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  • Users: wingnut1
  • Content: Threads
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  1. wingnut1

    Restaurant's Chickens and Their Coop Make the LA Times!!!!

    Neat story about a restaurant ordering a custom coop so their customers can have fresh eggs --- reported as a progression from organic veggies! *smile*,0,1964942.story
  2. wingnut1

    uploads link?

    Please tell me that there is a problem with this link.. I'd just hate to find out that I am too stooooopid to correctly select a link! Anyone willing to try and select "uploads" from the top bar and let me know if you have trouble getting to the uploads window?
  3. wingnut1

    Americal Idol: When it comes to bad songs, "There are no boundaries"

    Any thoughts on the new song written for the winner this year? I think it deserves 5 out of 5 *ICKIES* The WORST!!!! Good competition and maybe others that watched the finale love the song???
  4. wingnut1

    BYC server sluggish?

    I keep seeing a message about trying to load something called It is getting hung on this - and then an ad shows up at the top left of the page - nothing else -- Anyone else having a slow response tonight? I checked google, other sites - and they are speedy - so I don't think...
  5. wingnut1

    Did you see pigs fly today?

    Been a strange day on this end.. I swear I saw some pigs fly by... Any of you observe something out of the ordinary today? Go on -- you can admit it!
  6. wingnut1

    Pics from our garden in May - Eye Candy!

    Hello! I felt like showing off my chickens, and posted pics of them in the chick pic topic. I thought - why stop there? Here are some pics from my flower gardens! This is the 4th Spring for this garden. Mississippi weather, irrigation from the lake, and chicken manure seems to be working...
  7. wingnut1

    A day in the backyard -pictures of yr olds, 6 week olds, day olds!!!!

    Just a few shots from my backyard over the past couple of days... The magnificent 7! Ivy, Cloudy, Saffron, Strawberry, Gracie, Cinder, Poppy and Broody Waiting... My Number 8 - Washmi! Dirt baths are GOOOOOOODDDD! Fun? Did I approve someone having fun?? Hey - do you see that...
  8. wingnut1

    Debi Raymond Update: What happened with the move, the dog, puppies?

    Oh Debi Rayyyyyyymond! How did the move go? Did the chickens make it OK? How many trips did it take to get them there? Do they like their new coop? What happened with the dog that was under the house? Did you and your DH get it out from unver the house? Are ya kepping her? What...
  9. wingnut1

    BYC - New York Times! - Apr 29, 2009

    Nice Nifty - congrats!!!!
  10. wingnut1

    Poppy's Crop and the Broccoli Stem: No More Broccoli Stems for Chooks!

    ...stasis, had surgery to remove the blockage and the gunk that backed up in her crop, and is all better now. I wanted to post this because I had *no* idea that a piece of broccoli stem could be so dangerous!!!! The piece sure seemed small enough - and we've been feeding our bird broccoli...
  11. wingnut1

    Article in Boston Globe on backyard chickens in Boston Suburb

    Interesting article re: keeping chickens in a backyard in Arlinton, MA - fighting against city hall and avian flu paranoia
  12. wingnut1

    feature wish list.... delete multiple uploaded images? 2) I admit it - I like to play with the animated gifs!! Finding a file can be tough, despite a carefully *cough* planned file naming scheme. Might the future hold the ability to make subdirectories for uploaded files? I want to separate avatars...
  13. wingnut1

    Oh my GOODNESS I have a chicken addiction!!!

    Hey - Fellow BYCers! Just a quick story about a coupla chicken addicts -- I got in touch with jmhappycowboy who has an incubator, and asked him if we could make a deal-deal... I'll buy a few eggs,have them shipped to him to hatch, I'd get one pullet from the hatch, buy him some feed, and he...
  14. wingnut1

    ohhh. look how MANY!!!!

    574 right now!!! Just so FUN to watch the record break!!!
  15. wingnut1

    new BYC attendance record!!!!!!

    Just NOW!!!! Hip Hip HOORAY!!!!
  16. wingnut1

    ducks/geese in hot climates?

    Hello BYCers! Long ago, I raised mallards in Santa Barbara, CA - and it was easy -- fresh water in the kiddie pool each day and the temps never got too hot. Neighborhood kids would come over with bowls full of snails just to see the ducks chow down! Now I live in the hot south, and we live...
  17. wingnut1

    Need help on designing perches/roosting area for large standard hens

    Hey, BYCers! I'm in need of advice on how large to make perches/roosting areas/pieces of wood for large hens. Let me know what you use -- how large or big around are your pieces of wood? How far off the bottom of the coop is the lowest perch? WHat spacing do you use between perches? I...
  18. wingnut1

    An eggceptional marans - layed a crushed egg - can she lay again?

    ...she was getting sick again. Then I noticed she had what looked like egg white and what looked like it could be yolk coming out of her rear end. (*ick!*). I figured she must be having problems with an egg, got online and scanned the BYC topics, and based on that info soaked her rear end in...
  19. wingnut1

    This is the cool thing about chickens

    Watching them focus on *whatever* in the yard.. no way to explain it to those who don't understand the pleasure of their simplicity.. you BYC folks know what I mean, though, dontcha!?
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