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  1. Magilla

    Looking for hatch buddies. 2/27/14

    Yes, first time for everything. I got a batch of mail order chicks last week so I have been a chickener for 7 whole days now. I don't want to do mail order again so I'm going to see if I can hatch em myself.
  2. Magilla

    Looking for hatch buddies. 2/27/14

    Picking up the eggs for my first hatch tomorrow morning , might be Fri. morn before I join you. 12 Cream Legbar and 12 Easter Egger. Whatcha poppin?
  3. Magilla

    My dog has gone chicken crazy!

    Too much light from the window for a good pic with my crappy camera, sorry. Her name is Dixie, I guess I'm going to have to call them the Dixie Chicks, lol.
  4. Magilla

    My dog has gone chicken crazy!

    Well at least I know where my dog is at all times now. I moved a bench next to the brooder so she could see in. Now she is either sitting there watching them or laying down beside them. The weird thing is the chicks seem to gather where ever she is. Saw my first tail feathers this morning!
  5. Magilla

    My dog has gone chicken crazy!

    I have a 9 - 10 yr. old female pitbull that rescued me about 7 yrs ago now. She had a rough start, was tied to a post in a puppy mill and bred constantly for the first few years. A few chicks got out of the box on the way home and although I thought I retrieved them all one was still in the...
  6. Magilla

    Magillas Brooder Build

    A rubber boot mat turned upside down, lol. Easy to clean, good traction and high contrast for finding feed. Seems to be working well, A note for those interested in Fermented Feed for chicks. I gave them both FF and reg. starter the first day, they definitely preferred the reg. starter. I...
  7. Magilla

    Magillas Brooder Build

    Finally got the doors on. They over center a little bit and hold themselves open. Most of the bunch settling down for a sleep, weird how they all do it at once.
  8. Naptime


  9. Doors on

    Doors on

  10. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

  11. Magilla

    Magillas Brooder Build

    I have 5 EE's, 11 Cornish x Rock and 5 buff rock. Lost 50% of the order in shipping :( The good news is I picked up my incubator today and am receiving a dozen each Crested Creme Leg Bars and Ameraucana/EE next week.
  12. Magilla

    Magillas Brooder Build

    In use! baby pics love the coloring one this one
  13. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    The smallest of the whole batch were the black sex links, 1/2 the size of the meat birds.
  14. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    Smallest of the survivors, yep. Much rounder than the others, like little wrecking balls running into the others.
  15. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    no heat pack in mine either.
  16. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    While the communication was non-existant, I don't think it was Mcmurrays fault, the transit time was fine. It must have gotten very cold on the plane tho, there was no doubting how the first chicks died, they were pancake flat from being on the bottom of the pile. I attribute another 6 or so...
  17. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    ...farther from border than one I asked for. I left as soon as possible and was there in record time. I brought a large card board box, installed 100* heat pads in one end and covered with towels. Also brought treated water and FF starter. I activated pads an hour from PO and turned up heat in...
  18. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    Well, 13 hours later I am finally back home. What a nightmare, 4 hours at the border, 9 DOA, 4 more on the way home, 3 not looking good. Long story and I'm beat, pics and details tomorrow. Did I mention 4 hours at the border, grrrr, too mad to talk about it.
  19. Magilla

    Free chick from McMurray

    I'm leaving soon, there is a ferry involved, I can only go as fast as they do. You might catch me hanging off the side paddling tho.....:)
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