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  1. ThatTeowonna

    Dead Chicken Mystery - What Killed My Chicken?

    Nope. No chance of that happening. When I locked the coop, I unlocked the gate to get the dog back in.
  2. ThatTeowonna

    Dead Chicken Mystery - What Killed My Chicken?

    Hello. Can you help my figure out how this chicken died? I let me chickens out on Sunday for some free range time. These are fully grown hens that lay regularly. I have a new dog in the back yard who is not acclimated to chickens, so I locked him in the front yard so he wouldn't chase them. At...
  3. ThatTeowonna

    Update of Safe Guard Withdrawal Period, Yogurt Use in Chickens, & More

    Here is an update. I finished the two week treatment and my chickens are so much better. The sickest one some to have completely recovered. No sneezing, coughing, weird head jerks and noises. I am so happy and relieved. A couple of the other girls in the same coop have the occasional sneeze but...
  4. ThatTeowonna

    Miconazole Didn't Cure Sour Crop

    My vet suggested Nystatin. You can read about my situation here:
  5. ThatTeowonna

    Update of Safe Guard Withdrawal Period, Yogurt Use in Chickens, & More

    Hello Fellow Chicken Lovers. A mobile livestock vet just left my home after inspecting my flock of 24 chickens. I have one white leghorn that has a serious case of gurgling and other weird sounds. The rest are sneezing and making unusual sounds also. This has been going on for a little less than...
  6. ThatTeowonna

    Hen or Rooster: No eggs & No Crowing

    Thanks! I appreciate the correction.
  7. ThatTeowonna

    How much to pay a chicken sitter?

    I agree with @LaFleche, especially since the chicken will be at her house. A friend shouldn’t charge you anything nor be expecting anything other than ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. If she had to drive to your house, then I think a monetary love gift is appropriate.
  8. ThatTeowonna

    Hen or Rooster: No eggs & No Crowing

    I paid $75 for three Americauna “hens”. So far, only one is laying. They should be around 6 months, but you never know. The white one I immediately suspected as being a rooster because of the red/rust coloring. The other, since she hasn’t produced the goods, I’m suspicious of her too. Since...
  9. ThatTeowonna

    What is one thing you figured out about chickens that you wish you knew when you began?

    Oh my God… so I’m not the only person with a dog that laps up chicken poop? Lol. For months, I never let me dog (a pit bull named Sage) in the back yard because I wasn’t sure she could be trusted with my favorite girls. Lately, she’s been dashing out the back door without my consent. I now see...
  10. ThatTeowonna

    Please Tell Me This is a Hen

    Yeah!!!! Now let’s get on with the egg laying. Lol
  11. ThatTeowonna

    Please Tell Me This is a Hen

    Thank goodness. I thought I got snuckered again!
  12. ThatTeowonna

    Please Tell Me This is a Hen

    Hen or rooster? I never thought it was a rooster until I saw him/her jump on a hen during treat time and pull the comb viciously. Were they just sparring over treats or something more? The chicken should be about 6 months old. The other three I got in this batch are laying… 2 leghorns and 1...
  13. ThatTeowonna

    Deluxe Apartment in the Woods - Chicken Coop

    ...hemp as the base. Doing that was the BEST decision I could have made. There is NO… let me repeat… NO odor. I don’t have to clean poop, shovel sh*t or anything else. I bought a tiny rake from TSC and just stir the bedding every once in a while. In fact, I just finished doing that and it was so...
  14. ThatTeowonna

    Is this a bird egg?

    UPDATE: After 18 days, I decided to remove the nest and eggs… whatever kind they were. I had noticed a spider web around the eggs. Since it was undisturbed for several days, I knew nothing was attending the eggs. So it was time for the nest and eggs to go. As I started removing the nest, I heard...
  15. ThatTeowonna

    Is this a bird egg?

    I thought you we're supposed to touch bird eggs.
  16. ThatTeowonna

    Is this a bird egg?

    Hello. About 2 weeks ago (15 days to be exact), I went to move a chicken coop, which was not being used, when I found this nest in it. The nest has at least 1 egg in the nesting box area… there may be another, I can’t tell. As you can see from the picture, the nest was created by a bird (I don’t...
  17. ThatTeowonna

    Three Yolk Egg

    I have 2 GC, 1 Production Red, and 9 Welsummers. They started laying in Week 16. It is now Week 22 and I'm pretty sure everyone is laying. The Welsummers are still laying peewee and small eggs. The GCs are laying large, extra large, and jumbo eggs. One was 78.2 onces, which is off the egg...
  18. ThatTeowonna

    Three Yolk Egg

    My pullets have been laying for a little longer than a month. One lady (a Golden Comet, I think) has been laying double yolkers regularly. Then this one! Now, that’s a first for me. Lol. If you have a triple yolker, or more, please post. I’d love to see it.
  19. ThatTeowonna

    Are you on Instagram?

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