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  1. BrickCoop15

    Question For Turken/Naked Neck Owners

    How long are your turkens/naked necks living? Mine have died before the age of 4. I was just wondering if they tend to have a shorter life span than other breeds. I would love to get more because of their amazing personalities, but I hate losing them so soon.
  2. BrickCoop15

    Chicken with infected lump

    I have an over 8 year old hen with a lump between her tail and vent area. The lump has an open sore in it and it continually fills with pus. This has been going on since July. I have treated her with over the counter products and taken her to a veterinarian where she was given an antibiotic and...
  3. BrickCoop15

    Baby Chick Not Growing Feathers

    I have a 3 week old lavender orpington that has not grown a single feather since I brought it home. Its body is growing and matches the size of its flock mates. I have never had a chick like this before. I have had slow feathering chicks, but never one that wasn't feathering out as it should...
  4. BrickCoop15

    Does slow feathering always = rooster?

    I recently ordered 3 lavender orpington pullets from a well known hatchery. They are currently 2 weeks old. The first one has fully developed wing feathers and a short tail. The second one has some wing feather growth and no tail. The third one has not grown any feathers at all. Does this mean...
  5. BrickCoop15

    How much Safe-Guard Equine Paste do I use?

    I am going to worm my chickens with the Safe-Guard Equine Paste. I have both bantam and standard size chickens. I have read different dosages. How much do I really need? Do I actually have to weigh each bird?
  6. BrickCoop15

    Crop Problem

    I have a 7 week old pullet that has an enlarged crop that will not empty. I have massaged it, put ACV in her water, and fed her yogurt. Is there anything else I can do to help save her?
  7. BrickCoop15

    Marek's Vaccine Question

    I ordered chicks and had them vaccinated for Mareks. How long do you need to keep them isolated from the rest of your flock? I have read anywhere from 4 to 7 days to 6 weeks for the vaccine to work. How long do most people wait?
  8. BrickCoop15

    Reviews on

    I recently placed an order with ChickensforBackyards. Since ordering, I read a negative review on their Facebook page about someone receiving birds that ended about developing a rare disease. Now I am nervous about my order. Does anyone have any experience with them? Does anyone know if they get...
  9. BrickCoop15

    Question for Turken Owners?

    I would like to order a few turken chicks. I just wanted to know how they do in a mixed breed flock? Are they aggressive towards other birds?
  10. BrickCoop15

    What Breed Is My Hen?

    I was hoping someone could help identify the breed of my favorite hen.
  11. BrickCoop15

    Australorp Cockerel in Need of a Home

    I have a 5 month old australorp cockerel that I need to find a home for. He was purchased as a pullet from TSC in August of last year. I want him to be a pet or an addiction to someone's flock. I am located in Michigan.
  12. BrickCoop15

    Questions for Denagard Users

    I recently purchased a bottle of the Denagard 12.5% (tiamulin hydrogen fumarate). I have a couple questions for those who use it to treat their chickens. My first question is in regards to dosage. Is 1 tablespoon per gallon of water the correct treatment dosage? My second question is whether or...
  13. BrickCoop15

    Help with respiratory problem!

    I need treatment advice for a respiratory problem in my flock of chickens. I have a flock of 22 hens and 4 are sick with some type of respiratory issue. It started with one hen back in July and I just recently noticed similar symptoms in three others. The main symptom they have is a congested...
  14. BrickCoop15

    Sneezing Bantam Pullet!

    I recently purchased three young bantam pullets from a breeder. They are all healthy looking and acting birds, but one of the pullets sneezes frequently. Anytime I visit their pen I hear the same pullet sneezing. Sometimes she has a clear, thin nasal discharge. I have heard the other two sneeze...
  15. BrickCoop15

    Deworming Question

    I know my chickens have roundworms based on a fecal analysis. I would like to worm them now while I am getting such a small amount of eggs. Most of them are in some stage of molting at this time.They have never been wormed. Is it safe to give Wazine to molting chickens or is it better to wait...
  16. BrickCoop15

    Rooster Can't Crow

    I need advice on treating my rooster. He is nearly 4 years old and recently lost his ability to crow. He tries to crow, but it barely comes out. He also looks like he is breathing heavier than usual. There is no wheezing or raspy sound to his breathing. His eyes and nose are both clear and he...
  17. BrickCoop15

    Respiratory Problem?

    I have a rooster that is almost 4 years old. I recently noticed that he is having a difficult time crowing. His crow barely comes out. He sounds like a person that is losing their voice. I observed him for other signs of illness and found that he has labored breathing. His eyes appear clear and...
  18. BrickCoop15

    Painting the inside of coop

    I would like to paint the inside of my coop while the weather is still warm enough. The problem I have is the coop is currently occupied. If I use a low odor and zero voc paint , would it be safe to allow the chickens back into the coop the same evening? A window would be left open for...
  19. BrickCoop15

    Treating chickens for worms

    I need advice on treating my chickens for worms. I found a roundworm in one of their droppings so I took a stool sample to my local veterinarian (does not treat chickens) to have a fecal smear performed. Roundworms were the only worms she found. They also tested positive for coccidia. What is...
  20. BrickCoop15

    New to BYC

    Hi, I am new at chicken keeping and I am always looking for information on the best ways to care for my flock. While doing my daily chicken chores, I discovered a round worm in one of their stools. I took a stool sample to my local veterinarian (does not treat chickens) to be tested for...
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