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  1. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    At least one of my silkies lays almost every single day in a week she misses one or two days tops. I haven't completely figured the other three silkies out I know at least one more is laying but not for sure who or how many. The first silkie is really easy to see as she lays white eggs. She's...
  2. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I have read that storing them blunt end up, pointy end down also helps them last longer and they lose less moisture. Idk for sure but I found at least three articles that said that so I go with it.
  3. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg? I do big end up. I've found this article very helpful it also talks about float testing and washing versus not washing
  4. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    That's great yes I love when they stampede towards me. And I love watching them doing chicken things for instance my self blue oegb, Crocket, is amazing at catching grass hoppers. Once she has got one she runs around excitedly squawking but then she whacks it against the ground until its good...
  5. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Silverlaced44 you have a while to go yet probably, sorry. Btw I would love to see pictures of your girls. We have 5(4 pullets and a roo) and they're stunning.
  6. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Wvduckchick yes I have seen that page and I have wondered if it was a problem although usually the spots are much much smaller and not raised. Considering they are only 23-25 weeks old I'm not truly worried. They have layer feed and free range oyster shell they also free range all day. So I...
  7. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg? no molts here they're just sneaky coniving little birds that hide their eggs they'll be locked up for a couple days when the weather gets bad *fingers crossed it doesn't* but its Wisconsin so it will lol. Also I don't think all of them are laying just yet as the oldest I think are just 26...
  8. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Also I swear I think one of my 21-22 week old silkies squated for me today. Ironically its the one everyone thought was a roo BC of comb and wattle development. Guess we'll wait and see. :) its also my favorite silkie so staying regardless.
  9. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    @daxigait That is so cool! I think my other buff may also be laying pinkish eggs with white spots although I'm not sure. Found another hidden nest last week with 12 eggs in it. Still not sure who all is laying. Or where. I know I should lock them up to find out and to teach them but its been so...
  10. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Well if they're buff orp mixes then they may lay pinkish eggs my buffs do. In fact one lays an egg that also has white speckles on it I hope she keeps laying like that.
  11. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Wvduckchick Well thank you your girl is stunning and she has such wonderfully feathered legs. Idk if mine will ever get there but that's okay I love her anyway although considering she was born with almost completely naked legs she has gotten more feathers than I thought she would. I love how my...
  12. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Oh no she did get cut off lol she just had to poop right then lol
  13. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    @WVduckchick I think she's 21 weeks I got her when I bought silkie eggs one time this last spring they sent 17 eggs total with three being bantam eggs as a bonus. I was ecstatic! Not only did I get my fuzzy chickens ;) but I also got the little cochin, and my little self blue oegb. In truth I...
  14. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Well idk who it was was but I found an egg in with our littles today. Their first. It's a darling little egg. It could be a silkie's although I doubt it or it could be my bantam barred cochin's or last but not least my self blue oegb's I'm thinking cochin, she seems ready. And the roos are going...
  15. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    We use pine flakes too although I do have one girl who has made herself a nest from straw she has pulled out of a couple bales lol. Think I may make one nest box have straw the rest pine lol spoiled chicken we'll see. We also used golf balls they worked great! Otherwise farm and fleet has...
  16. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Good luck I hope they lay blue or green for you. I'm still wait long on three to lay(at least I don't think they've laid and if they did then it was a very light brown) one of my girls lays a blue-blue/green egg but its very pale
  17. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Last night I dreamt about finding a hidden nest from my other three Easter eggers hahahahhahahhahahha got a teal one a pink one and a pretty green one with blue flecks as well as some other colors including regular brown lol do I have it bad? I think so
  18. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Yay! She should get some extra scratch for that :)
  19. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    9 so far for me today wish I knew who the newer layers are. No egg from my EE in two days which is unusual for her maybe I'll get ten today wow. The eggs need to get bigger fast so we can start selling lol I gotta learn how to make quiche or something that uses a ton of eggs.
  20. chickendreams24

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Got 8 eggs yesterday from my lf girls between 23 and 20 weeks I also have 18 week old silkies singing but I'm not sure yet how many are actually girls. Still only one EE that I know of laying and I'm dieing to see what color the others will lay I have three more. Still not sure who all is laying...
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