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  1. blueeyeddemon

    New babies :)

    I just wanted to show off my beautiful feathered children. I have two silkies, two polish and two blue-laced red wyandottes. That is all. Enjoy :)
  2. blueeyeddemon

    Putting eggs in the incubator tomorrow

    ..if all goes according to plan. I've been fussing with the temperature for a couple days in an effort to get it to hold steady at 99.5°, I think I've finally done it. I only have five eggs to set but the tray only holds seven, so whatever. I don't know how the chicks will all fit in that tiny...
  3. blueeyeddemon

    Decided to break out the ol' camera

    This is the only place I can share my chicken pictures without looking like a looney, so here y'all go :lol:
  4. blueeyeddemon

    New chicks! (Pic heavy)

    I got 26 chicks in the mail a few days ago and just wanted to share some pictures. I ordered Ameraucanas, Black Australorps, Black Giants, Buff Rocks, Golden-laced Wyandottes, Red Stars, Rhode Island Reds, Turkens, Welsummers, Whiting True Blues, Whiting True Greens. I received two extra chicks...
  5. blueeyeddemon

    Rooster with heterochromia

    I know it's terrible but I just noticed that my 1 year old cochin has two different coloured eyes. I just thought it was neat and wanted to share with the forum. :) Here he is: His name is Popcorn
  6. blueeyeddemon

    New chicks

    5 days ago, I bought a couple silver-laced Wyandotte chicks from my local feed store. They already looked to be a few days old and one was slightly larger than the other. The smaller chick has not grown very much but the other is noticeably bigger than when I bought her. I was wondering if maybe...
  7. blueeyeddemon

    Wounded chick?

    I was cleaning some feces off of one of my birds and I noticed something on her rear end. It's probably nothing but I wanted to make sure, just in case. I've attached a picture below for reference. Should I be worried? I put some peroxide on it to prevent infection. She's acting normally...
  8. blueeyeddemon

    Small black clean-legged bantam. Need help identifying breed..

    She is about 4.5 weeks old. She's smaller than all of my birds. She has black legs, a black comb and a black beak. She also has very dark eyes. Can anyone tell me what she is? I can't seem to figure it out.
  9. blueeyeddemon

    Can anyone tell me what my little Dexter is?

    I purchased 24 chicks from tractor supply approximately four and a half weeks ago, 6 of which were chosen from the bantam bin. I've figured out what everyone else is, but I'm having some trouble with this one. Attached are front-facing and side view photos of Dex. Any idea what s/he might be?
  10. blueeyeddemon

    I just bought 18 chicks.

    I went to tractor supply today and I just couldn't help myself. My bantams are sort of crusty right now because they got wet at the store and didn't dry properly.
  11. blueeyeddemon

    How can I change my username?

    I've grown tired of my current username and I want to change it. I would like it to be blueeyeddemon. Can someone help me with that? Thanks
  12. blueeyeddemon

    Should I keep on? Or discard it? (Unfinished short story)

    At first, I thought it was the dog, but when I looked down, I saw he was at my feet. When I got up to investigate the noise coming from the kitchen, the power went out. I immediately went for my flashlight that I keep around in case of emergency. When I finally got to the kitchen, I saw it..A...
  13. blueeyeddemon

    Pustules on my puppy's chest, stomach, and back legs..

    I recently took in a stray puppy..When I examined her I noticed she had scabs on her stomach. Naturally, I assumed it was from fleas. Yesterday I noticed a few pustules on her stomach. They have spread to her chest and back legs..Does anyone have an idea of what they could be? They don't seem to...
  14. blueeyeddemon

    Red-Eared Slider acting differently..

    She has been digging the rocks out of the furthest corner and sitting in the "nest" only coming up for air..Raph, my other RES, has been "guarding" her, I guess you could say. She's been sitting/swimming over her for a while now. And every time I walk up to the aquarium, she hisses at me..
  15. blueeyeddemon

    Suprise!!!! O.o

    Ok, it was such a suprise I still don't believe it...Yesterday, I was at the park and a man stopped at my house. I walked home and he was talking to my brother-in-law about an Easter Egger chick. He said that he was feeding his snake and he didn't eat all of his chicks so, he asked me if it was...
  16. blueeyeddemon

    Pinkies :) Apples gave birth!

    She has 9 :) The rest are under her
  17. blueeyeddemon

    One Direction!! Any "Directioners" out there??

    I just want to know...If so comment away!! If not, please stay off of my thread or I will report you to Nifty-Chicken right away! I don't like haters... So! Directioners!! I want to know who's your fave!! Al though I can't choose!! XP Heheh!! They're all amaZAYN, extrodiHARRY, brilLIAM...
  18. blueeyeddemon

    Snakes <3 <3 <3 :)

    SNAKES <3 <3 <3 :) :) :) Do NOT post comments saying that our snakes are ugly, nasty, gross, ect. This is a thread for all you snake owners to post pictures and stories of your pet snakes :) I will get pictures and some stories up soon :) (I hope) Now, post away!! :D
  19. blueeyeddemon

    BABIES!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully gonna get some pics :)

    My broody hatched 3 chicks!!! I want to get out and photograph 'em :) She won't let me touch 'em, look at 'em, even get near 'em Oh well They'll get older and she'll stop teaching them soon enough Any ways, Delphine, Curly, Mo, and, Larry are doing great!! My Momma and her 3 Stooges
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