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  1. New Coop 3

    New Coop 3

    It all began when I couldn't get the coop I was looking for. Finally I did but somehow I was destined to buy one. I wanted to hire someone to build one for me, either no on called me back or they said my idea was "impossibe". That led me to build my own coop. It took lot longer then expected...
  2. Mamachic21s Chicken Coop

    Mamachic21s Chicken Coop

    ...and they (1 baby chic and her momma) around everywhere in the garage ;-) Those pictures on top, when a powerful wind made the gutters out of place. ************************************************************Thank you for visiting********************************************************
  3. MamaChic21

    Pictures of your coops!

    Quote: Very nice coop how many chickens does it house? Thank you Every night I count them and every night it's the same, 9 chickens and/or roosters go inside the coop and 9 stays on the roosting bars of the run (right next to the coop) along with 3 adult ducks. I also have 8 ducklings in...
  4. MamaChic21

    Snakes in the coop?

    I am terrified of snakes and I did my research on how to keep snakes away from flock and read somewhere that snakes do not like the scent of moth balls. So I put 5-6 moth balls in to a zip lock bag and made few holes for the smell to come out and letting the moth balls in so that the chickens...
  5. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    maybe something like this ?
  6. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    Quote: Oh us too I keep their feedings in the garage during the winter months. I do have closed sealed shut containers where I restore their food at all times. I use to leave the container inside of their previous coop (which was 7x7 rubbermaid) but not since the winter. I carry it every...
  7. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    Quote: Couple of shed, not a problem Great idea, I can do that Feed shack, hmmm is that going to be portable too ? I am so uneducated involving chicken/duck when it comes down to names. What does a feed shack look like
  8. MamaChic21

    Run is at critical mass

    Quote: I take motrin before I begin and hospital after I'm done I have a problem with my back, I can bend down but after a while, I can't stand up straight lol. I'm also cleaning out their old run yesterday and today. Their run was 10x18 and getting rid of all the poo, straw, wood chips...
  9. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    Quote: First off, VERY nice job!! Looks like your girls are well taken care of!! As for a rec room for your chickens - I think the PP was trying to say that it looks like your chickens have everything they need already! If you made them a rec room, I imagine it should have a pool table...
  10. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    Quote: LOL Yes I'm married but he told me after I've finished the coop that I can go and sleep there if I wanted too
  11. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    awww thanks guys, I really appriciate it . 3 out of 4 seasons, the portable run and chicken coop will be right next to that big run (32x38). Only during the winter, the portable run/coop will be right across our deck's staircase for easy access. In that big run, planning on putting duck pond...
  12. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    Quote: Great idea too, but I was thinking of putting them in the nursery or broody coop if anything happens (if they get sick) God forbit.
  13. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    Quote: Chicken math has hit me like a ton of brick I started with 2 silkies and 5 ducks, then 2 ducks died but now I got 8 ducks and 16 hens, 4 roosters. Breeding pens, I don't know too much about that. Do you leave 1 rooster in with a hen ? How long do they have to stay in the breeding...
  14. MamaChic21

    what to do with leftovers ? (with pic's)

    I've build 8x8 portable chicken run and chicken coop last month along with 32x38 run. I have left over 2 of 4x8 plywood along with lot of 2x4's, 4x4's, 2x3's. And other left over plywoods. I already built them broody and nursery coop, so what else can I built them with my leftovers ? Any...
  15. MamaChic21

    Southern California Coop New Pictures

    I don't like it, I LOVE IT . Nicely done
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