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  1. Featherwrangler

    Two legged Predators in the country.

    That may have been what they were after, but time will tell.
  2. Featherwrangler

    Two legged Predators in the country.

    Thankfully my brood is temporarily at my daughter's while I heal from recent surgery. The other morning I found my locked coop wide open. No animal could have taken the lock off the hasp. Things are obviously getting desperate in our rural area. I live 20 miles from the closest town. A friend...
  3. Featherwrangler

    Is my dog wanting to protect or murder?

    My Weimaraner, a bird dog, thinks they are chew toys. Everything he catches, rabbits, pocket gophers, mice. He plays with them until dead. He almost scared one of the hens to death, puncturing one of her wings. Still working on training,still a pup.
  4. Featherwrangler

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I am impressed by all the imagination, hard work, ingenuity that went into these coops. Myself, I went with what I had at hand, an extra out bldg. and a lot of scrap material that was left by the previous owners. From this to: This
  5. Featherwrangler

    State a fact about yourself!

    I gave up an 18-wheeler for 18+ Chooks.
  6. Featherwrangler

    Get Outa Our Poultry Run You Dirty Ole Egg Suckin'...

    Texas ? I'm surprised only 1. I'm in NE Colorado and have shot 3, just this summer. 1 Rattler and 2 Bull. The only good snake is a dead snake. I have to carry, no matter what I'm doing. Critters or gardening
  7. Featherwrangler

    Comment by 'Featherwrangler' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    I have 10 EEs at 21+ weeks and up to 7 of them are laying. They started at 19 weeks. They are ahead of the 9 BA of which only 2 are laying. I would have a difficult time picking a favorite breed, but it blows my mind that the EEs are out producing the BAs at this early of an age. My last bunch...
  8. Featherwrangler

    Crowing at the moon

    I hope not, but definitely night owls.
  9. Featherwrangler

    Crowing at the moon

    Anyone else have Roos baying at the moon? The past two nights have proven to be very interesting. The extremely bright full moon has both my BA and EE Roos crowing all night. Except for a couple of short periods when it was hidden from their view by the trees and cloud cover. Yes, they are...
  10. Featherwrangler

    Naughty Birdies

    Knee Slapper!! I would have paid to see that one.
  11. Featherwrangler

    Naughty Birdies

    They are entertaining to say the least. One of my BA hens grabbed the snack bag out of my hand this morning and the chase was on. She outran 18 siblings and me. We all caught her when the munchies got the best of her.
  12. Featherwrangler

    First egg problems...

    and by the way I was the youngest, so the chickens were my chore.
  13. Featherwrangler

    First egg problems...

    Congrats!! Exciting isn't it. My sister-in-law says "only you two (my brother and myself) can get excited about chicken stuff". She obviously hasn't been to this site. Got another egg today, 7 total, two Aussies and 5 EEs laying so far. Guessing it was the spaz.
  14. Mick  the  Aussie Roo

    Mick the Aussie Roo

  15. Ladies room Mac?

    Ladies room Mac?

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