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  1. silentrunning

    New Chicks

    We got our new batch of baby chicks from Purely Poultry today and they are beautiful. We got the assortment of brown egg layers. I am having trouble remembering what color some of the birds are. There are several large black chicks with white on their head & chest. Some smaller chicks are all...
  2. silentrunning

    Getting rid of quail

    You need to post this as an auction type listing in BSA, please. Thank you!
  3. silentrunning

    How many people ride their bicycle to work.

    This subject came up on another forum and it was amazing how many people rode their bikes to work. I live in Florida so I can ride almost year round. During the rainy season I cheat and use my truck. Doug
  4. silentrunning

    Can a forum get too large?

    I sometimes wonder if forums get too large? I don't like the ones that only have 5 or 10 posts a day, but sometimes it is hard to keep up with hundreds of posts each day. I am just pondering this. Doug
  5. silentrunning

    I'm DONE!

    I have given it my best shot, but I'm all done with quails. I'm sick of scalped birds, I'm tired of the mess they make, they are just way more trouble than they are worth. I will stick to my chickens, who by the way are not only paying their own kepp but turning a bit of a profit now. They are a...
  6. silentrunning


    Sometime during the night our light burned out on our brooder. When I woke up this morning all the baby quail were in the rim of the waterer. I assume that it was warmer than the air so they tried to huddle in and got wet. Several were dead and all were soaked and cold. We got them out and dried...
  7. silentrunning

    They're starting to hatch!

    32 eggs in the incubator and the first one hatched this morning at 15 day and 8 hours. I will be surprised if we get a good hatch because several of these eggs are first eggs from very young quail. This on is 15 minutes old.
  8. silentrunning

    Meet "Little Bill"

    The small quail in these pictures is "Little Bill". He was hatched along with 11 others on the same day as the big one. He just quit growing after about 4 days. The others are feathering out nicely but Bill looks just exactly like he did 2 weeks ago. He eats just like the rest of them and drinks...
  9. silentrunning

    What is this world coming to ?????

    I couldn't go out kayaking Saturday morning, so I thought I would clog a few arteries and go to the local Waffle House for breakfast. It's closed!! Out of business!! This has to be a sign that the end is near. Doug
  10. silentrunning

    Do quails molt?

    A simple question - do they molt? I have a hen that looks like crap. She is eating and acts perfectly normal but she quit laying and looks terrible. Doug
  11. silentrunning

    My helpers busy at work.

    Yesterday while I was busy hauling top soil from the front yard to the garden in the back yard, my girls decided to kick in and give a hand. While I was out in front getting a load, the girls started the leveling process. What would I do without their expert help.
  12. silentrunning

    Inbreeding quail

    Does it degrade the quality of the quail if they are inbred? I want to get some more females from the same stock as the roos that I now have and their is a good chance they will have some of the same bloodlines. This is my dumb question for today. Doug
  13. silentrunning

    Yikes! I have baby quails.

    We went to church this morning and then out for Mother's day brunch with our kids and came home to 4 new babies in the incubator. It's only day 16! I just stopped turning them and upped the humidity yesterday. Is it OK to feed them chick starter or do I have to get something else. Should I keep...
  14. silentrunning

    OOPS!!! I forgot.

    My wife called me at work to inform me that our RIRs were waiting at the back door when she got up this morning. I go to work way before the sun comes up. They were all there and very hungry she said. I guess I forgot to lock them up last night. I locked the other two coops but must have...
  15. silentrunning

    What am I doing wrong? Quail

    Last week I found one of my coturnix quails scalped and one eye missing. I was mad because I had made the coop critter proof. Now my wife called and said a second one is in the same shape. I have 5 quails in a very large cage with straw and branches for cover. These are young quail and one has...
  16. silentrunning

    I'm almost finished with "El Cheapo Coop"

    I decided to make a coop out of what I could scrounge up. I finally had to purchase some items to make it happen. My purchases were: 3 pressure treated 2X4s for the base, A pack of 3-1/2” screws, a small roll of ¼” hardware cloth, 1 sheet of plywood and a gallon of redwood stain. Total cost...
  17. silentrunning

    Ham radio

    Are there any other Ham Radio operators out there? Doug aka W4JDZ
  18. silentrunning

    First egg!

    One of our quails laid her first egg yesterday. I don't know what we are going to do with it. My wife wants to get an incubator. I want to leave it with the quail. If those eggs start hatching, I'm going to have to build another cage. Doug
  19. silentrunning

    Are all Cochins so gentle?

    I have always had RIEs. A couple months ago I got some BO's and was impressed with their attitude. Then 3 weeks ago I got 2 Cochins. These are my first and I can't believe what great pets they are. One in particular is the best chicken I have ever seen. She loves the dogs, lets the grandkids...
  20. silentrunning

    Quail coop question

    I am almost done with my Quail coop. As with most of my pens & coops it was made from freebies that I picked up. The outside frame is a park bench someone was getting rid of. The 2X4s came from work and were part of a large packing crate for machinery. All I bought was the drywall screws...
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