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  1. backyardgirls

    Broody Hen and Day Old Chicks

    I have my first broody hen. (Daisy - Buff Orp.) She has been sitting on the same 3 eggs for about 2 weeks. The eggs are not fertile (no roos). Can I put a couple of day old chicks from the feed store under her on day 21. I only have room for 2 more hens, that's why I didn't get any hatching...
  2. backyardgirls

    Hen's back sliced open by rooster

    My little EE hen has two big cuts on either side of her body under her wings from my rooster. You can basically lift up the feathers and the skin lifts up with them. Underneath the flesh is not oozing and doesn't look infected. She also took a dust bath and the area has a crust of dirt on it...
  3. backyardgirls

    Will the post office call?

    Those of you who've had chicks shipped from Ideal might be able to help me. My chicks are supposed to arrive tomorrow. 04/23/08 Will the post office call to let me know where to pick them up? I'm hoping they hold them at the distribution center and not send them to my local branch that doesn't...
  4. backyardgirls

    A dog killed all my chicken last night

    All 4 of my girls were killed last night I am so sad. I got a call at 5:45 this morning from my brother saying that my chickens were all dead and there were feathers everywhere. I rushed down and there they were, 4 little piles of feathers. The most shocking thing was just as I was about to...
  5. backyardgirls

    Question on re-homing my flock

    One of my neighbors in the city complained about my 4 chickens and so the city gave me roughly 10 days to relocate them. Luckily I am able to keep them and relocate to a new coop/run in the county. The down side is I won’t be able to spend as much time with them but for a while I thought I would...
  6. backyardgirls

    A funny tip......

    My little flock gets to free range in the evenings. I watched them pick a few spots in my little tomato garden to take a dust bath. I strategically planted some herbs next to those areas, just to see what would happen Now when they roll in their favorite spots they smell like rosemary, thyme...
  7. backyardgirls

    Buff Ameraucana Pics????

    Does anyone have any pictures of a fully grown buff ameraucana hen. My little Buttercup is about 9 weeks old. I am wondering if she'll get more yellow coloring on her body as she grows (like the sample picture on my pet chicken) I don't see very many posts about buff ameraucanas on the message...
  8. backyardgirls

    City zoning Rules?????

    I'm worried, I read these posts by people who have been busted for keeping chickens. I'm really attached to my 4 hens, they are so much fun. I looked under the City Municple Code and found only one mention in the code: 6.08.010 Keeping prohibited—Exception. It is unlawful for any person to...
  9. backyardgirls

    Hen :) or Roo :0 - What is my NewHampshire Red?

    Here are pictures of my backyard girls. I am afraid my New Hampshire Red is a Roo! They are all 6 to 7 weeks old, all three are about the same size. New Hampshire Red (Hortence)Roo?????, Barred Rock (Junebug) Hen???, Ameraucana (Gertie) Hen???
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