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  1. Kitchenella

    Wierd tiny egg

    I have an approx. Year old meat Chicken..She was a stray we found wandering in a park last October. I was told she would be huge, stupid , clumsy and probably never lay eggs. Well the first 3 are true but for the last 3 months she has been laying lovely huge eggs almost daily. Recently she layed...
  2. Kitchenella

    Eat hen eggs

    We have a meat hen that we found wandering in a park near our home. She was young. I’m guessing maybe 6 months old. I was told she would be clumsy, stupid, and never lay eggs. She definitely is the first two but we love her anyway. It took quite awhile for our other 3 hens to accept her. . She...
  3. Kitchenella

    Can a young meat chicken join flock of 3 layers?

    We have a small coop in city suburbs with 3 adult pet hens. Buff Orpington, barred PR and RIRed. A couple months ago my grandson found a young meat chicken who was lost and hungry. We have gradually acclimated her to our other girls. She is definitely at bottom of the pecking order but they...
  4. Kitchenella

    Will my girls use a door with a plastic flap?

    Hi, I'm thinking about winter. Here in Israel we get lots of wind and rain. My coop door which doubles as a ramp got badly warped and won't close. I was thinking of using heavy plastic to cover the door and leaving a flap at the bottom like a doggie door. Do you think they will use it? Peggy
  5. Kitchenella

    Could my run be a slug Diner?

    Hi, I have 3 hens. They have a 3x3x2.5 coop and a 2.5x14 ft run. Right now the run is just dirt. I have noticed that the run doesn't seem to get full of poop. I think I've figured out why. We are in Israel in the Judean hiills and have large black slugs here. I have been noticing that...
  6. Kitchenella

    Chicken "Cawing like a crow"

    Hi. I have 3 mixed breed Israeli hens. Rex, who is about 6 months older than the other two, is the "king" hen. In the morning they all seem do do what I call singing. A light pluck, pluck, pluck with a louder longer PLLLUUUCCCKK at the end. Now and then Rex does the plucking a bit louder...
  7. Kitchenella

    Egg out of nest. Why?

    Hi, Today and yesterday I found an egg outside the nesting box. I only have two hens laying. This egg is from the one who has been laying regularly every day in a cardboard nest box on the floor of a corner of the coop. Yesterday we had a bunch of children visiting and, until I stopped...
  8. Kitchenella

    They won't use the outdoor perch.

    I made a nice outdoor perch out of a big branch a few weeks ago. It is under the coop where there is some shade. So far they have totally ignored it. Today I decided to keep the coop closed. I have one broody hen who has been sitting on an empty nest for 2 weeks. I figured if I just leave...
  9. Kitchenella

    Will a hen go broody on one freshly laid egg?

    My young hen has been laying for about 8 weeks. Yesterday she spent alot of time in the nesting box after I removed her egg. When I went out to close the coop she was in the box again. Today she was in it for a long time and I was afraid she was bound up. I finally moved her off the nest...
  10. Kitchenella


    Well, my 4 dumb clucks went to bed a bit hungry tonight. Early afternoon I hung a wonderful home made suet cake in their run in the area they hang out. They completely ignored it and refused to hang out near it. After 2 hours I added a nice big beet green leaf (the day before I had put one on...
  11. Kitchenella

    SARGE AND GOLDIE What are they?

    Here are Sarge and Goldie. I got them in August as young chicks (not sure exactly how old but they were still pretty 'fluffy'. They started out the same size but Goldie was sick for awhile. (see my 'Limping chicken' post from a few weeks ago. ). She seems to have recovered but it appears she...
  12. Kitchenella

    BALADI HEN anyone else have them?

    Hi, My only laying hen is supposed to be a Baladi. Anyone else familiar with this breed. So far we love her. Started laying about 4 weeks ago and this week layed 5 eggs. They are small but tasty! This is Rex. Peggy
  13. Kitchenella


    I know this probably has been asked before but is eggplant OK for chickens? I cut up a little and gave it to them this am and they ate it. Peggy
  14. Kitchenella

    Do young roosters CLUCK?

    I'm still trying to decide if my hen is a rooster. It has stopped peeping but still doesn't crow. The other day it made a clucking noise. Do roosters go right from the peeping stage to crowing? Peggy Feeling a bit foolish for such a dumb question.
  15. Kitchenella

    OUINOA ?

    Is ut better tto feed quinoa raw or cooked? My girls seem to like it raw. How about dry split green peas? Peggy
  16. Kitchenella

    How long before a young hen lays normal size eggs.

    So far we have had 3 very lovely, but small, eggs from our young hen. How long before she will start laying normal sized eggs? Peggy
  17. Kitchenella


    Hi, This is Sambo. We got He/She in late August. Not sure how old He/She is. Was not fully feathered when we got it and was almost all black. I'm guessing maybe 3 wks old or so at the time which would make it about 16 weeks now. He/She is fast becoming head Hen/Cock. He/She occasionally...
  18. Kitchenella


    Can I feed a chicken fish guts? If yes, does it have to be cooked.? I was thinking that getting the waste from my local fish merchant would be an inexpensive source of protein for my chickens. Peggy
  19. Kitchenella

    Limping young hen. Pictures. Any suggestions?

    Hi, I have a young hen that has been limping for about 2 weeks. As far as I know she has not been injured. I'm not sure how old she is. We have had her for about 8 weeks and she was pretty small when we got her. She is the smallest of our 4 hens and seems to be fine other than the limp. I...
  20. Kitchenella

    Do you think I will need heat?

    Hi, I'm new so I hope I'm doing this right. My coop is designed to have good ventilation because of the hot summers. I'm wondering if I will need heat in the winter. I live in Israel where the winters are fairly mild. I rarely get to freezing but we do have many cool rainy days where the...
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