Free chick from McMurray

I went there today to complain about them not ans their phone and I was like can't u go look ..4 hrs later ..babies
I those 2 were my anconas they have me a free male free male Andalusian and I think my xtra free is a Dominique yeah!!
Thank u magilla I'm lucky to live 30 min away from a main post office distribution center so I'm sure that is why so fast ..maybe better for u in the summer too cold now
Well they have made it to 1 week :bow



To everyone my fiancé installed a reptile thermostat that keeps the temp at 95 .. The lights go on and he has a thermometer to
Read it m. see why he's my fiancé lol.

Christie I have a light brahma and a gl Wyandotte they are both awesome layers and both are gorgeous birds

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