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  1. Jungleexplorer

    Does anyone use a portable power station for their coop solar setup?

    My coop is fully solar power, lights, doors, alarms, and cameras.
  2. Jungleexplorer

    Simple DIY Portable Predator Proof Coop. Complete Step by Step Video.

    Here is a video I created to help those who want a predator-proof coop. This is a solar-powered fully automated coop, however this video just covers the structural build.
  3. Jungleexplorer

    Anyone have experience with Black Stars being a Broody breed?

    The above hen was sold to me by a local farm as a pullet. It started laying shortly after I bought it, and after only laying maybe two dozen eggs, it went broody. Since I have no rooster and do not want to raise chicks, I left her alone hoping she would break naturally, since she was sitten on...
  4. Jungleexplorer

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    Did you take a look at the link to my Facebook album? It has various types of purebred gamefowl photos and breed names on the photos. If you don't facebook, here a photo album link you can use.
  5. Jungleexplorer

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    Actually, that is a Wheaten Gamefowl hen I bought from a nearby homestead. I love gamefowl. Here is an album of pictures from my old homestead. I suffered a bad injury and had to give all of these up, but I still love the pictures of them...
  6. Jungleexplorer

    Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

    So great to see all the great pictures. I am starting over at a new homestead in a much more homestead-friendly part and things are going great. I got a nice little flock up and coming from TSC chicks. At some point, I would like to maybe buy some hatching eggs from one of you guys just to...
  7. Jungleexplorer

    Instructional Video: How to butcher your own organic meat birds.

    Thanks. I built it out of repurposed materials. The wheels are from the axles that came under my mobile home. I took lots of video of the construction, but have not put it together yet. It is 8 x10, with onboard automated feeding and watering systems. I travel a lot for my work and I need...
  8. Jungleexplorer

    Instructional Video: How to butcher your own organic meat birds.

    Thanks. These bird were raised in a mobile grazing tractor, that is on a wheat field. I also fed them Nutrena Nature Wise Meat Bird, which is the best feed available in my local area (Nobody raises Organic meat birds in my area). Here a pic of the tractor.
  9. Jungleexplorer

    Whats the most humane way to kill a chicken?

    I feel that instant decapitation the way I do it in the video provides the least pain. It is the brain that feels pain; so the instant the spine is disconnected, the head no longer feels any pain from the body and the shock most likely causes instant unconsciousness. I just don't see how it...
  10. Jungleexplorer

    Instructional Video: How to butcher your own organic meat birds.

    Here is a video I made when I butchered my spring organically raised meat birds. They were six weeks old and butchered out at an average of 3.5 pounds per bird. I made this video for those who might have never done this before. It covers all the basics from killing to cutting up. This video...
  11. Jungleexplorer

    Whats the most humane way to kill a chicken?

    Here is the way I do it.
  12. Jungleexplorer

    Feed cost per pound to raise Cornish X broilers?

    Well, it took a few days, but at last we got them all done. Out of the 50 chicks we lost 7 birds, so we ended up with 43. After all was said and done we ended up with about 160lbs. So my total cost was $1.25 per pound. We lost three birds in the 10 days after they hit the 6 weeks mark. I am...
  13. Jungleexplorer

    Feed cost per pound to raise Cornish X broilers?

    I have not finished producing it yet. Just been really busy. When I get it done, I will give you a link.
  14. Jungleexplorer

    Feed cost per pound to raise Cornish X broilers?

    So I process 11 more birds today. Today makes them 7 weeks old. The average weight of each bird was 3.96 lbs dressed weight. With the extra feed cost for one more week, the price per pound went up 3 cents to $1.12 per pound. So feed to meat ratio goes down after 6 weeks.
  15. Jungleexplorer

    Feed cost per pound to raise Cornish X broilers?

    This was my first time, so I am still learning. I had not heard about the 12 hour on 12 hour off, but would that not occur naturally if you did not have a light on them at night? I free fed my birds during the day and provided no light at night, so they rested and did not eat. By the end of...
  16. Jungleexplorer

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Which is the best hatchery to order real Ameraucanas from? I tried hatching my own from some eggs I traded for with another BYC owner, but a bad storm knocked out power while I was out of town and I lost the whole batch. I am tying to work another trade, but thought I might just order some...
  17. Jungleexplorer

    Strange! No eggs out of my JGs.

    This is a real mystery. I have several breeds of chickens in different pens. All the same age (2 yrs old) and fed the same food. All my other breeds are laying great and have been since March, but I have not gotten a single egg out of my four JG hens in almost two months, even though they...
  18. Jungleexplorer

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Anyone else having trouble with your Jerseys not laying. Mine have not laid an egg in a month, but all my other birds are laying fine. ????
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