egg storage


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
Lake Como, Florida
How do I store my fresh eggs? I dont know if I should put them in the fridge or keep them on the counter and for how long. I have gotten 5 eggs in the past 2 days and have them in an egg carten on the counter. Is that ok? Should I do anything different, such as washing or anything?
I'ld say don't wash, as that destroys the bloom on the egg - a sort of wax that protects the egg. If necessary, I wipe them before using them. I keep mine in a wire egg basket on the counter, and don't refrigerate them. I think they would keep a good month that way. After a couple of weeks, I do put them in the frig, where they are good for another couple of months if you need to keep that long. I've planned ahead for egg shortages that way, by stockpiling.

I'm sure some panicked folks will warn you to keep them refrigerated - but in 8 years I've never had a problem, even in hot weather.
I pop them in the fridge as soon as I bring them inside.

I'm not panicked, just curious. Is there a benefit to keeping them on the counter a few weeks? I'm wondering why people do that, beyond the fact that you can?

I think they taste better than when they are refrigerated, and I also like the look of eggs on the counter. Right now I have huge double yolkers, regular eggs, and bantam eggs, too. And when people visit, they almost always comment on the eggs and that reminds me to send them home with some eggs.

I'm sorry I said "panicked" - I'm just a little suprised about the fears people have about food - which of course is probably appropriate if you are eating factory food/factory farmed meats, etc.

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