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  1. ChanceRider

    Woohoo! 4 emu chicks... and counting!

    Enoch, my wonderful brooder boy, came through again this year! Today, 4 of the cutest emu chicks hatched, plus there are still 4 eggs under him. It's an emu chick jackpot! I'm already sad thinking that two of them will move to a new home this weekend. Since they're going to a relative nearby...
  2. ChanceRider

    Emu - DNA results are in... KnockKnock is

    officially a "she". For 5 months now, "he" kept quiet, never correcting us for our incorrect gender assessment . Since the name KnockKnock is gender neutral we won't be changing her name. My other pet name for her, BirdBrain, still fits as well
  3. ChanceRider

    Emu halter training question

    KnockKnock, the emu chick previously spoiled rotten by The Warden, is in need of a halter for use with a leash/lead. If you've trained your emu to walk on a lead, what do you use for a halter? We take daily walks on our property and KK always comes when called, but I'd really like to try a...
  4. ChanceRider

    Paging "The Warden" to the white courtesy (emu) phone....

    Do I EVER have a camera when I need one? No, of course not. But... I have someone (someones?) here who want to meet you. Good boy that he is, Enoch was alert when I went down to the pen just now to feed before heading off to work. Enoch? Alert? He's been in a trancelike state for the...
  5. ChanceRider

    Christmas present from my emus

    Eggs! Yay . I'm seriously considering popping them in the 'bator, which means at some point this winter I'll be running the generator. We're in an area that loses power frequently. I have Sportsman incubators and hatchers that already have emu trays. Do I, or don't I? Gotta decide soon...
  6. ChanceRider

    WTB: Turkey and chicken saddles/aprons

    Love is in the air and one of my Bourbon Red hens is feeling the effects from a very affectionate tom. Looking to purchase a saddle for her before she's injured. While I'm at it I might as well get a couple for my chicken hens as well. The hens are RIRs, Ameraucanas, Mottled Javas and Marans...
  7. ChanceRider

    Sacramento Area Craigslist - Wood Orchard Boxes for Brooders?

    Saw this ad on Craigslist and I immediately thought of using one for a brooder box. Some of them appear to be in good condition. We're taking several as we have "chicken friends" who each want a couple. Quick and easy brooders!
  8. ChanceRider

    WooHoo! First "home grown" turkey eggs hatching now! PIC added.

    Early last spring I ordered Bourbon Red and Midget White hatching eggs and eventually wound up with 18 turkeys. I didn't expect anyone to start laying until spring and haven't separated the two varieties completely yet. Lo and behold, my MW hens started laying about 1 1/2 months ago. The...
  9. ChanceRider

    Ooops, I accidently...

    set 17 eggs in my little incubator last night! Okay, I might be stretching things a bit to say it was an accident . I have no expectations for these eggs... they could be Midget Whites or a Bourbon Red/Midget White cross, plus they're the first eggs from my MW hens. I did check fertility with...
  10. ChanceRider

    Incubating Emu Eggs....

    This morning, when making the rounds of the emu pen I spotted the beginning of a nest of eggs, with 2 beautiful dark green emu eggs hidden away. I've always let Enoch, my male emu, sit on his nest and hatch eggs, but since buying my GQF cabinet incubators and hatchers I'm seriously considering...
  11. ChanceRider

    REALLY huge eggs collected today...

    Okay, maybe a couple of them just happen to be emu eggs! My chickens may have really slacked off laying, but late November brought my first (ever) turkey eggs from my Midget Whites, and now my first two emu eggs of this season. I guess I'll have to get a larger egg basket! Here's a couple...
  12. ChanceRider

    Looking for suggestions, recipes, for cooking my heritage turkey

    With Thanksgiving nearing, I've been wandering around the internet looking for the "best" method of cooking a heritage turkey. I've read that some people suggest cooking at 425 - 450... seems high, but what do I know. I'm either going to cook one of our Midget Whites or Bourbon Reds. I have a...
  13. ChanceRider

    So bummed out.... after 18 days

    nothing. I had 15 Ameraucana and 6 brown eggs(I think Barred Rocks) set in my Sportsman. I usually only candle once, when I'm moving eggs to the hatcher... and yesterday was day 18. Not one, not a single one, of the Ameraucana eggs showed any development at all. Nothing. No indication that...
  14. ChanceRider

    Do you cover your turkey pens? If so, what do you use?

    Because of the number of predators in our area, I lock my turkeys up at night in a very secure coop. During the day they have access to a 24' x 24' pen that can be divided into two 12' x 24' areas. I'd like to keep the pens covered to prevent them from flying out but have had little (or no)...
  15. ChanceRider

    FS: Female emu, beautiful, proven layer and very nasty!

    BoomBoom is approximately 5 years old, a proven layer of very large dark green eggs. This auction is for pick-up only as I'm not really sure how to ship a 100 pound, 6 foot tall bird!
  16. ChanceRider

    "Exploding" egg in incubator

    Earlier today I removed a duck egg from the incubator... it was weeping, had cracks in it, and looked like an accident ready to happen . So this evening when I was checking the incubator temp and humidity, I saw another egg that looked like it was ready to blow . I quickly opened the cabinet...
  17. ChanceRider

    Looking for ideas on banding turkeys legs

    I'm in the process of narrowing down which of the 18 turkeys I have that I'll keep as breeders. I'd like to be able to band the legs of the ones I'm keeping, and to be able to keep track of the different breeding lines. My turks are MW's and BR's, so their legs aren't as huge as the BB types...
  18. ChanceRider

    GREAT Craig's List deal on GQF cabinet 'bator and hatcher

    Wow... I can't believe my luck! Last night when I went "shopping" on CL, I ran across a GQF cabinet incubator and separate cabinet hatcher for $50 each! They're in terrific condition, fans run, they heat up, the turner works in the 'bator, and they have the plexi doors. A few months ago I...
  19. ChanceRider

    New drake in with ducks...

    I'm curious as to how long before the eggs will be fertile? The ducks have been without a drake for about 1 1/2 months until now. We're hoping to collect eggs to incubate. Thanks!
  20. ChanceRider

    Pics of the new ducklings

    So far, about 21 of these little cuties have hatched out, with the possibility of more yet to hatch. Just wanted to share some of the cuteness! They're napping after the exertion of hatching .
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