I went out to see my girls, and I saw that she was laying down. I felt her leg and foot, but I didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary, but at the same time, I don’t know what...
  10. AChickenBoi

    “Mush” recipe

    A couple days ago, I made a mash of leftover eggs with no carton, cream of wheat, corn grit, and what was left of baby parrot food that needed to be either thrown away or eaten. It was a big hit with the girls, especially my silkies. This is the recipe for it, in case you want to make a simple...
  11. AChickenBoi

    Broken pin feather on my chicken’s leg?!

    My silkie cross has a broken pin feather that came out after I gently pulled on it. I barely even gripped it while I was trying to see how rooted into her foot it was, and felt really bad when I thought I hurt her. She bled quite a bit from that, and I got a wet paper towel to clean it up a...
  12. AChickenBoi

    How can I keep my chickens safe from hawks?

    ...biggest girl. One sapphire gem/blue rock, one black bantam silkie, and a silkie-Blue rock cross. They are all adults. My family doesn’t give a sh*t about this threat. My parents especially. They always say that the chickens are too big to be even harmed by a hawk, but I know that’s a load of...
  13. AChickenBoi

    The whole flock sleeping together

    From left to right: Shadow: silkie Levi: silkie/blue rock cross Rocky: blue Plymouth Rock (sapphire gem) Olive: barred rock It’s rare for them to all tolerate each other enough to sleep in the same big nest lol
  14. AChickenBoi

    Can my chickens co-exist with rose bushes safely?

    I’m thinking on growing a paradise rose bush in my backyard, but I’m unsure if it would be safe with my chickens, and the other way around. None of them are plant-eaters aside from eating grass and weeds in the yard, and they won’t go out of their way to try to get into the vegetable garden. I’m...
  15. AChickenBoi

    My rooster doesn’t like to eat his usual feed anymore

    My boy, Blue, is a 2-3 year old blue silkie rooster. He has scissor beak, so he has special needs when it comes to feeding. In the morning, once he’s been let out of his nightly kennel-carrier, I let him run around and socialize with the girls of the flock. About 10-20 minutes later, once he’s...
  16. AChickenBoi

    Would raw egg be ok to help gain a healthy weight

    When I asked to see what would be a good food to help my VERY underweight roo put on some weight (the vet’s measurements said that he was only 50-60 ounces in weight, and since he’s gotten better from what was ailing him, I’m working on putting some weight on him), someone said that raw egg yolk...
  17. AChickenBoi

    What helps gain a healthy weight in chickens?!

    Ever since my roo, Blue, got what I believe to be sour crop, he’s stopped eating and drinking by himself, and will usually stay hunched up and watching the girls. He is painfully thin, his keel bone sticks out to where I can’t feel anything but bone, and I can’t feel any muscle on him, just...
  18. AChickenBoi

    Will Miconazole/Monistat cream help my chicken’s sour crop? Or will it kill him?

    My rooster recently got sour crop (I highly believe). People are recommending Miconazole or Monistat cream (vaginal cream for yeast infections). My mom has it, but she thinks it could actually kill him instead of helping his sour crop. The tube we have says to not ingest orally or use on the...
  19. AChickenBoi

    Full crop 24/7

    I’m not sure if this would be considered an emergency or illness, but I am starting to feel concerned about it. My roo, Blue, who might as well be considered a regular topic on my forum posts, has had a full crop for a couple/few days now. Whenever I let him out of his night time kennel to go...
  20. AChickenBoi

    How did you get your chickens to eat new food?

    I recently got two bags of chicken feed, one all-flock, and the other, flock raiser. I got them for Blue since it’s much better for him than the usual canned fruits and veggies he’s had for a long time. He’s roughly one and a half, maybe two years old, and has scissor beak. He also recently got...
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