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  1. chickengirl2013

    Buff Orpington Rooster For Sale in Walton, Co. Georgia Area

    Eight-month-old buff orpington rooster; non-aggressive; need to get rid of him because we have two roosters. Will trade for a hen. Local pickup only in Loganville, Georgia. If interested, comment and contact me at the email adress below. Contact: [email protected]
  2. chickengirl2013

    Difficulties of Peeling Homegrown Boiled Eggs

    Since we are getting over three dozen eggs per week from our chickens, we are eating a lot more stuffed eggs (deviled eggs), boiled eggs, and other eggy foods. One thing that we have been noticing is that peeling a boiled egg from the store and peeling a boiled egg from the farm are two...
  3. chickengirl2013

    Difficulties of Peeling Homegrown Boiled Eggs

    Since we are getting over three dozen eggs per week from our chickens, we are eating a lot more stuffed eggs (deviled eggs), boiled eggs, and other eggy foods. One thing that we have been noticing is that peeling a boiled egg from the store and peeling a boiled egg from the farm are two...
  4. chickengirl2013

    Our First Double Yoke!

    For supper one night, I ate two boiled eggs from our RIR's and a tuna salad sandwich. To my suprise, when I sliced open my egg, it was a double yoke! I never would have thought that the average-sized egg had two yokes in it, but in fact it did! Yay!!
  5. chickengirl2013


    One of my buff hens is acting strange: laying down and breathing hard with her mouth open. She moves slow-like and seems distant from the flock. Could this be the symptoms of a disease or could it just be something minor like a belly ache? This is a video of my chicken that day. However, when I...
  6. chickengirl2013

    Should I Turn My Light Off During the Day?

    We have a spotlight in both of our runs, both of which are turned on day and night. The light in our RIR pen is inside thier building, which is where they lay eggs. Should I continue to leave the lights on 24/7 or should I buy a light with a timer on it that will turn off during the day? Does...
  7. chickengirl2013

    Hey Georgia! Show Your Spirit: Let's Get Half a Million Views!

    This is a page for all BYC Georgians to represent! Let's get over half a million views on this page. Think we can do it? Feel free to share pictures and stories of your flock. Two of my precious buff orpington pullets <3
  8. chickengirl2013

    GA Shoutout to All of the Chicken Farmers Stuck in Snow Storm NEMO

    Here's a shoutout from Georgia to all of those in Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and other states and places hit by this blizard. Our prayers are with you as we send warmth from our hearts to yours.
  9. chickengirl2013

    They Grow Up So Fast

    Our Rhode Island pullets are maturing so soon; now two of the six hens are laying two to three eggs a day. Our largest egg so far: ...and a carton full of the beautiful eggs laid by our Rhode Islands:
  10. chickengirl2013

    What is a "Roller"?

    I hear people use the term "roller" when they are talking about thier incubating eggs. What does this mean? For instance "...two eggs are rollers..." ?
  11. chickengirl2013

    I Have Officially Been Flogged!

    For the first time since we got our Rhode Island Red chickens, the roo, George, flogged me three times today. I think because the flock is so scittish, I scared them some how. George has also been mounting the hens and running them a lot lately. If he keeps this behavior up, he might hurt one of...
  12. chickengirl2013

    Yoke in Stool: Is this Uncommon?

    Today, I saw a small yoke in my chicken's stool. Is this normal? My chickens are only about 6.5 months old and are just begining to lay. The stool was a cream color and there was no shell in the stool that I could see.
  13. chickengirl2013

    Our First Eggs!!! I am so Proud

    Yay! :) These two light-brown, speckled eggs were a suprise from my brother's 6.5 month-old Rhode Island Reds. I can't wait 'til my buffs start laying! Here's to a sucessful egg-laying life for both flocks!
  14. chickengirl2013

    Stormy Weather in Georgia Today

    Today, our area has been drenched in rain sheets all day. Thankfully, the more severe weather and tornados went around us. Now, my chickens will be drying out tommorrow as the storm passes by and my run will need to be cleaned.
  15. chickengirl2013

    Which Foods are Poisonous to Chickens?

    Since I give my chikens a variety of foods, I was just wondering which foods I should not allow my chickens to eat.
  16. chickengirl2013

    How Long Will My Buff Orpingtons Lay? How Can I Lengthen Thier Egg-Laying Life?

    I have eight buff orpingtons, two of which are roosters. The chickens are all about three months old and are not laying yet. I hear that buffs are great chickens and will become beautiful as they grow older. However, I have also heard stories about whole flocks of buffs that have stopped laying...
  17. chickengirl2013

    Should I Use an Infarred (Red Spotlight) Light in My Coop or a White Light?

    What is the difference between having a red light in my coop or a white light? My chicken are about two to three months old and we keep a light on them day and night to give them extra warmth. I was just wondering what the difference in having a red light in my coop or a white light is.
  18. chickengirl2013

    What is the Difference Between the Plymoth Rock and the Barred Rock?

    I was looking at pictures of the Plymoth Rock breed and the Barred Rock breed and they both look the same. I was just wondering what the difference was between the two breeds or if they are the same breed.
  19. chickengirl2013

    Do I Need to Put Small Rocks or Pebbles in the Run?

    Some people have told me that I need to put small rocks or pebbles in my run. They say that the pebbles are helpful in the chickens' digestive system. Should I put some pebbles in my run?
  20. chickengirl2013

    Questions About Broody Chickens and or Raising Eggs

    I have recently aquired eight brown buff orpington chickens, two of which are roosters (we are going to eat one of them) and the remaining six are hens, so we think. I say this because the young chickens are only two to three months old. They are not laying yet and have not begun to lay but...
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