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  1. RainyDayChickens

    Chick with Lazy eye?

    I've already established that this is no emergency, as the chick shows no signs of distress, pain, or lethargy. Plus she is already 3 going on 4 weeks old, I'm just curious if anyone else has ever had a chick like this, and knows if she'll grow out of it or if I should expect anything wrong in...
  2. RainyDayChickens

    Strange Bumble foot?

    I have a hen that has bumblefoot, and I did some reading and learned how to care for it, a lot of people bring up removing the "kernel" and I understand that part and the process of healing after, but the strange thing is I think I can feel and see the kernel at the top of her foot between her...
  3. RainyDayChickens

    Help! Quail chick can't lift head?

    Yesterday I had successfully hatched 16 quail, once I moved them out of my incubator, I Candled the remaining 6 eggs to see if there was life. One had a Pip, and I could see the chick inside breathing. I left them overnight, and when I woke up there was still no more progress, this was day 2 and...
  4. RainyDayChickens

    Winters Coming & Im Panicking

    Winters a couple months away for me, and when you get 4+ feet of snow and your chickens don't want to leave the coop, your stuck with a coop full of bored, feather pecking, cold chickens. Last year my girls tore each others feathers out, so all year I've had not so pretty hens. And this year I...
  5. RainyDayChickens

    New to Quail! Help please!

    Just recently, I decided to take on the challenge of Quail! Lucky for us a nearby friend had a small flock of 10 adults, 1 male, 9 female, they offered for us to adopt them, but their more of rescues. I've discovered that several have bumble foot, small cuts on their legs, or other issues with...
  6. RainyDayChickens

    Help! Chicken not doing well! Please help!

    Just this morning, I saw my Rhode island red hen is standing withdrawn from the flock, her comb and wattle are a pale pink, and she's constantly closing her eyes, and slightly tossing/shaking her head a little but often, ive seen her drink water, and she stands normal, her wings are held normal...
  7. RainyDayChickens

    Tips to Befriending new chicks?

    Today we made a run to Bomgaar's to grab Some Salmon Faverolles they finally had in! Got 3 Salmons, and decided to grab 4 Chicolate orphingtons and 2 of what we hope are americana! Their just too cute to only get 3! I always see such cute posts of chickens cuddling their owners, and I want that...
  8. RainyDayChickens

    Rooster Collar Opinions?

    Due to what's going on in my area, getting chicks will soon be very hard, and im considering a Rooster, to help with the pecking in the flock, protection, aswell as being able to rely on myself to provide chicks for meat and eggs. And one problem is my neighbors, they have voiced that a loud...
  9. RainyDayChickens

    Picking from boredom! HELP!

    My flock has been suffering for some time from pecking at eachothers back ends, not by the downy bum fluff, but between the saddle and tail, it's gotten quite bad, and they've even started plucking away at my poor polish's tail, to the point she was bleeding quite heavily! Twice! I've tried...
  10. RainyDayChickens

    Any Tips to starting chicks outdoors?

    I've been really intrigued by the idea of setting my "brooder" up outdoors, attached to my coop, and raising day old chicks there from the start. My biggest questions are: - where to start? - what are the most needed supplies? - will the chicks be able to handle a sudden freeze? (if they have a...
  11. RainyDayChickens

    Salmon Faverolle with No Beard?!

    So As of last year, around June I ordered 15 chicks, we lost a couple, including 3 out of 4 salmon faverolles, and the one who survived was a pullet/hen. She only had pasty butt as a chick, which was an easy fix, so now My question is "why does she have no beard or muffles?" We ordered her from...
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