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  1. raisingkane


    My father-in-law just gave us a giant tub of old birdseed that he bought at a yard sale. Is this an acceptable treat?
  2. raisingkane

    Sick Chicken--any help out there?

    She is a layer and she looks puffed up and her head and tail are not down. She's just so quiet and still. Since they are free ranging once I let them out of the coop the others just went off about their business and she is alone in the enclosure. My husband reports that she just went back...
  3. raisingkane

    The Sick Hen Again... More info.

    I went out to take a look at her--standing in the pen enclosure, not moving. Saw green mucousy looking dropping. We are going to remove her to a large box in the garage for the time being. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. raisingkane

    Sick Chicken--any help out there?

    I went out this morning to let the hens out of the coop. Only 7 of the 8 came out. I peeked in to see if the missing RIR was on the nest but found her sitting quite still on the roost bar. Now she is just standing very still on the ground outside the coop. Any suggestions? Thanks, Robin
  5. raisingkane

    Who ate the Egg?

    So, I found an egg in one of the nest boxes this morning. This is fairly usual. Out of 8 hens only one of the RIR's is laying. Pearl, one of our light brahmas has laid ONE egg (that we've seen anyway). Later this afternoon, I went into the coop to get the feed out of the rain and found, to...
  6. raisingkane

    squatting birds means????

    Well that's good news! I thought that one of the squatters might BE a roo... but I have hope now!!! We have 8 chickens and some looked so roosterish I was getting worried. Only one layer yet although Pearl is sitting on the nest as I type. Maybe 2 layers... Thanks
  7. raisingkane

    squatting birds means????

    Hi there, A couple of the birds squat when I approach and lean down to pet them. What does this mean?
  8. raisingkane

    Overnight Rooster?

    I wish I was a little more techno savvy so I could post some pics. Our girls are 17 weeks and when I walked outside yesterday I noticed that one of the Black Jersey Giants had a large red comb and wattle. The other one doesn't. I'm presuming that Carol Jean is now CJ... Now I'm looking...
  9. raisingkane

    first time free ranging--on a part-time basis!

    Our chicks are a little over 3 months and their rather large run seems pretty sterile these days so I penned up the dog (fair is fair) and opened the gate to the chicken run. What fun it was to see them out in the grass pecking and scratching! Gus, the dog, has been here longer and so his...
  10. raisingkane

    Why are they not going inside???

    Well, tonight is the FIRST night that everybody was inside when I went out to shut them in. It's taken 2 weeks. Usually someone is still out. I have a routine. I carry in the food and turn on the nightlight. Then I've been throwing a handful of baby chick scratch on a plate. The sound of...
  11. raisingkane


    Why would scratch NOT be good in the heat? Why in winter? Thanks....
  12. raisingkane

    Brooder ideas and ?'s

    Our brooder box was the bottom of a washing machine box. I lined it with newspaper and papertowels for the first couple of weeks and then rice hulls after that--although now I prefer shavings. It was big enough to last until they were 4 weeks old and then out they went. The feeders and...
  13. raisingkane

    Beating the Heat?

    Hi all, It is the hottest it's been since the arrival of our 8 little ones 6 weeks ago. They always have a shaded place in the run but it's still awfully hot out there. And the chicklets are panting. I read somewhere that someone put up a mister for their hens. Has anyone else tried this? A...
  14. raisingkane

    Gimmee the dirt on grit!

    Hi there, My chicks are 4 and 5 weeks of age. I have had them out in their run and coop for two nights now. Grit is a mystery to me. At what age do I start supplying it? They are still eating the medicated "starter" food which I was led to believe has grit in it. When do I need to supply...
  15. raisingkane

    From paper to rice hulls--ack!

    I have been lining my "chick box" with newspaper and paper towels (for traction and less ink transfer). Lately my 1 and 2 week old chicks have been scratching the paper into shreds. I decided that perhaps I should use something besides paper and went with rice hulls at the reccommendation of...
  16. raisingkane

    Sick Chick---Or Not?

    Hello! This is my first post. I'm so glad this site is here... I brought home 4 chicks from the feed store two weeks ago and got another 4 one week ago. They are all living in a large cardboard box. I have the heat lamp set up in one corner, food (medicated starter food) and water, and a...
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