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  1. farmgirl7

    Help - Chickens wasting feed!

    I'm up to 11 hens and have added another set of these. We add feed and water about once a week. Zero waste!
  2. farmgirl7

    Is there a spray deterrent for pecked chickens?

    Hey, those peepers are hilarious! And the googly-eyes, what a hoot! How do they stay on? Thanks everybody for all the suggestions. I bought both the BLU-Kote and the Pic-No-More. We live on a farm and my husband actually uses the Blu-Kote on other animals, but he had run out. I started...
  3. farmgirl7

    Is there a spray deterrent for pecked chickens?

    One of my chickens is losing feathers from being pecked on. She really needs a break to grow those feathers back before winter. Is there anything I can use (spray, etc) on her to discourage the other hens from pecking her? She appears to be at the bottom of the pecking order, but she is my...
  4. farmgirl7

    Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

    I also quilt and have carpel tunnel and numb fingers. I'm going to try to get my hands fixed. Although I don't hand quilt (yours is gorgeous!), I do enjoy applique and working with wool. Most of my quilts have been for grandkids. I have done a few for pay, but not lately. This past year I...
  5. farmgirl7

    Losing feathers around tail feathers

    My silver lace wing has lost 2-3 in of feathers from where her tail feathers start all the way around. I first thought she was startiing to molt, but that was back in the first of the summer. It's September, and I think it must be something else. I need to catch her and treat her before...
  6. farmgirl7

    Adult hen with pasty butt

    I have an adult hen with pasty butt, I think.... the white pasty part is missing and looks like diarrhea. She is acting normal. I know I've read about this is the past, but haven't been able to find any info on what to do with her. Will it cure itself or will it spread to the rest of the flock?
  7. farmgirl7

    Abdominal Draining Advice?!

    I had a chicken with the same problem. She had a tumor and we just separated her from the other hens and tried to keep her comfortable. Your chicken is probably enjoying the warm water in the tub (there is water??). Mine tried to go to sleep. She got so large and heavy she couldn't fly up to...
  8. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    Well, my husband found her dead next to her water bowl. I'm relieved for her because I know she didn't feel good and could barely get around.
  9. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    My last post on this thread was July 7 and here it is Aug 15. The hen is still with us. I leave her little coop door open during the day and she wanders around the back yard and spends a lot of time looking in at the chickens in the big coop. She kept wanting to go in with them, so I let her...
  10. farmgirl7

    Chicken got out of area and our dog got to her

    Is the skin broken? If not, might try Bactine spray to kill any germs from dog. You need to watch that the other chickens don't peck at it. If you can separate her for a few day, she may begin to grow some new feathers. If the others aren't bothering her and she is acting normal, eg...
  11. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    Tried the white paper test and nothing moved. I've been feeding her well and since she is separated from the others, she gets her share of the treats. However, her abdomen appears to be swollen and she is "waddling" slowly. She had lost her feathers in that area, but I had noticed pin...
  12. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    I've checked that area several times and haven't seen any "creepy-crawlies", but will be checking her again today. Are they easy to see? I've got some Sevin powder, so I may go ahead and dust her. Thanks for that suggestion. It could easily be the problem.
  13. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    Soaked her again today to get the crud off......I'm wondering about Van Gleet, but I won't rule out worms. I have a wormer. I also put extra ACV in her water. She looked better today, but she is losing feathers on her lower front. Her stool looks OK. Her skin is white and doesn't look...
  14. farmgirl7

    Two year old chicken with poop on butt and dragging tail

    I noticed she was dragging her tail and looked lethargic (of course, they are all lethargic because of the heat here in S. Oklahoma). So we chased her down and I took a look. Her vent was clear, but just in front of the vent it appears irritated and a few scabs. There was a lot of poop in her...
  15. farmgirl7

    Bullying Bird

    I had one of my 6 leghorns that was behind in development (smaller, comb didn't mature as fast, etc.) and was being bullied. They still try to keep her away from food by chasing her away while everyone else is eating. I always try to toss her some while the others are busy. For awhile, they...
  16. farmgirl7

    Help - Chickens wasting feed!

    I built my own feeder and I have zero waste. It is made using a 5 gal plastic container from Home Depot. I drilled two 4" holes about 2 in from the bottom on two sides of the container. I inserted a 4" elbow that was approx. 1.5" from the bottom of the container in each hole and seal with a...
  17. farmgirl7

    hens healthy but thin decrease in egg production

    I forgot to post a picture of the new overhang: It now has sheet iron on the top and I'm going to hang the tarp on the west side to help during the hottest part of the day. Have considered putting a small fan in the rafters inside to help move the air.
  18. farmgirl7

    hens healthy but thin decrease in egg production

    I live in southern Oklahoma and my 6 hens have just stopped laying. Of course, we are hitting 95 to 105 every day! We just finished an overhang from the coop to provide more shade, but still no eggs. Also, there is no end in sight to the weather. I'm going to save my water bottles and freeze...
  19. farmgirl7


    Thanks, dawg53. I'll try the Rooster Booster. Verm-X has "glowing reports" on it's site about how great it is, but I prefer an unbiased opinion!
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