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  1. bywaterdog

    do you HAVE to use litter?

    The weather and breed of your chickens will dictate the need for litter. I have a raised coop in U.S.D.A. Zone 9 and do not have any problems with the weather. My coop is raised about 4' off of the ground and has 1/4 " hardware cloth as a floor, all I do is hose it out once per week and...
  2. bywaterdog

    The 2nd Rate the avatar of the person above you!

    10 - that's a happy chicken. Only 30? Just wait the numbers will go up....................................
  3. bywaterdog

    Have I been lucky enough to raise girls??

    Why those are rare South American ground Jungle Parrots, not roosters.
  4. bywaterdog

    integrating new chicks to existing flock of chicks

    Integrating chicks is easy, I find that eggs are much harder to integrate...............................
  5. bywaterdog

    Chicks dying after taken from momma?

    Perhaps they were not weened from their mothers milk yet.......
  6. bywaterdog

    Can EE change egg color?

    *Egg color stays the same throughout the hen's laying life. No kaleidoscope colored egg laying chickens (yet!) *The intensity of the color will fade as the hen ages.
  7. bywaterdog

    how to break egg eaters

    The only 100% cure that I have found for egg eating is- Shake and Bake, works every time.
  8. bywaterdog

    if they would stop eating all the sand....

    Don't worry about how much sand that they eat, you will get it back soon.............
  9. bywaterdog

    When will the girls start using the roost?

    I have roosting bars in my brooder, 2-5" high, the girls start sleeping on them at 3-5 weeks old. Chickens do what they know, just give them time and they will go to them. I hope you good luck with yours...
  10. bywaterdog

    Do I have any hope this blrw is a pullet??

    I don't think it's a roo, but could be a "gym teacher."
  11. bywaterdog

    heat??? can it kill quickly?

    Quote: X2- Cornish+food+ heat=heart attack, sorry for your loss. I have huge Buff Orps. that are thriving in 105+heat index temps. Every day they get fresh clean water and plenty of shade to rest in, they are 2 1/2 years old and no heat related deaths yet.
  12. bywaterdog

    Neighbor dog killing my chickens!

    I would fix the fence better before anything else. If a "little yippie dog" can get into the chicken area then the yard is way under protected. Talking to the new neighbor in a calm but firm tone will get better results than poisoning, screaming, shooting or shaving the dog. The O.P. stated...
  13. bywaterdog

    Feed available at night?

    Day only for my girls, too many rats around here to chance any food left out at night.
  14. bywaterdog

    What Price For B.Rock Hens

    Quote: Chicken/egg prices are like real estate values- location, location, and location. are you located in an urban ( higher prices) or more of an rural area? I've just sold 5 EE 8 week old pullets @ $10.00 each due to my yuppie area the price was paid with no questions asked. Eggs go for...
  15. bywaterdog

    What is your most clever coop/run idea?

    A completely predator proof coop...................................
  16. bywaterdog

    Coop location

    I am in an urban environment so my primary concern is protection from two legged predators, perhaps I went a bit overboard with security....................................................
  17. bywaterdog

    How to keep hens out of vegetable garden?

    Choices: Fence the chickens in. Fence in the garden. The only way that I have found for chickens and veggies to coexist peacefully is to put them together in a pot and make gumbo...............
  18. bywaterdog

    Free chickens, need help identifying them

    "Free is a good price." These look like lovely chicks, I would happily accept them whatever they are.
  19. bywaterdog

    WTF..Same neighbor Different animal!

    I'm a guilty cat person who lets his cat room wherever it wants. My big girls are really big Buff Orp's and they ignore her when she is in their run. The cat does keep wild birds from coming in and stealing food or passing on diseases to the flock, she also makes quick work of any rodents that...
  20. bywaterdog

    How do you tell Buff Orpingtons apart?

    I have several adult Buff's that look exactly the same. I "mark them" with a Sharpie permanent marker on their combs when they are in the nesting boxes. This will last a few months and let's me know who is who.
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