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  1. Coop Deville

    Bearded chickens?

    Can anyone identify the bearded chickens at #14 in this post about chickens?
  2. Coop Deville

    Predator possum dispatched before breaking into brooder *graphic photo*

    Last night at around midnight the Welsummers in my brooder started going crazy. I ran out to investigate and saw a possum trying to break in through the top. I looked for a rock or something solid to throw but I couldn't find anything. Then I saw a metal hose coupler (spiked at the bottom so...
  3. Coop Deville

    Mixed breeds?

    Just a quick question: Certain mixed breeds of dogs are in fashion lately (for example, "labradoodle"). And any new recognized breed of chicken is going to be a mixture of existent chicken breeds. Any backyard chickeners out there have a mixed breed that has amazing qualities in terms of...
  4. Coop Deville

    Mis-aligned beak?

    As a result of a raccoon attack four weeks ago, my EE hen's beak is misaligned. The lower beak closes to the left of the upper beak. During her recuperation, she ate starter feed because it's small and easy to peck, and she doesn't seem to have trouble eating layer feed now. Does anyone else...
  5. Coop Deville

    Cooper's Hawk

    Just moved my young pullets from the brooder to small outdoor coop next to my main coop for the big hens. Yesterday morning I looked through the kitchen window and saw a beautiful Cooper's Hawk perched on the top of the small coop, looking down through the wire netting on top. The little ones...
  6. Coop Deville


    When my family and I first got into backyard chickening two Christmases ago, we did not know how wonderful the experience of raising a flock would be. We started with three barred rocks and since have added some Wellies, some Brahmas, a Silkie bantam, and an EE. Yesterday we came back from...
  7. Coop Deville

    Egg size- Brahma?

    My Buff Brahma started laying three days ago. The first egg was small and roundish. I thought nothing of the small size because it was the first egg. Then the next egg, which came yesterday, was the same size. Is this going to be the usual egg size, or will they get bigger? Seems like...
  8. Coop Deville

    Feed them "Chinese apricots"?

    An odd question: These orange-yellow fruits grow on the trees bordering my backyard in abundance. Since I was little I've always heard them referred to as "Chinese apricots." I pick some and eat them from time to time. Each fruit is about 2 inches long and has a sweet, citrusy taste. A...
  9. Coop Deville

    Silkie Bantam gender - can anyone confirm what I suspect?

    This is my first time raising a silkie. I bought this one about two months ago (I think) as a day-old from a silkie straight run bin at my feed store. Thoughts on gender? I have my suspicions...
  10. Coop Deville

    Prolapse death?

    I had a six-month old EE hen that started to lay two weeks ago. By all outward signs, she was healthy. Yesterday I found her dead on the floor of the coop. She apparently had just laid an egg (maybe her third or fourth ever). No signs of injury - no blood or anything, even around the vent...
  11. Coop Deville

    New feed flavor - snake!

    My wife witnessed one of our EEs eating a snake this afternoon. Respect!
  12. Coop Deville

    Buff Orps in Subaru commercial?

    From the "Chickens in American Popular Culture" department: A new Subaru commercial features backyard (or perhaps "community garden") chickens. At about 16 seconds into it, there's a quick scene where the mother and daughter feed a half-dozen free-ranging buff-colored chickens (in a...
  13. Coop Deville

    Butchering question

    I'm new to raising broilers. I thought it would be a good experience to raise some birds for the table this Christmas. I wouldn't have a problem butchering my birds myself (I'm a hunter with field dressing experience), but I've heard that a skilled butcher is better able to drain the blood...
  14. Coop Deville

    Found the EEs hidden nest -- in our front flower box!

    My two EEs began getting nice and plump a few weeks ago, their combs started getting big, and they started squatting. So I've been looking for eggs in the backyard, where they free range. Didn't find any. It was very confusing because I was sure they should be laying by now. Well, yesterday...
  15. Coop Deville

    Barred Rock egg color change

    My three barred rocks started laying in April. The eggs were the classic brown color, basically the same color as store-bought brown eggs. Around June and July we got about one egg a day from each hen -- each afternoon there would be three in the nesting box. Then a few weeks ago, they...
  16. Coop Deville

    EEs due to start laying any day now

    My EEs are now 24 weeks old. Any chance this summer's awful heat will delay the onset of their laying? I've been looking forward to their eggs for some time now.
  17. Coop Deville

    Best feed for taste?

    Just purchased my first poult ever last week. My goal is to raise a good-tasting turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. Any particular feed or additives that might make my backyard turkey taste comparable to the store-boughts?
  18. Coop Deville

    UPDATED with graphic picture - Lost an OEGB bantam to a possum on Friday

    Very unlikely circumstances. He was a roo, and he just started to crow last week. I had to wake up early to feed him to keep him quiet so the neighbors wouldn't get upset. I was looking to find a new home for him, in fact. After the first crow at about 5:00 am (still dark outside) I threw...
  19. Coop Deville

    Black-Tailed Red Bantam OEGB San Antonio, Texas

    SAN ANTONIO. Free black tailed red OEGB bantam rooster. Just started to crow. Don't want the chicken police to come knockin'.
  20. Coop Deville

    Barred Rock squatting

    Two of my three Barred Rocks started squatting this weekend. Does anyone out there with Barred Rocks recall how long it took to get the first egg after squatting began?
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