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  • Users: summerb76
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  1. summerb76

    Chicks shipped but not recieved yet...update #2.

    I ordered 29 day olds from MM Hatchery and they were hatched and shipped out Saturday. They are not here yet and I am so worried. I called MM and the lady said I will get them Tuesday at the latest and were probably shipped with a red gel pack. What are my chances that they will all be alive? I...
  2. summerb76

    New broody update pg 2

    My pheonix hen just went broody for the 1st time. I put 4 marked egss under her last night. She is still on them today and she has already turned them. She is still in the coop with all the other hens and roos. She chose to sit in the highest nesting box in a corner. Should I just keep her there...
  3. summerb76

    momma hen hatching her own eggs

    I am hopeing one of my hens will go broody and want to hatch some of my eggs. If that does happen can I just keep her in the coop with all the other chickens? And can I just let her protect the chicks once they hatch in the coop? I don't have any place to seperate her and the chicks from the...
  4. summerb76

    When do you collect your eggs?

    I got my 1st 2 eggs on 12/31 and have been getting 2-4 every day since then. I go out each morning to gather them but I find only one if that. I go out numerous times a day hoping to get more and I usually do. But my chickens seem to lay at all hours of the day, even one that lays at about...
  5. summerb76

    egg storage

    How do I store my fresh eggs? I dont know if I should put them in the fridge or keep them on the counter and for how long. I have gotten 5 eggs in the past 2 days and have them in an egg carten on the counter. Is that ok? Should I do anything different, such as washing or anything?
  6. summerb76

    My first 2 eggs and a question.

    YAY!!!!I found two beautiful brown eggs in a nesting box this morning. I have no idea who layed them but who cares.....I am thrilled. My questions is, will my chickens lay eggs somewhere in the yard????...they are free range over 2 1/2 acres all day long. I would hate to miss out on finding the...
  7. summerb76

    Weird rooster???

    Is it strange for my EE roo to be crowing during the night. We hear him during the day, in the evenings, and even at 11pm. What is going on?
  8. summerb76


    I just got 3 phoenix...2 oullets and 1 roo. I was told they are 4 months old, but they are tiny and the roo hasn't crowed. At what age should he crow and what size do they get?
  9. summerb76

    My new

    Here are my 3 new Phoenix. I was told they are 4 months old. They were never held or cooped up so we have to work with them alot to make them holdable. I don't know much about Phoenix, are they all bantam size? These are tiny compared to all my standard size chickens. Well, here they are...
  10. summerb76

    How much is too much?

    I have 20 ten weeks old chickens. They go through 13lbs of starter feed in 2-3 days. PLus they get alot of table scraps and free range every night for 1-2 hours. My question is...Should I let them eat so much of the starter feed, should I only have it out for them for a few hours and take it out...
  11. summerb76

    New chickens!!!

    I am going to get two phoenix chickens tomorrow. One cockeral and one pullet, 4 months old each. I can't wait! Anyone wanna tell me how to introduce them to my 20 ten week olds?
  12. summerb76

    What to feed my 9 week old chicks

    They are on starter chick feed now and I feed them 1 can of corn every day. If I am out of corn, I give them a can of whatever is in my cabinet. My question is how long do I give them the starter crumbles feed? And what do I give them next? Do I switch them to layer next? I think I will have...
  13. summerb76

    What breeds of chickens are most likely to be broody?

    I have 3 EE's, 3 brown leghorns, 5 barred rocks, 3 black sex-links, 2 NHreds, 1 RIred, and 2 red sex-links...Which of these breeds will most likely go broody? Also I only have 1 rooster and he is a EE. Should I keep him away from everyone except the EE's?
  14. summerb76

    What are my EE's? lots of pictures

    Here are 2 of my EE's. They are 9 weeksold. I think both are roo's, am I correct? Freckles: Bubbles: Also what color would they be considered? Anything special or just light and dark coloring?
  15. summerb76

    Can you tell me what she is?

    Here is a pic of my 8 week old unknown chick. She was born looking like a chipmunk. She has yellow legs unlike all my other EE's so I dont think she is an EE. She is not a NH or RI Red. I know she's not a Red Sex link too. PLease help me out if you can, I have indentafied all of my other 19...
  16. summerb76

    What am I??

    I thought this was a black star but the legs are not yellow. They are more blackish grey. Also it is getting so much copper/gold on. Any quesses? She is from MM Hatchery.
  17. summerb76

    brown leghorn vs brown sussex

    How can I tell the difference in the two? I have 3 3 weeks old chicks that look so much like both breeds. Anyone know the differences I should be looking for. Or anyone have pictures of theirs as younger chicks.
  18. summerb76

    EE sex?

    Does this EE look like a roo to you? His comb is starting to turn red all of the sudden. Other than that he looks like everyone else. "Freckles" is 3 weeks old today. He does have green legs so I assume its an EE.
  19. summerb76

    My McMurrary Rainbows

    I ordered the Rainbow layers assort. from McMurrarys a few weeks ago. Here is what I got: 5 Barred Rocks 4 Easter Eggers 3 Black Stars 3 Brown Leghorns 2 Red Stars 2 NH Reds and 1 Mystery Exotic Chick My question is this....What in the world could the mystry chick be? and if...
  20. summerb76

    what breed are my chicks? any guesses?

    Here are a few of my 2 week old chicks. Any guesses as to what breed they could be? Here is Hershey: Here is Ebony: Here is Butter Puff: Here is Belina: Thanks for your help!
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